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It is as a scientist from little my dream, this whiff of motive force is the natural teacher coming from my primary school. Because he has a class livelily and vividly , make me love the dream of letting my heart one more too naturally . Then I bewitched picture have, a constant one read about the natural book. . So that let me have such abundant intelligence, certainly, can't forget those persons who has rendered outstanding service behind the scenes either, my natural teacher Mr.Lin helps me to solve my doubt, there are microscopes of the school; Let me see those several more than cells, certainly too
Can't is it instruct me natural textbook for many years to forget, because he I have these dream of today. After I act as a scientist, I want to use the ancestor intelligence, the space curious to explore mankind, and try every possible means to create second the earth, make human global population not too much.
Come again, because there are too much air and pollutant now, I want to issue and afforest in the whole world the activity, let the earth be healthier and vigorous.
I want and those friends with a common goal too, study together why leaves concavly in the middle of red blood cell. Why everything all has gravitation - ----Newton has said: After ' I am not a giant, I only step on the giant's shoulder ', I will not only step on the giant's shoulder, I want to become descendants' giant too.

從小我的夢想是當個科學家,  這股動力是來自於我國小的自然老師.
於是我便像著魔一樣,不斷的閱讀有關自然的書. .


2005-10-30 08:16:30 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 C7 1 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

中文(some have been changed)
從小我的夢想是當個科學家,  這股動力是來自於我國小的自然老師.\
When I was a little boy/girl, I wish to became to a scientist. This is motivated by my teacher in the primary school.
Because I was so impressed by his teaching, I make a mind to became a scientist when I grow up.
於是我便像著魔一樣,不斷的閱讀有關自然的書. .
Thus I was crazy for reading any books which were related to science/ mother nature.
Not only those readings, but also my teacher, Mr Lin, help me to resolve many problems.The microscope, which I used it in the school, helps me to discover many cells. These textbooks help me a lot to complete my dream today.
When I became a scientist, I will use my intelligence to discover the amazing space. If can, I will do my best to creat another earth to make more space for people to live in.
I do hope to develop some programs to save the earth, get ride of the pollution and make the earth healty.
I hope to work with my colleague to study together what causes concav in the centre of the red blood cell.

Why everything all has gravitation - ----Newton haf said: After ' I am not a giant, I only step on the giant's shoulder ',
I hope not only step on the giant's shoulder, but also  become a giant of descendants.

2005-10-30 08:50:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

從小我的夢想是當個科學家,  這股動力是來自於我國小的自然老師.Be a scientist is my great dream when i was a child,the motive power result from one of my elementary school natural science teachers. 因為他上課活潑生動,使得我愛上了自然,也讓我的心裡多一個夢想.Because his teaching method is lively,and then it made me like to learn from natural science and give me another dream in my deeply heart.於是我便像著魔一樣,不斷的閱讀有關自然的書. .以致讓我有這麼豐富的智慧,For that (reason),I read more books about natural science continuously just like I were possessed;hence,i got a abounding knowledge.當然,也不能忘了那些幕後功臣,我的自然老師Mr.Lin幫我解決我的疑問,還有學校的顯微鏡﹔讓我見到那數多的細胞,當然也不能忘了指導我多年的自然課本,因為他我才有今天這個夢想。
Certainly,i can't forget those who gave me a statesman with great achievements-my natural science teacher,Mr.lin;besides that,there'r including the microscopes of school,it let me watch many cells;surely i can't forget the natural science books,which guide me for many years,it resulted my today's dream 。在我當上科學家以後,我要運用先人的智慧,探索人類所好奇的太空,並想辦法創造第二地球,使得人類的全球人口不會太多。I'll use the wisdom of ancestrals to explore the the universe which human being are interested(in),and then i'll try to create the second earth to decrease the
global population when I became a scientist.再來,因為現在空氣污染物太多,所以我想要發行全世界造林活動,讓地球更健康有活力。Another one,because there'r many air pollutants everywhere;hence that,I wanna start the activities to create more and more timbers,I hope it can let the earth will be full of healthy and animation.我也要和那些志同道合的朋友,一同研究為何紅血球中間下凹。I also wanna do research with my friends to realize why the red corpuscle is concave toward its midst,and why all God's creation has its universal gravitation...「I just stamp on the shoulders of the giant,but not a giant.」-------said NewTon.
Later on,not only I stamp on the shoulders of the giant but also I wanna become A Giant for the descendants。

2005-10-30 09:45:12 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

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