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01. wave an arm
02. arm in arm
03. in other words
04. talk with~
05. make gestures
06. hundreds of~
07. dozens of~
08. thousands of~
09. millions of~
10. tens of thousands of~
11. make a gesture of friendship
12. make a gesture of goodwill
13. make a gesture of victory
14. all over the world
15. the Western World
16. the whole world
17. It's a small world
18. I mean it
19. for example
20. hold up a hand
21. hold on a moment
22. hold something back
23. hold one's hand
24. rub one's hands
25. shake hands with somebody
26. give somebody a big hand
27. clap one's hands
28. have one's hands full


2005-09-26 15:42:09 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

01. wave an arm 揮手02. arm in arm 挽臂03. in other words 換句話說04. talk with~ 和談話05. make gestures 打手勢06. hundreds of~ 成百的07. dozens of~ 成打的08. thousands of~ 成千的09. millions of~ 以百萬計的10. tens of thousands of~ 上萬的11. make a gesture of friendship 表達友善12. make a gesture of goodwill 表達善意13. make a gesture of victory 表達勝利14. all over the world 全世界到處15. the Western World 西方世界16. the whole world 全世界17. It's a small world 狹路相逢18. I mean it 我不是在開玩笑19. for example 舉例20. hold up a hand 把握21. hold on a moment 等等22. hold something back 保留23. hold one's hand 牽手24. rub one's hands 惹怒某人25. shake hands with somebody 握手26. give somebody a big hand 大力相助27. clap one's hands 拍手28. have one's hands full 忙

2005-09-26 16:09:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

01. wave an arm 揮動胳膊
02. arm in arm 臂挽臂地
03. in other words 換言之, 換個說法是...
04. talk with~ 與...交談
05. make gestures 做姿態
06. hundreds of~ 上百
07. dozens of~ 許多
08. thousands of~ 數以萬計
09. millions of~ 數千的
10. tens of thousands of~ 成千上萬
11. make a gesture of friendship 做姿態友誼
12. make a gesture of goodwill 做姿態信譽
13. make a gesture of victory 做姿態勝利
14. all over the world 在全世界
15. the Western World 西部世界
16. the whole world 全世界
17. It's a small world 這是一個小世界
18. I mean it 我意味它
19. for example 例如
20. hold up a hand 阻止手
21. hold on a moment 舉行在片刻
22. hold something back 舉行某事
23. hold one's hand 握某人的手
24. rub one's hands 摩擦某人的手
25. shake hands with somebody 與某人握手
26. give somebody a big hand 幫某人一個大忙
27. clap one's hands 拍某人的手
28. have one's hands full 手頭工作很忙

2005-09-26 16:09:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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