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請教各位博學的人,常常在鍵盤上面看見的符號 ~ @ # $ ^ & 應該怎麼唸,來源又為何! 因為我被同事一個無心的問題吸引出好奇心! 也遍循網路搜尋資料後,居然無法獲得解答. 請給我一個正確又清楚的回答吧! 當然能介紹越多常見的符號就越感謝您嚕!

2005-07-13 13:22:14 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 死胖子該減肥了 1 in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

~ Tilde (取代符號) @ At sign, at (At 符號,At) # Pound sign (井字號) $ Dollar sign (錢符號) ^ Caret (插入號) & Ampersand (And 符號) * Asterisk (星號) \ Backslash (反斜線) [ Open bracket (左開式方括弧) ] Close bracket (右關式方括弧) ( Open parenthesis (左開式圓括號) ) Close parenthesis (右關式圓括號) : Colon (冒號) , Comma (逗號) -- Double dash (雙破折號) ... Ellipsis (省略符號) ' Single quote (單引號) " Quote (引號) = Equals (等號) + Plus, plus sign (加,加號) ! Exclamation point (驚歎號) > Greater than (大於) < Less than (小於) ? Question mark (問號) . Period, dot (句號,點) ; Semicolon (分號) - Hyphen (連字號) — Dash (破折號) _ Underscore (底線) |  Vertical bar (垂直線) { Open brace (左開式大括號) }  Close brace (右關式大括號) % Percent, percent sign (百分比,百分比符號) /  Slash (斜線) // Double slash (雙斜線)

2005-07-13 14:39:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0



2014-10-02 04:48:18 · answer #2 · answered by XADVIAMTRQTX 1 · 0 0

" (引號)也可稱為quotation marks

2005-07-13 14:03:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. @ at
2. " ditto marks
3. ' apostrophe
4. $ dollar sign
5. & and(amphersand)
6. / slash(virgule)
7. --- dash
8. [ ] brackets
9. ~ tilde
10. ... dot
11. : colon
12. ! exclamation mark
13. ; semicolon
14. ( ) parentheses
15. \ backslash
16. ? question mark
17. + plus
18. % percent
19. - minus
20. # number
21. * asterisk (star)
22. ^ hat
23. = equal
24. {} braces
25. > greater than
26. < less than
27. " double quote
28. ' single quote
29. , comma
30. . period
31. - hyphen

2005-07-13 13:48:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

我只知道"@"叫 AT
"&" 叫 AND

2005-07-13 13:24:50 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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