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2005-10-12 18:33:56 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

TO: 今天是幸運快樂的一天…

2005-10-12 19:05:22 · update #1

TO: 今天是幸運快樂的一天…

2005-10-12 19:35:00 · update #2

5 個解答

A: Have you though of becoming a teacher?
B: No, why?
A: I'm contemplating because I like the profession.
B: What do you like about it?
A: Teaching gives me a sense of accomplishment, and you contribute to the society.
B: Teacher's pay isn't that good though.
A: It's alright. The conscience is clear though. What about you?
B: I want to be a big boss.
A: That takes a lot of money. Where would you get that from?
B: Work for someone else first, of couse. When I've made enough, then I will open my own company.
A: What kind of company?
B: A travel agency! That way, I can travel everywhere!

2005-10-12 19:15:43 · answer #1 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0

A: Do you work as a teacher after thinking? B: No, why ask this? A: Whether I work as a teacher after thinking, because I like teacher's job. B: Why like? A: Because teach students how to can make me have a fulfillment , it can be social a mental and physical efforts of border. B: But the teacher's salaries are few. A: Not bad, it is all right to have a clear conscience. Then what do you want to do? B: Open the company as the boss. A: That costs much money, where did you come the money? B: Certainly will go to other companies to make A first , will not open the company until make and is enough for. A: What company? B: The travel agency! In this way , can go to a lot of places to play !

2005-10-12 19:49:08 · answer #2 · answered by 深入大聯盟 7 · 0 0

:你有沒有想過以後當老師?Have you ever thought of being a teacher someday?B:沒有,為什麼要問這個?No.  Why?A:我在想以後要不要當老師,因為我喜歡老師這份工作。I am wondering if I should be a teacher or not.Because I really love teaching.B:為什麼喜歡?Why?A:因為教導學生能使我有成就感,也能為社會境一份心力。Teaching is a wonderful achievement.  And I could do something for our society.B:可是老師的薪水不多耶。But it is an underpaid job.A:還好吧,問心無愧就好。那你想做什麼呢?It's O.K.  I have no regrets.  What do you want to do?B:開公司當老闆。I am going to run a company and to be a boss.A:那要很多錢耶,你哪來的錢?Wow, then you will need a lot of money.  Where do you get your money? B:當然要先去別的公司賺阿,等賺夠了再開公司。Of course I will go earn money in some companies.  And I will run a company when I make enough money.  A:什麼公司呢?  What company do you want to run?B:旅行社嘍!這樣就可以到很多地方玩啦!Travel Agency.  Then I can go travel a lot!

2005-10-12 19:44:02 · answer #3 · answered by 王大 7 · 0 0

A: Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher in the future?
B: No, why do you ask?
A: I'm thinking whether or not I should become a teacher in the future, because I have a passion for this job.
B: Why do you like this career?
A: This is because when I teach students I feel as if I accomplished something. I could also contribute part of my effort into the society.
B: But the salary isn't high for teachers.
A: I think its ok for me. As long as I earn it righteously. What about you? What do you want to do in the future?
B: To be the boss of my own company.
A: Then you need a lot of money! Where will you get the cash from?
B: Of course I have to earn it by being an employee first. I will establish my own company after I have sufficent money.
A: What kind of company?
B: A travel agency! I could travel to a lot of places if so!

2005-10-12 19:06:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To: Freeboy ( 實習生 4 級 )我沒有亂來 我是真心願意出力幫忙的啊 只是我的電腦有時候不聽話 SORRY

Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher in the future?

No. Why?

I was thinking about wether to take the teaching job or not since I'm rather fond of teaching.

Why do you like teaching?

Because teaching gives me a great sense of achievement; and I'm also doing something great for the society.

But the pay is low.

It's all right. As long as I feel no qualms.
What do you wanna do, then?

I wanna open a company myself.

That takes a great deal of money.
How are you gonna get that much money for starter?

Well, I'll make money in other firms and then save enough for my own.

What kind of company are you intrigued in?

Travel agency!! This way I'll be able to have fun in many different places.

2005-10-12 19:03:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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