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急!急!急!麻煩好心人幫我把它翻完吧!我不知道怎麼翻『民間的救難隊』! 如果我翻譯有錯誤,也請指證,我給10點喔! 中文:由於救援工作的需求較為特殊,因此使用族群鎖定在公家機關的或救難隊是政府的消防局,以及民間的救難隊,或是山地居民的日常代步工具。我翻的英文:According to this special need, our target market is focus on official rescue team,fire bureau, 民間的救難隊 or t the resident around the mountain area for their daily transportation.補充:救難隊的英文 rescue tem

2005-10-02 19:04:43 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ViVi911 4 in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

民間的救難隊 = Civilian Rescue Team/squad民間的 ---> Civilian救難 ---> Rescue隊 --->Team/squadA.) Because rescuing tasks rely on special equipments for their daily transportation needs, we (  ) focus/target our consumer groups on the official rescue team, the fire department, the civilian rescue team and (  ) the local residents around the mountain areas.ORB.) Because rescuing tasks rely on special transportation, the official resuce team, the fire squad, the civilian rescue team and the local residents become our main target groups (for our products).1. 照你原先寫的看不太出來整段的主題在那, 英文的寫法是把主旨放在第一句 .  所以我把你原先寫的改的如上, 先說清楚原因.....2.  救援工作必須依賴特殊的運輸方式 ---> relay on3.  "鎖定的對象"有target就不需要focus, target就是focus, focus就是target.4. 使用族群 = (我們的)主要消費群 ---> Our consumer groups5. 消防局 ---> Fire squad, Fire department3. 當地的老百姓 --->  local residents around the mountain areas紅字是我修改的地方, ( )表示去掉了一些字

2005-10-03 08:16:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0



2014-08-11 10:42:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0



2014-08-10 11:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

我想官方的救難隊是 official rescue team
那民間的救難隊是不是 unofficial rescue team

還有我覺得focus on 後面應該先接 the ,再加 rescue team
對了 rescue team、fire bureau、 resident 以及 area 應該都要加 s 喔

2005-10-02 19:24:51 · answer #4 · answered by Kudo 1 · 0 0

民間救難隊 = Civil Salvation Squad  (salvation 是救難的意思)由於救援工作的需求較為特殊,因此使用族群鎖定在公家機關的或救難隊是政府的消防局,以及民間的救難隊,或是山地居民的日常代步工具。Because the special salvation requirements, the government salvation forces and fire units, civil salvation squad and the mountain residents are the main users of these transportation vehicles.  

2005-10-02 19:21:25 · answer #5 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

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