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2005-10-11 06:10:30 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Kalvin 6 in 社會與文化 語言


2005-10-11 08:00:43 · update #1

2 個解答

Glenfiddich 格蘭菲迪純麥威士忌

Glen (蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭的) 峽谷
Fiddich 菲迪河
Glenfiddich 菲迪河的峽谷 = the valley of the RIver Fiddich

In 1886, William Grant founded the Glenfiddich Distillery in Dufftown, Scotland, in [ the valley of the River Fiddich. ]


格蘭菲迪 手工打造木製禮盒 另外在眾多蘇格蘭單一純麥威士忌品牌中,率先於1963年以單一純麥為訴求,並成為全球銷量最大脫穎而出的格蘭菲迪(Glenfiddich),在今年剛剛出爐的2005年國際葡萄酒與烈酒競賽(IWSC)中,更一舉奪下七項頂級金牌獎以及兩項金牌獎。這項肯定無疑地再一次奠定了格蘭菲迪在單一純麥威士忌市場中無可取代的地位,更是至高榮耀的表徵。 代理商廣和洋酒品牌經理李尹瑄表示,格蘭菲迪以獨特的綠色三角瓶行銷於全世界180餘國,為了確保卓越精緻的品質,格蘭家族一百多年來始終堅持使用原有傳統的釀製方法,全程採用品質最好的麥芽大麥和Robbie Dhu Springs獨一無二的潔淨泉水來製造。在蘇格蘭眾多的釀酒廠中只有格蘭菲迪酒廠仍然保留銅匠與桶匠的專業技藝,橡木桶和蒸餾器的製作與保養都是由自家的師傅巧手完成,更是唯一在酒廠中完成蒸餾、熟成與裝瓶的高地威士忌,不楓偃璊@純麥蘇格蘭威士忌之翹楚。 對於即將來臨的中秋團圓佳節,李尹瑄指出,格蘭菲迪除了堅持品質的要求外,禮盒方面採用復古造型的設計,高級原木與質感細緻的皮革詮釋出格蘭菲迪簡約卻細膩的風格。簡單大方卻不失高雅的外表、散發著格蘭菲迪獨特綠色三角瓶的迷人魅力。在這個特別的日子裡,與親朋好友一起分享格蘭菲迪,細細品嘗那每一口都會讓人醉心的幸福滋味是最適合不過了。


威廉.格蘭家族的第五代總裁Peter Gordon(格蘭菲迪創辦人William Grant 1839-1923的曾曾孫)是成立這項駐村計劃的重要推手,因本身熱愛藝術的驅使之下,決定以更積極的方式投入實質的貢獻,在獲得家族企業其他成員的支援後,每年為此計畫投資十萬英鎊,並聘請策展人Claudia Zeiske著手規劃邀請藝術家前來駐村,此外也贊助藝術家一些相關的藝術活動。威廉.格蘭家族亦創立「格蘭菲迪獎」(Spirit of Scotland Awards),該獎項旨在表彰鼓勵餐飲方面的寫作、出版和廣播的傑出者,其中為圖書設立了兩類:最佳食品圖書和最佳酒類圖書。而這樸實寧靜的小鎮裡,每年度的運動盛會(Highland Games)格蘭菲迪亦是最主要的贊助廠商...


2005-10-11 08:15:08 · answer #1 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0

Glenfiddich is a Speyside single malt Scotch whisky distilled and bottled by William Grant & Sons at the Glenfiddich Distillery in Dufftown, Scotland.
In 1886, William Grant founded the Glenfiddich Distillery in Dufftown, Scotland, in the valley of the River Fiddich. Glenfiddich whisky first ran from the stills on Christmas Day, 1887. In 1969 the distillery was the first in Scotland to open a visitor's centre. Glenfiddich is currently sold in 180 countries and is the best selling single malt Scotch whisky in the world, accounting for 20% of single malt whisky sales.

The whisky is the only Highland or Speyside Scotch whisky to be distilled, matured and bottled at a single distillery. The distillery is the only Scotch whisky distillery to use a single source of natural spring water. This source is the Robbie Dhu springs. Glenfiddich is matured in oak casks such as sherry butts from Spain or Bourbon whiskey barrels from America.

Glenfiddich is bottled at ages of 12, 15, 18, 21 and 30 year old. The distillery has also bottled a number of rare whiskies including:

Glenfiddich 40 Year Old (from casks filled in 1963)
Glenfiddich 50 Year Old
Glenfiddich 1937 (64 years old)

2005-10-11 07:57:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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