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常常看到什麼 RBI. BB. SO.AVG...等等的東西

2005-09-24 04:23:26 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 運動 棒球

2 個解答

Hitting Stats
2B - Doubles
3B - Triples
AB - At Bats
AB/GIDP - At-Bats per Grounded Into Double Play
AB/HR - At-Bats per Home Run
AB/RBI - At-Bats per Runs Batted In
AO - Fly Outs
AVG - Batting Average
BB - Bases on Balls (Walks)
CS - Caught Stealing
G - Games Played
GIDP - Ground into Double Plays
GO - Ground Outs
GO/AO - Ground Outs/Fly Outs
GSH - Grand Slam Home Runs
H - Hits
HBP - Hit by Pitch
HR - Home Runs
IBB - Intentional Walks
LIPS - Late Inning Pressure Situations
LOB - Left On Base
NP - Number of Pitches
OBP - On-base Percentage
OPS - On-base Plus Slugging Percentage
PA/SO - Plate Appearances per Strikeout
R - Runs Scored
RBI - Runs Batted In
SAC - Sacrifice Bunts
SB% - Stolen Base Percentage
SB - Stolen Bases
SF - Sacrifice Flies
SLG - Slugging Percentage
SO - Strikeouts
TB - Total Bases
TP - Triple Play
TPA - Total Plate Appearances
XBH - Extra Base Hits

A - Assists
CS - Caught Stealing
DER - Defensive Efficiency Rating
DP - Double Plays
E - Errors
FPCT - Fielding Percentage
G - Games Played
INN - Innings Played
OFA - Outfield Assists
PB - Passed Balls
PO - Putouts
RF - Range Factor
SB - Stolen Bases (allowed)
TC - Total Chances
TP - Triple Plays

AO - Fly Outs
APP - Appearances
AVG - Opponents Batting Average
BB - Bases on Balls (Walks)
BB/9 - Walks per Nine Innings
BF - Batters Faced
BK - Balks
CG - Complete Games
CGL - Complete Game Losses
CS - Caught Stealing
ER - Earned Runs
ERA - Earned Run Average
G - Games Played
GF - Games Finished
GIDP - Grounded Into Double Plays
GO - Ground Outs
GO/AO - Ground Outs/ Fly Outs Ratio
GS - Games Started
GSH - Grand Slams
H - Hits
H/9 - Hits per Nine Innings
HB - Hit Batsmen
HLD - Hold
HR - Home Runs
I/GS - Innings Per Games Started
IBB - Intentional Walks
IP - Innings Pitched
IRA - Inherited Runs Allowed
K/9 - Strikeouts per Nine Innings
K/BB - Strikeout/Walk Ratio
L - Losses
LIPS - Late Inning Pressure Situations
LOB - Left on Base
MB/9 - Baserunners per 9 Innings
NP - Number of Pitches Thrown
OBA - On-base Against
PA - Plate Appearances
P/GS - Pitches per Start
P/IP - Pitches per Innings Pitched
PK - Pick-offs
R - Runs
RW - Relief Wins
SB - Stolen Bases
SHO - Shutouts
SLG - Slugging Percentage Allowed
SO - Strikeouts
SV - Saves
SVO - Save Opportunities
TB - Total Bases
TP - Triple Plays
UR - Unearned Runs
W - Wins
WHIP - Walks + Hits/Innings Pitched
WP - Wild Pitches
WPCT - Winning Percentage
XBA - Extra Base Hits Allowed

2005-09-24 11:24:50 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

一壘 (手):first base (man) 一壘安打:one- base hit
二壘 (手):second base (man) 二壘安打:two- base hit
三壘 (手):third base (man) 三壘安打:three- base hit
本壘 :home base (plate) 本壘裁判,主審:plate (head) umpire
壘包:base bag 全壘打:home run / homer
打數:at bat 打點:run batted in
四壞球 / 保送:base on ball (four ball) / walk 打帶跑:hit- and- run
夾殺:run down 故意四壞球:intentional walk
暴投:wild pitch 高飛犧牲打:sacrifice fly
投手防禦率:earned run average 代打:pitch hitter
美國聯盟:American League 青棒聯盟:senior league
美國大聯盟:Major League Baseball 國際聯盟:National League
世界大賽:World Series 少棒聯盟:little league
外野手:outfielder 救援投手:relief pitcher
內野手:infielder 左手投手:southpaw, screw- armer, left- hander
中外野手:center 右手投手:right- hander
左外野手:left fielder 打擊手:batter
右外野手:right fielder 球隊總教練:general manager
捕手:catcher 投手:pitcher
游擊手:shortstop 跑壘指導員:coacher
年度新人王:Rookie of the Year 最有價值球員:most valuable player (MVP)
滿球數:full count 滿壘:base full
滑壘:base sliding 打席:plate
出賽次數:game 投手丘:pitcher's plate (mound)
打擊率:batting average 投手先發場次:game started
救援成功:save 救援失敗:blown save
界外球:foul ball 界內球:fair ball
壞球:ball 好球:strike
安打:hit 滾地球:ground ball
變化球:breaking pitch 觸身球:hit by pitch
曲球:curve 曲速球:shoot ball
上昇球:pop- up 下墜球:sinker
快 (慢)速球:fast (slow) ball 旋轉球:screwball
直球:liner 指節 (慢速) 變化球:knuckle ball
高飛球:high fly ball 擦棒球:tip
盜壘:steal 清壘:complete game
盜壘失敗:caught stealing 指定打擊:designated hitter
盜壘成功:stolen base 受傷名單:disabled list
雙盜壘:double steal 封殺:force out
雙殺:double play 三殺:triple play
犧牲打:sacrifice hit 得點圈:score ring position
敗投 / 敗場:lose 投手完封:shutout
勝投 / 勝場:win 投球局數:inning pitched
得分:run 比賽停止球:dead ball
好球帶:strike zone 殘壘數:left on bases
救援點:save point 失誤:error
球員休息室:dugout 安全上壘:take base
延長 (局):extra inning 上壘率:on base percentage
無安打比賽:no-hitter 助殺:assist
出局:out 三振:killed / strike out
自由球員:free agent 名人廳:Hall of Fame
投手責任失分:earned run 守備率:fielding percentage
游擊手守備範圍:short field 投手假動作:balk
內(外)角球:inside (outside) corner 關鍵球:winning play
投球姿勢:pitching posture 稻草人式,金雞獨立式:flamingo style
牽制:check 控球:control
揮臂:wind- up 足部犯規:pitcher's foot fault
左(右)手打者:left- handed (right- handed) batter 打擊位置:batter's box
打擊順序:batting order 保送上壘 (打擊手被球打中):free pass
退回原壘:return to one's base 強打者:heavy batter, slugger
揮棒:swing (the bat) 縮棒:back swing
漏擊,打空:hitless 選球力:batting eye
跑壘:base running 短打:bunt
守備:fielding 漏接:fumble
局:inning 投捕手總稱:battery
兩指手套:mit, mitten 兩壘間之路:base path
捕手面罩:catcher's mask 護身衣:chest protector
護腿:shin guard 接後失手:passed ball
接替投手之練習區:bull pen 球棒:(baseball) bat
單手接球:one-handed catch 場外球:out- of- bounds
棒球場:baseball diamond (field) 滑地接球:sliding catch
跳起接球:jumping catch 勝利紀念球:game ball

2005-09-24 04:26:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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