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1.Great for use as a single carrier or in combination with other , more expensive carrier oil to get the cost down and to improve the shelf life of the final product.
2.And ideal product for natural perfumers who don't want to use alcohol as a carrier. Because its the lightest of all the carrier oil, it will spray throuhgt a pump sprayer with ease. This is also makes it handy for massage therapists as they can spray on their massage blends with ease.

2005-09-05 14:36:37 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

7 個解答

1.Great for use as a single carrier or in combination with other , more expensive carrier oil to get the cost down and to improve the shelf life of the final product. 可以單獨使用﹐也可以與其他較昂貴的媒油*混合使用﹐以便降低成本﹐以及延長最終成品的保鮮時限。2.And ideal product for natural perfumers who don't want to use alcohol as a carrier. Because its the lightest of all the carrier oil, it will spray throuhgt a pump sprayer with ease. This is also makes it handy for massage therapists as they can spray on their massage blends with ease. 是愛用純天然材質﹑不喜用酒精做媒料*的薰香師的良伴。本品是所有媒油*中最不濃稠的﹐可以輕易用噴霧器噴出。這項特質也使它成為按摩師的得力助手﹐按摩師可以輕鬆地用噴霧的方式為顧客上按摩油。*carrier*--我把它翻成“媒油”和“媒料”﹐不知道在中文裡這種東西的術語是什麼﹐我不懂薰香也不懂按摩﹐但看本文的意思﹐carrier 應該是可以幫助香精和按摩油變得比較好用的一種材質。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ETA: 看了樓下兩位的回答﹐我回來補充一下﹕我覺得 carrier 應該不是溶劑﹐溶劑應該是base。最後一句話是說這個carrier可以使得按摩油變得容易從噴霧器裡噴出來﹐不是說它可以輕易融入按摩油裡面。massage blends 是混合好的按摩油﹐在這裡也就是指混合了這種carrier後的按摩油。所以...they can spray on their massage blends with ease. 這句話就是說如果按摩師在他們的按摩油裡加入這種carrier﹐就可以幫助他們的按摩油變得很容易被噴出。這樣看來﹐這個carrier 一定是有稀釋的作用。又﹐不知道發問者這最後一句話有沒有漏打一個"it"字﹕This also makes it handy for massage therapists as they can spray "IT" on their massage blends with ease. 多了這個"it"﹐整句的意思就變了﹐變成四樓貓兒所說的“很簡單就可以噴在調好的精油上” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ETA﹕回應sam在9月8日的補充﹕關於base﹐是我中文能力太差﹐我知道base在英文裡的意思﹐而我以為“溶劑”就是那個意思。那麼請問可否告訴我究竟“溶劑”是什麼﹖至於最後一句﹐那個on不是多餘的﹐"..they can spray on their massage blends with ease. " 的意思是﹕他們可以輕易噴灑油精(為顧客)上油。 如果沒有on﹐意思就變成﹕他們可以輕易噴灑油精。 In other words, “to spray on” means “to apply by spraying”; but “to spray” just means “to spray”.  Sorry I can’t find better words to explain this in Chinese. 雖然意思相去不遠﹐但兩個句型還是各自有各自的意思。不過基本上這篇文章的錯誤不少﹐拼音﹑文法﹑語法的錯誤都有﹐所以很難斷定原意。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ETA﹕回應sam在9月10日的補充﹕sam﹐謝謝你跟我解釋何謂溶劑。對呀﹐我怎麼沒想到﹐顧名思義﹐溶劑應該就是可以把別的東西溶解掉的東西﹐這樣看來﹐溶劑應該是 solvent﹐我之前腦筋沒轉過來。: p Turpentine is a solvent for oil-based paints, thus a paint thinner. 另外﹐沒錯﹐easily = with ease﹐ 但我上面想解釋的是 "to spray" 跟 "to spray on" 的不同﹐一定是我詞不達意﹐讓我再試一次﹕ "to spray" (沒有"on")只是“噴”的這個動作﹐可以是對著空氣空噴。而 "to spray on" (有"on")則是“噴上”的意思﹐也就是說用噴的方式來塗抹﹐所以是有塗抹/噴的對象的。I'm spraying on the suntan lotion.我在上防晒油。(噴/擦在自己身上)I'm spraying the suntan lotion (around).我在(到處)噴灑防晒油。(沒有噴的對象﹐只是在浪費防晒油)還有﹐你是說你有email我嗎﹖我去看看..

2005-09-08 20:09:10 補充:
不客氣 : )

2005-09-12 22:41:25 補充:
sam也謝謝你﹐叫我meow或Chi就好了。不是﹐我不是老師﹐是無業遊民 lol
(PS. 我後來有去收你寄的email並回信)

2005-09-05 15:20:39 · answer #1 · answered by meowwwwwww 7 · 0 0


2005-09-06 10:47:43 · answer #2 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

1.Great for use as a single carrier or in combination with other ,
(這個逗號應該是多的)more expensive carrier oil to get the cost down and to improve the shelf life of the final product.

2.And ideal product for natural perfumers who don't want to use
alcohol as a carrier. Because its the lightest of all the carrier
oil, it will spray throuhgt a pump sprayer with ease. This is also
makes it handy for massage therapists as they can spray on their
massage blends with ease.


註:massage blends是按摩師塗在顧客要按摩部位上的潤滑劑,用來降低摩擦,同時也有香味,潤膚或其他治療效果,國內好像叫"按摩精油",不太確定,特此說明.

首先很感謝moewwwwwwwwwwwww大大的指正,我也覺得carrier在這裡很難精確翻譯,所以開宗明義就說"在這個句子裡,carrier是溶劑的意思",carrier在這裡的精確翻譯應該是"載體",是把一種物質傳遞到其他地方的媒介,不一定是油類,像無線電的"載波"也叫carrier,因為下文中有carrier oil,所以moewwwwwwwwwwwww大大把它翻成"媒油",但是中文裡少見這種用法,一不小心容易和當燃料的"煤油"弄混了.


至於最後一句,This is also makes it handy for massage therapists as they can spray on their massage blends with ease.句子本來就錯了,最前面不是多了一個"is"嗎?我認為後面也多了一個"on",或者少了一個" it ",就全文的意思來看,我覺得moewwwwwwwwwwwww大大的看法對,是使按摩油容易噴灑的意思,我和四樓的大大都被那個"on"搞混了
感謝moewwwwwwwwww大大,根據教育的國語字典,溶劑是可溶解其他溶質,而形成均勻混合物的"液體",也就是在國人的觀念中,可以把東西溶解掉的特定液體,在口語中都叫溶劑,而不太分辨溶掉之後要做什麼,像畫油畫時,會用一種溶劑(好像是Turpentine)來調和顏料,老外通常說"thiner"(我寄給你的mail 好像打錯了),不過大家都叫溶劑,說稀釋劑當然也聽得懂,不過通常不用base,不然人家會以為你想要把Turpentine塗在畫布上當底,所以你的說法是正確的,只是中文本身的文字不夠精確,而我選擇配合國人的用語習慣來翻譯,避免造成誤解,所以有些地方會和英文原文結合不起來.謝謝你的指教,以後我會更注意的.至於spray on ,又學到了,原來to spray on ........with ease 等於 to spray ........easily,謝謝了

2005-09-12 18:00:24 補充:

2005-09-05 16:23:39 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

1.Great for use as a single carrier or in combination with other , more expensive carrier oil to get the cost down and to improve the shelf life of the final product.
可單一使用, 也可以與較昂貴的媒介油混合
以降低成本, 並延長使用壽命(例如 荷荷芭油油質較安定)

2.And ideal product for natural perfumers who don't want to use alcohol as a carrier. Because its the lightest of all the carrier oil, it will spray throuhgt a pump sprayer with ease.
因為它是所有媒介油中材質最輕的 , 輕到可以輕易的用於噴霧氣噴出

This is also makes it handy for massage therapists as they can spray on their massage blends with ease.

2005-09-05 15:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2005-09-05 15:08:04 · answer #5 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

2.而且理想的產品對於自然香料製造人誰不想要以酒作為一個運送者。 因為它的所有運送者油的最輕,它將輕易地噴灑 throuhgt 一個抽水機噴出水沫的人。 這也是當他們輕易地能在他們的按摩上噴灑混和,使按摩治療師的它便利。

2005-09-05 14:41:20 · answer #6 · answered by ☆婷婷☆ 2 · 0 0

1.Great 至於使用作為一個唯一載體或與其他, 更加昂貴的載體油的組合傳達費用到和改進最終產品的保存性。2.And 理想的產品為不想要使用酒精作為載體的自然香水製造商。由於它最輕所有載體油, 它容易地將噴洒throuhgt 泵浦噴霧器。這並且是牌子它得心應手為按摩治療師因為他們能容易地噴洒在他們的按摩混合。

2005-09-05 14:37:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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