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請使用常用的單字及文法,越簡短越好,還有[空行]的部份是我認為轉折太大的地方,如果您覺得怎樣改會比較好,請盡量寫,感謝各位!!!原文:A: 我們什麼時候期中考?B: 11月7號。A: 哇,只剩一個禮拜了阿...C: 時間過的好快,一下就到二上期中考了..D: 我還記得,我第一次考期中考時只有2科及格..B: C呆會去打球?C: 我要去社團啦!B: A你呢?A: 我要看書了。D: 別看我,你球技變得那麼強,根本不是你對手。C: 你們覺得自己這兩年有什麼改變嗎?A: 長高了,英文進步了。B: 學到了很多東西,球技也變強了。D: 比較獨立了。C: 我覺得我越來越開朗了B: 是越來越白目吧..哈哈..C: 你才白目勒..D: 別吵了,你們兩個。A: 大家都增長好多喔...-------------------------------------------用譯典通翻的:A: What a high school entrance examination in time are we? B: November 7. A: Oh, have only had one week left in A ...C: Unless it pass time it is the good the quick, it get by two last issue high school entrance examination.. D: I remember also,I when not testing issues of high school entrance examination of been for the first time only pass 2 subject.. B: C stay to play ball? C: I want to go to the corporation ! B: Your woolen cloth of A? A: I will read. D: Although I, your playing skill becomes so strong, not your rival at all. C: You think you have anything to change these two years? A: Having grown tall, English has progressed. B: Having learnt a lot of things, the playing skill becomes strong too. D: Comparative independence. C: I feel that I am more and more optimistic B: More and more white eye.. Heartily.. C: You just white eye tie tight.. D: Don't quarrel , you two. A: Everybody much increases oh ...感覺太多文法也怪怪的,所以請求各位的幫忙...

2005-10-27 03:25:27 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

A: 我們什麼時候期中考?
When is mid-term exam?
B: 11月7號。
November 7th.
A: 哇,只剩一個禮拜了阿...
Wow, only a week away...

C: 時間過的好快,一下就到二上期中考了..
Time flies. It's already our second year mid-term..
D: 我還記得,我第一次考期中考時只有2科及格..
I remember passing only two subjects on the first mid-term..

B: C呆會去打球?
C, want to play ball later?
C: 我要去社團啦!
I need to go to the club!
B: A你呢?
How about you, A?
A: 我要看書了。
I have to study.
D: 別看我,你球技變得那麼強,根本不是你對手。
Don't look at me. You are too good for me.

C: 你們覺得自己這兩年有什麼改變嗎?
Do you guys think you have changed these past couple years?
A: 長高了,英文進步了。
Taller, and better English.
B: 學到了很多東西,球技也變強了。
Learned a lot. Much better (basket)ball skills.
D: 比較獨立了。
More independent.
C: 我覺得我越來越開朗了
I think I am more optimistic.
B: 是越來越白目吧..哈哈..
You mean blind. Ha ha..
C: 你才白目勒..
You are blind..
D: 別吵了,你們兩個。
Okay, guys.
A: 大家都增長好多喔...
Yeah, we have all grown...


2005-10-27 06:11:33 · answer #1 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0

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