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Last year,along with Phoenix, AOL’and News Corp.’s Star Tv were granted rights to broadcast in southern Guandong province.〈去年,美國線上時代華納的華娛電視台核新聞集團的衛星電台,隨著鳳凰為是一起獲得廣東省南部的撥映權。〉
這段話中,為什麼要用到被動式〈were granted〉,有什麼意義嗎?還是我搞錯了。
A spokesperson for CETV says the company wasn’t expecting to make money in the first five years.〈華娛電台的發言人表示,該公司原本就不預期在頭五年當中能夠獲利。〉
這邊為何要用進行式呢?〈wasn’t expecting〉,不能用didn’t expect嗎?麻煩知道的人為我解答,謝謝喔!

2005-09-07 09:17:56 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

"were granted" 因全文以 CETV 為主角 用作為主詞所以是: 去年 CETV 與 Phoenix, AOL’and News Corp.’s Star Tv 被給予(批准)在廣東省南部的播映權。wasn’t expecting: 過去進行式意即從說這說句話前到說完仍在進行didn’t expect:過去式意即從說這說句話前的事  但暗含說完後不一定I did not expect I could pass the test, but I unexpectedly got the highest grade in the class.

2005-09-07 10:08:30 · answer #1 · answered by Yy 7 · 0 0

你可參考一下這一則 knoweledg, 和我的其他發言. .

2005-09-07 14:13:28 · answer #2 · answered by RJ 3 · 0 0

第一句 Last year,along with Phoenix, AOL’and News Corp.’s Star Tv were granted rights to broadcast in southern Guandong province也可以寫成Last year, _____ granted AOL' and News Corp.'s Star Tv, along with Phoenix the rights to broadcast in southern Guandong province. 不過這樣就要寫說 誰 給他們這個撥映權照原文這樣寫的話 就不用寫出誰給的撥映權反正 重點是這些現在都可以撥這些節目了還有 很多時候寫文章都會用這樣的被動式寫法尤其是你在敘述一些事 然後想要省略掉做那件事的人時就像是你在做實驗 你會說水裡加了三瓢鹽 (Three scoops of salt were added to water)不會說 我在水裡加了三瓢鹽 (I added three scoops of salt to water)第二句A spokesperson for CETV says the company wasn’t expecting to make money in the first five years其實要改成didn't expect也行就要看你動詞是哪個原句是WAS 改了後是EXPECT 

2005-09-07 09:33:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

過去進行式表示過去進行的動作,那五年來一直期待,由in the first five years顯示。

簡單過去式則表示動作在過去開始,並且已經結束,一般而言簡單過去式使用時,要有一個過去時間副詞。以你的問題為例, 如果說A spokesperson for CETV says the company didn't expect to make money in 1995.只有單單1995那年,就可以用didn't expect,因為有in 1995這個表示過去的時間副詞.

2005-09-07 09:31:54 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

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