美國餐廳有眾多三明治~有sandwich 和grinder,到底差在哪呢?因為有些餐廳你點sandwich的話,他也是用潛艇堡的麵包給你~所以也不是麵包不一樣~希望長住美國的人能解答一 下下囉
2005-10-03 15:30:48 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 ➔ 語言
Sandwich = 三明治的通稱(在美國,潛水艇三明治也是三明治中的一種)Grinder = 潛水艇三明治 = submarine(都是長條型的)在店裡點餐時,依店家的不同,點Sandwich時,也有可能用潛水艇三明治的麵包;但若點Grinder時,就是代表潛水艇三明治,麵包則會是長條型的。因為Sandwich包括了所有類型的三明治,而Grinder則專指潛水艇三明治。我在這個網站上找來了submarine的資料給你看:http://www.answers.com/submarine潛水艇三明治在美國不同的地區有不同的名字,submarine/sub是最常見的;另外在緬因州叫做Italian sandwich;在新英格蘭、沙嘉緬度及加州叫做grinder;在紐約市叫做hero;在德拉瓦谷(包括費城及南紐澤西州)叫做hoagie;在麥阿密叫做Cuban sandwich;在墨西哥灣附近一帶叫做poor boy。REGIONAL NOTE The long sandwich featuring layers of meat and cheese on a crusty Italian roll or French bread goes by a variety of names. These names are not distributed in a pattern similar to that of other regional words because their use depends on the business and marketing enterprise of the people who create the sandwiches and sell them. Submarine and sub are widespread terms, not assignable to any particular region. Many of the localized terms are clustered in the northeast United States, where the greatest numbers of Italian Americans live. In Maine, it is called an Italian sandwich, befitting its heritage. Elsewhere in New England and in Sacramento, California, it is often called a grinder. New York City knows it as a hero. In the Delaware Valley, including Philadelphia and southern New Jersey, the sandwich is called a hoagie. Speakers in Miami use the name Cuban sandwich. Along the Gulf Coast the same sandwich is often called a poor boy. In New Orleans, a poor boy is likely to be offered in a version featuring fried oysters.
2005-10-03 16:32:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0⤊ 0⤋