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2005-09-10 06:11:50 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 lian 7 in 社會與文化 語言

7 個解答

]a. (形容詞 adjective)1. 地方性的;當地的,本地的He works at the local post office.他在本地的郵局工作。Local conditions must be taken into account in mapping out the plan.在制訂計劃時必須考慮當地的情況。2. 鄉土的,狹隘的3. 局部的The doctor thinks local anesthesia will do for the operation.醫生認為這次手術用局部麻醉就可以了。4. 【美】(公共交通工具)每站停的Only the local train stops at my station.我那個車站只有普通列車會停。n. (名詞 noun)[C]1. 當地居民,本地人[P]One of the locals showed me the way to the post office.一位本地人給我指點去郵局的路。2. 【美】【口】(報紙上的)本地新聞;地方性節目3. 慢車(指沿途每站停的火車或公車)4. 【美】(工會等組織的)地方分會

2005-09-10 06:12:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jacky Wu is Taiwan local king.
(蠻爛的造句= =)

2005-09-10 11:20:49 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Local means you are from the area.

I am a local student/worker.
The local goverment provides a lot of source for its residents.

Good Luck

2005-09-10 11:17:49 補充:
I am local..is also a good example

2005-09-10 07:17:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0



2005-09-10 06:18:48 · answer #4 · answered by KENTARO 4 · 0 0

KK: []
DJ: []
a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 地方性的;當地的,本地的
He works at the local post office.
Local conditions must be taken into account in mapping out the plan.
2. 鄉土的,狹隘的
3. 局部的
The doctor thinks local anesthesia will do for the operation.
4. 【美】(公共交通工具)每站停的
Only the local train stops at my station.
n. (名詞 noun)[C]
1. 當地居民,本地人[P]
One of the locals showed me the way to the post office.
2. 【美】【口】(報紙上的)本地新聞;地方性節目
3. 慢車(指沿途每站停的火車或公車)
4. 【美】(工會等組織的)地方分會


Search for "local" [Condition = Ignore case]

Adj. 本埠,本市 local (mail), this city;
本鄉 or 本鄉土兒 our (one's) local district;

Words 3. 本地 [ben3di4], n., & adj., native place or people, local; 本地人,話 local people, dialect; 本地出產 local product.

N. 支店,支行 local office;

Words 8. 拆票 *[chai1piao4], v.i., formerly, settle transfer of accounts between local banks morning and noon.

N. (2) Local magistrate: 州牧 (LL) formerly, district magistrate.

Adj. (1) Native, local, of or from the country: 土產 [tu3chan3]↓;
forming many compp. meaning local, native, aboriginal, like 土風,土豪,土人,土布 see [tu3feng1]2, [tu3hao2], [tu3ren2], [tu3bu4], etc↓.

Words 4. 土兵 [tu3bing1], n., local troops or recruits.
6. 土布 [tu3bu4], n., homespun, coarse local cloth.
7. 土產 [tu2chan3], n., local product or produce.
8. 土娼 [tu3chang1], n., local prostitute.
16. 土法 [tu2fa3], n., local or native method of production.
20. 土風 [tu3feng1]2, n., local custom; 土風舞 local or aboriginal dance.
22. 土棍 [tu3gun4], n., local communists.
23. 土共 [tu3gong4], n., local communists.
24. 土豪 [tu3hao2], n., the local rich and influential class, esp. 土豪劣紳 phr., local oppressive rich gentry.
27. 土貨 [tu3huo4], n., product of local industry; local produce.
46. 土俗 [tu3su2], n., local custom.
50. 土物 [tu3wu4], n., local product.
55. 土語 [tu2yU3], n., local, native language.

Words 7. 志乘 [zhi4sheng4], n., local histories.
10. 志書 [zhi4shu1], n., local, district or provincial histories, giving topography, history, personages, products and custom, see N.2↑.

Words 2. 地保 [di4bao3], n., local constable, responsible for law and order among residents of locality.
18. 地方 [di4fang1], n. & adj., local, locality: 地方行政 local administration; 地方色彩 local color; 地方自治 local self-government; 地方時 local time; 地方法院 district court (pr. [di4fang0]) =地保 constable, see [di4bao3]↑.
23. 地棍 [di4gun4], n., local ruffian, see [di4pi3]↓.
51. 地痞 [di4pi3], n., “scars of the land”--local ruffians who prey on the residents.
66. 地頭 [di4tou2], n., place, locality: 地頭鬼 local ruffians who operate with outside gang; 地頭蛇 local gangsters who feed on population.

N. (3) A shop: 錢莊 money shop, old-style local bank;

Words 5. 劣紳 [lie4shen1], n., esp. in 土豪劣紳 local rich and gentry who prey upon the people.

Words 1. 慢車 [man4che1], n., local train, opp. 快車 express.

V.t. 貢品 also local goods selected for His Majesty.

Words 6. 天產 [tian1chan3], n., local product, land product.

N. 地方行政 the local administration;

Words 7. 政府 [zheng4fu3], n., government (federal, central, provincial, local, etc.).

Words 25. 隨俗 [sui2su2], v.i., follow local custom.

Words 2. 吹腔 [chui1qiang1], n., a type of local opera (弋腔) with flute accompaniment, any such accompaniment.

Words 1. 跋扈 [ba2hu4], adj., (of local rulers, commanders) recalcitrant.

Words 9. 里胥 [li3xU1], n., formerly, (1) a village officer; (2) a local constable.

N. (6) A unit of civil administration: 保甲 the basic unit of local self-government;

Words 71. 國語 [guo2yU3], n., (1) the national language, written or spoken (opp. 方言 local dialects); 國語文學 literature written in the vernacular; (2) the language used by the reigning dynasty.

Words 65. 時諺 [shi2yan4]2, n., local proverb.

Words 1. 買辦 [mai3ban4], n., compradore, local chief for all local trade of foreign firms; formerly, supply master in coastal ships.

Words 2. 黔首 [qian2shou3], n., (AC) “black-haired tribe,” curiously used by Chirn 秦 ruler to refer to the local people.

Words 76. 風土 [feng1tu3], n., locality: 風土人情 local customs, practices.
81. 風物 [feng1wu4], n., local customs and products.

N. (3) ([qiang1er0]) Speech accent, tone melody of local music: 腔調 [qiang1diao4]↓;
土腔 local accent;

Words 12. 習俗 [xi1su2], n., local customs.

Words 3. 閭閻 [lU2yan2], n., gen. term for the local inhabitants.

N. 土豪 (contempt.) local rich bourgeois.

N. 土產 local products.

Words 2. 市場 [shi4chang2], n., sales market: 國際市場 international market; 市場研究 market research; (2) ( [shi4chang3]) local market for food, vegetables.

N. 土音,鄉音 local accent;

N. (3) Locality, rarely country: 地方 local, -lity: 土方 local (dialect, product);

N. 土語 local patois;

N. 土話 local patois;

N. 鄉談 local patois;

N. (fig.) 地痞 local ruffian.

Words 14. 養家 [yang3jia1], phr., to support a family; 養家兒 (AC) madame of a brothel; 養家人 (MC) (1) a local resident with a family; (2) husband.

Words 6. 父母 [fu4mu3], n., parents; 父母官 local magistrate having direct jurisdiction over residents; 父母月兒 (運兒) years when the parents are responsible for all expenses.

Words 45. 公債 [gong1zhai4], n., bonds issued by the government or local self-governing bodies.
97. 公祖 [gong1zu3], n., formerly, a term of respect for the local magistrate.

Words 9. 錢莊 [qian2zhuang1], n., money shop; old-style local bank.

N. 土俗,俚俗 local customs;

Words 11. 儒學 [ru2xUe2], n., (1) Confucian scholarship (also 儒學兒); (2) formerly, official instructors appointed by local governments.

N. Rice basket: 簞食 ([dan1si4]) a basket of rice: 簞食壺漿 allu. local population's welcome of soldiers with rice and soup;

N. 土娼 local prostitute;

Words 22. 鄉紳 [xiang1shen1], n., local gentry.
27. 鄉俗 [xiang1su2], n., local customs.
28. 鄉談 [xiang1tan2], n., local patois.
33. 鄉音 [xiang1yin1], n., local accent.
34. 鄉愿 [xiang1yUan4], n., (AC) the correctly behaved hypocrite; local conformist.


2005-09-10 06:16:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

(形容詞 adj)
1. 地方性的;當地的,本地的
He works at the local post office.
2. 鄉土的,狹隘的
3. 局部的
The doctor thinks local anesthesia will do for the operation.
4. 【美】(公共交通工具)每站停的
Only the local train stops at my station.
(名詞 n.)[C]
1. 當地居民,本地人
One of the locals showed me the way to the post office.
2. 【美】【口】(報紙上的)本地新聞;地方性節目
3. 慢車(指沿途每站停的火車或公車)
4. 【美】(工會等組織的)地方分會

2005-09-10 06:14:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

KK: []
DJ: []
a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 地方性的;當地的,本地的
He works at the local post office.
Local conditions must be taken into account in mapping out the plan.
2. 鄉土的,狹隘的
3. 局部的
The doctor thinks local anesthesia will do for the operation.
4. 【美】(公共交通工具)每站停的
Only the local train stops at my station.
n. (名詞 noun)[C]
1. 當地居民,本地人[P]
One of the locals showed me the way to the post office.
2. 【美】【口】(報紙上的)本地新聞;地方性節目
3. 慢車(指沿途每站停的火車或公車)
4. 【美】(工會等組織的)地方分會

2005-09-10 06:13:45 · answer #7 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

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