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The captain, a cantakerous individual with the reputation of being excessively strict, wrote in the ship's log: "The first mate was drunk last night."

Checking the log that evening, the captain found the innocent but condemning statement: "The captain was sober last night."

p.s 我不要網路上翻譯軟體的翻譯喔!!

2005-10-15 19:02:29 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

The captain, a cantankerous individual with the reputation of being excessively strict, wrote in the ship's log: "The first mate was drunk last night." 船長是一個難以相處 (cantankerous)的人,因為待人極端嚴厲而聲名狼藉。他在航海日記上記載著:「昨夜大副酒醉。」Checking the log that evening, the captain found the innocent but condemning statement: "The captain was sober last night." 當船長晚上檢視航海日記,發現他先前的記載已經被改為一段看起來無辜但暗含責難(condemning)的話:「昨夜船長清醒。」

2005-10-15 19:23:27 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

一個脾氣暴躁又極端嚴厲的船長, 在船上的航海日誌寫道: 大副昨夜喝醉了.
當晚, 當他翻閱日誌時, 發現了一段無辜但卻帶著責備意味的陳述:

2005-10-15 19:35:12 · answer #2 · answered by 珍珍 3 · 0 0

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