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ex)Teaching and learning through Mien culture
other Mien people
Mien parent






2005-10-10 16:15:55 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 向日葵 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

依照WIKIPEDIA說的是傜族的後裔比較符合你引用的用法:A Mien American is a person of Yao ancestry who was either born in or is an immigrant to the United States. The Yao refer to themselves as Mien (meaning "person") or Iu-Mien. The Mien recently lived in northern Vietnam, northern Laos and northern Thailand. In 1975, the Pathet Lao forces began seeking reprisal for the involvement of many Mien as soldiers in a CIA-sponsored secret war in Laos. As a token of appreciation to the Mien and Hmong people who served in the CIA secret army, the United States accepted many of the refugees as naturalized citizens. Now there are as many as 50,000 Miens living in the United States, largely concentrated on the West Coast, particularly northern California.這是一般的用法﹐但是會用小寫:mien
n) n. 1. Bearing or manner, especially as it reveals an inner state of mind: "He was a Vietnam veteran with a haunted mien" James Traub.2. An appearance or aspect.[Alteration (influenced by French mine, appearance) of Middle English demeine, demeanor, from Old French, from demener, to behave; see demean1.]

2005-10-10 16:39:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Teaching and learning through Mien culture 經由瑤族的文化去教育和學習 泰北山區多深山密林,風景優美,河山秀麗,那裏住著許多保持著古代傳統與獨特文化的少數民族。在泰國北部的山地主要居住著6種少數民族(主要是拉祜族、阿卡族、栗僳族、克倫族、何孟族和緬族),每個民族又都能分成幾支,每個分支都有各自獨特的風俗、禮儀和服飾。 這個六個民族中,拉枯族、阿卡族和栗僳族使用的是同源語言(藏緬語族/裸羅語),都是從雲南經緬甸移民到泰國的。何孟族和 緬族(瑤族)的語言同屬漢藏語種,從中國的中南部經老撾遷移到泰國。

2005-10-10 16:34:35 · answer #2 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

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