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1 Selector rail 2 Selector fork 3 Selector pad

Example of Selector rail for 1st/2nd gear with third Selector pad

Sketch of old version, Selector rail for 1st/2nd gear and 3rd/4th gear.

Changeover of selector rail - Selector fork connection from screwed to pinned version.

Rather than the previous screw connection, in future the rail will be pinned to the selector fork.

PS: 請不要轉貼翻譯軟體的句子 謝謝!!!

2005-11-01 05:09:05 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

其實我已經幫你找了一個多鐘頭 我可以很肯定 車子的零件中文版網路上找不到 加上全部都是專有名詞 連英文版的都是附圖跟名字

1. Selector Rail
2. Selector Fork
3. Selector Pad (變速箱墊片)

以下的圖 名字加上各個零件的部位都詳細標出

Selector Rail 不可以只說 Selector Rail
你要指定 1st Gear Selector Rail (第一擋的 selector rail)
或者 2nd Gear Selector Rail (第二擋的 selector rail)

Selector Fork 也是要特別指定
5th Gear Selector Fork (第五擋的 selector fork)

fork 跟 rail 都是齒輪零件就對了


Example of Selector rail for 1st/2nd gear with third Selector pad
利用 Selector rail 1st gear 或是 2nd gear 同變速箱墊片使用的例子

Sketch of old version, Selector rail for 1st/2nd gear and 3rd/4th gear.
舊版本 第一檔或第二檔的 Selector rail 與第三檔或第四檔配置的草圖

Changeover of selector rail - Selector fork connection from screwed to pinned version. selector rail 的轉換 - 以下是 selector fork 由上螺絲至完成的連接法

Rather than the previous screw connection, in future the rail will be pinned to the selector fork.
在未來 selector rail 要跟 selector fork 一同上螺絲, 而儘量避免之前的連接法

2005-11-03 07:16:11 · answer #1 · answered by yuvius1030 7 · 0 0

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