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"我最喜歡的電影是Secondhand Lions,她續說著一名害羞的青少年華特,被迫與兩名怪舅公共享暑假生活,於是,華特就只能在沒電視、沒電話、沒鄰居一隻自以為是狗的豬、一隻毫無用處的獅子和兩個老人在一起。在聽兩位舅公講古的過程中,才知道原來舅公年輕時在非洲曾有一段美麗的愛情故事和英勇經歷的作為。華特逐漸找回了自信,兩位叔叔也重燃了對生命的熱情。"


2005-10-12 04:56:31 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Julia~櫻如 2 in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

"My most favorite movie is the Secondhand Lions, she says continuously a teenager Walt who feels ashamed, compelled live with two strange grandmother's brother share summer vacation, hence, Walt can be having no television,have no telephone,have no neighbor only a pig,a of no use lion that considers as correct the dog and two elders together.In the process of hearing two grandmother's brothers speak the ancient time, just know originally the young hour of grandmother's brother to has ever had the conduct and actions of a love story of beauty and brave career in Africa.The Walt found back the self-confidence gradually, two uncles were a heavy 燃 also to the enthusiasm of the life."

2005-10-12 05:08:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2005-10-20 16:36:09 · answer #2 · answered by Julia~櫻如 2 · 0 0

 “Secondhand Lions" is a movie I like most. It told the story about a shy teenager Walter who unwillingly lived with two weird uncles to spend his summer. Walter lived in a place where there were no television, telephone, and neighborhood; but an unteethful lion and two old men, plus a dog who thougt itself a pig. By listening to the adventures that two uncles had be through in their early life, Walter then knew their uncles had  unforgettable romances and heroic acts in the Africa when they were young.  Influenced by each other, Walter found back his confidence, and two old men re-enlightened the passion of life.註:unteethful 以無牙齒咬人形容那隻無用的獅子。

2005-10-18 12:02:55 補充:

2005-10-20 21:11:33 補充:
櫻如 :第一篇至少有10個以上的錯誤。不曉得你識貨不識貨?

2005-10-12 05:39:06 · answer #3 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

My favorite movie is Secondhand Lions, it's about a intraversion teenager Walter, got force to live with two strange uncle for his rest of summer, and so, Walter lives with no TV, no phone, no neighbors, a pig that believe it's a dog, a useless lion and two old men. After uncle's story, he notice his uncle had a beutiful love story and heroic experience. gradually Walter being believe in oneself, two uncle also fire the ardour of life.

2005-10-12 05:34:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My favorite movie is called "Second hand lion" (應該沒有複數, 只有一隻哩, 我也有看過哦, 男主角就那個驚異第六感及AI人工智慧的小男孩, 他長大了...) The movie is about a shy teenager called "Watter", he was forced to live with his two weired uncles without choice for the summer vacation. So, Watter can only stay in a place where there are not TV, telephone, neighbors, and a pig who thinks he is a dog...a useless second hand lion and two old peculiar men. While listening to two uncle's past lifes, Watter found out that his uncles have special and strange adventure and a beautiful love story in Africa when they were young. Then Watter re-gained his confidence...and his two uncles re-started their passion for life...

2005-10-12 05:11:46 · answer #5 · answered by 小蘋果 7 · 0 0

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