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1.People/Races/Ethnicity By Countries
2.Government Regime & its ruling regime & opposition parties
3.Capitals of the selected country
4.Its GDP
5.Official Languages spoken
7.Religion belief
8.Popular and famous diet
9.Weather and temperature

2005-09-29 19:06:15 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ☆蚊子☆ 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

1.People/Races/Ethnicity By Countries
German 65%, French 18%, Italian 10%, Romansch 1%, other 6%

2.Government Regime & its ruling regime & opposition parties
Formally a confederation, but similar in structure to a federal republic
Green Party; Christian Democratic People's Party; Radical Free Democratic Party; Social Democratic Party; Swiss People's Party; and other minor parties

3.Capitals of the selected country

4.Its GDP
purchasing power parity - $251.9 billion (2004 est.)
GDP - real growth rate: 1.8% (2004 est.)
GDP - per capita: purchasing power parity - $33,800 (2004 est.)
GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 1.5%, industry: 34%, services: 64.5% (2003 est.)

5.Official Languages spoken
German (official) 63.7%, French (official) 20.4%, Italian (official) 6.5%, Serbo-Croatian 1.5%, Albanian 1.3%, Portuguese 1.2%, Spanish 1.1%, English 1%, Romansch 0.5%, other 2.8% (2000 census)
Note: German, French, Italian, and Romansch are all national languages, but only the first three are official languages

Swiss franc (CHF)

7.Religion belief
Roman Catholic 41.8%, Protestant 35.3%, Orthodox 1.8%, other Christian 0.4%, Muslim 4.3%, other 1%, unspecified 4.3%, none 11.1% (2000 census)

8.Popular and famous diet
Switzerland is famous for its dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, butter and cheese

9.Weather and temperature
Temperate, but varies with altitude; cold, cloudy, rainy/snowy winters; cool to warm, cloudy, humid summers with occasional showers
The temperature range is about the same as in the northern United States, but without the extremes of hot and cold; Summer temperatures seldom rise above 80°F (26°C) in the cities

Central Europe, east of France, north of Italy

2005-09-29 20:04:05 · answer #1 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0

1.People/Races/Ethnicity By Countries
***Total population:
**German 65%
**French 18%
**Italian 10%
**Romansh 1%
**other 6%

***Swiss nationals only:
**German 74%
**French 20%
**Italian 4%
**Romansh 1%
**other 1%

2.Government Regime & its ruling regime & opposition parties
The Federal Council, Switzerland's government, has 7 members. Each year, a different member becomes Federal President. The post confers no special powers or privileges, and the president continues to administer his or her own department. The four strongest parties are represented in the council -- Free Democrats, Social Democrats, Christian Democrats, Swiss People's Party. The Federal Council is assisted and advised on the running of its business by the Federal Chancellery. The Chancellor attends weekly cabinet meetings in a consultative capacity, and is sometimes referred to unofficially as "the 8th councillor."

3.Capitals of the selected country (what "selected country"?? )
The capital of Switzerland is Bern City, also the capital of the canton.

4.Its GDP
2003, per capita in US dollars, based on purchasing power parities: 31,400.

5.Official Languages spoken
There are four official languages in Switzerland -- German (74%), French (20%), Italian (4%) and Romansh (1%) - the remaining 1% speaks other languages.

The Swiss currency is called "Schweizerfranken" ("Swiss Francs") or short "Franken". One hundred "Rappen" make up one Swiss Franc. CHF is the ISO representation for Swiss francs; however, the old notation sFr. is still used quite often.
one US dollar costs approximately CHF 1.25 .

7.Religion belief
**Roman Catholic 47.6%
**Protestant 44.3%
**other 8.1%

8.Popular and famous diet
Generally speaking, basic food items include a huge selection of bread (white, whole wheat etc.), dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter and - of course - a great variety of the world famous Swiss cheese. Also important are vegetables including beans, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach etc. Sausages and meat - mainly veal, beef, pork, chicken or turkey - are served in many different ways: grilled, cooked, sliced or cut. Side dishes include French fries, rice, potatoes and different types of pasta. Fruits are available from all over the world, locally grown fruits include apples, pears, grapes and different types of berries, such as black berries, blueberries, raspberries, red currants and strawberries. Finally, there are a lot of sweets, including the second type of food that Switzerland is world famous for: Swiss chocolate.

9.Weather and temperature
Generally speaking, spring is wet and cool, April is well known for fast and often changing weather conditions. Summer is supposed to be warm and dry with maximum temperature up to 35°C (95°F). Fall is usually dry, but cool. The temperature will drop significantly in September or October. Winter is supposed to be cold and dry. The temperature may drop below 0°C everywhere in Switzerland, especially at night. In the alps, they usually get a lot of snow, but even at lower elevations, there is a good chance that they will get a foot of snow every now and then.

Switzerland is a small, landlocked country in the heart of Europe. It has a strategic location at the crossroads of central Europe with many easily traversable passes.

2005-09-29 20:16:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.人口709萬人(1997年)。其中外籍人佔19.4%。2.瑞士屬於邦聯制,目前共分為二十三州,其中又有三州各分為兩個半州,因此,也有人說瑞士共有二十六州,各州高度自治,除了外交,軍事,貨幣等事規中央統籌之事外,其他皆由地方自訂。中央政府由七個委員會組成,每個委員會選出主任委員,七個主任委員,輪流擔任總統的職務,每人一年;國會由人民直選,是政府最高權利機構。3.首都伯恩(Bern)魅力城市伯恩、日內瓦、蘇黎世、琉森、巴塞爾、蒙特魯4.當地國民平均所得、基本物價及通貨膨漲指數:     2002年瑞士國民平均所得為37,930美元,基本物價相當昂貴,惟每年通貨膨脹指數不高,從2002年來至今,僅不到1%。 5.當地主要語言:     瑞士全國共有德語、法語、義大利語及羅曼語等四種官方語,駐瑞士代表處所在地伯恩以德語為主,駐日內瓦辦事處所在地日內瓦以法語為主。6. 貨幣硬幣:有5, 10, 20, 50 分, 及 1, 2, 5 元瑞郎 (SFr)紙鈔:10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 1000 元瑞郎 (SFr)VISA、Mastercard、美國運通、大來及 Eurocard 等信用卡皆通行。各大銀行、兌匯中心及旅館皆有換幣服務。7.信奉基督教居民佔44%,信奉天主教的佔48%,信奉其他宗教的佔5%。8.9.氣候溫度:     瑞士屬大陸型氣候,四季分明,冬季多雪,且十分乾燥。其春季平均溫度為4至12度,夏季為16度,秋季為8至12度,冬季為零下1度至3度。10.瑞士位於歐洲的中心,與德國、法國、義大利、奧地利及列支敦士登等五國國界相連,因此瑞士融合了多種的歐洲文化,且使用多種不同的語言,如德語、法語及義大利語。也因它的地理位置, 瑞士成為歐洲的交通樞紐。http://www.boca.gov.tw/~boca3007/trav/switzerland.htmhttp://www.anyway.com.tw/spot/country.asphttp://www.swiss.org.tw/chinese/tourism/http://www.suntravel.com.tw/zone/Europe/Switzerland-10.htmhttp://www.wcn.com.tw/europe/swi/swifood.shtmlhttp://www.eurosun.com.tw/show_swiss.asp?seq=3&type=1http://www.3ptravel.com.tw/ifstravel/swi/swi1.htm8.美食瑞士小火鍋(Fondue)及Raclette - 是一道由乳酪(cheese)製成的佳餚。將不同 口味的乳酪如艾門塔爾(Emmerntal),阿彭策爾(Appenzell),優哈(Jura) 及薄荷乳酪放入鍋中加熱溶化後再加入白酒一起煮。吃法是將小塊麵包置於特製 的叉子上然後再將麵包浸入溶化的乳酪中後食用。 香腸(Sausages)及Roesti - 將馬鈴薯攪碎後煎熟配上小牛肉香腸。 Buendnerfleisch - 風乾的牛肉為格宋(Grisons)的特產。 Fondue Bourguignonne - 所謂的肉類火鍋(Meat Fondue)。燒開的油中將牛肉片 放入鍋內炸後再配以不同種類的調味味醬。 Emince de veau - 以蘑菇,奶油及白酒煮成的醬汁澆在切片的小牛肉上。 在瑞士各地尤其是瑞士南部深義大利美食影響的提西諾(Ticino),可用不同口 味的麵點,比薩及提西諾的名菜Polenta(由磨碎的玉米製成)。 享譽全球的瑞士糕餅,巧克力及甜點。

2005-09-29 20:10:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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