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2005-09-19 17:09:25 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Eric 5 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

依這首歌的意境﹐我會把它翻成﹕Take love to the extreme.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~將愛 Take Love (to the Extreme)詞/曲:王菲 編曲:張亞東Translated by Meowwwwwww風風火火 Winds swirl, fires hurl轟轟烈烈 Intense and immense我們的愛情像一場戰爭 Our love mimics a great battle offense我們沒有流血There is no bloodshed卻都已經犧牲 Still we’re both dead掩埋殉難的心跳Lay to rest the martyred hearts葬送一世英名See to it that self-respect depart廢墟上的鷹 The eagle soaring above the ruins盤旋尋找殘羹Hovers over for easy pickin’s夜空中的精靈 The sprites in the skies of pitch black注視遊魂背影Stare at the ghosts in their backs忽然一陣鐘聲 All of a sudden the church bells strike穿透黑鴉鴉的寂靜Pierce right through the silent fright歌頌這壯烈 Are they high praises for our heroics還是嘲笑這神聖Or just smirks at this pair of hypocrites將愛進行到底 Take love to the extreme偉大是殘酷的衍生Grandeur is born of cruelty將愛進行到底 Take love to the extreme沒有對錯的血腥Ain’t no blame in this gruesome obscenity 將愛進行到底 Take love to the extreme溫柔尚在 Tenderness, still lingering寂寞永生Loneliness, forever enduring

2005-09-30 17:36:32 補充:
Stare at the WANDERING ghosts in their backs

2005-09-30 17:45:41 補充:
A blameless gruesome obscenity

2005-09-29 06:17:19 · answer #1 · answered by meowwwwwww 7 · 0 0

To drive the love till the end.

2005-09-19 17:26:10 · answer #2 · answered by Ãiºµ 2 · 0 0

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