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Good Morning. The Headmaster, teachers, every graduate and junior.

I represent the all graduates to oration. The three years ago, we were ignorant (unintelligent, uninformed) when we enter this school. In the three years, the teachers’ teaching, get along with classmates and friends. We try hard for any tests and exams. There are not only happy but also woeful (sorrowful). These memories will be my power to challenge to next contest. We will help and encourage each other to march our dream and goal. Now I want to encourage junior to cherish that you have and seize all the time. In three years, anything will be your good memories in your life. And now to every graduate, we work hard in these years. Congratulations and happy gradation.

我代表三年級畢業生致辭,三年前,我們剛進學校時還是個懞懂無知的小鬼,經過三年來,老師的教導,與同學的相處,讓我受益良多,回想過去一起參加比賽、運動會和一起為大大小小的考試努力,這段時間裡,有歡笑也有悲傷,這些都將成為我們最美好的回憶,我們互相勉勵,邁向我們的目標和夢想。 在此要勉勵學弟妹們,要珍惜你們現在所擁有的,把握你現在的每分每秒,高中三年將會是你生命中,最美好的回憶。 各位應屆生,三年來辛苦大家了,我們要畢業啦!!


2005-06-03 18:56:21 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 北村 秋 2 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

北村 秋:你本來只是要求大家幫你改你寫的英文。可是我等於把你的放棄,又重寫了一篇。主要原因是你先把中文寫好,再翻譯成英文。所以在語意表達上,就脫不了「中式英文」的窠臼。我儘量保持你中文的原意,但以西方人的語氣寫出這篇演講稿。不敬之處,敬請見諒。
Dear Principle, Teachers, Fellow Graduates and Undergraduates,

It is my great honor to be the valedictorian of the commencement ceremony on behalf of classes of 2002. I remembered that we were naive freshmen when we began our high school curriculum in this campus three years ago. Now we become full-fledged and graduates. At this turning point of our youth, I want to express our deepest gratitude to those teachers who give us knowledge and intelligence on behalf of all graduates. We treasure every moment of joy and sorrow with our fellow undergraduate classmates in all games and contests.

When we walk out the gate of this school to pursue our ideals and dreams, all these wonderful scenes will soon become beautiful memories. I am here to pass what we have been told to you still in the campus, do cherish every second and minute in the high school, because this will be the highlight of your entire life as well as the most unforgettable memories.

For those who shall graduate with me, let's cheer with each other: " Thank God! We finally graduated."


[關鍵詞] valedictorian:名詞 — 畢業典禮中代表畢業生致詞者。這是畢業生被指派最榮耀的任務,也是全場矚目的焦點人物。

[關鍵詞] commencement:名詞 — 畢業典禮。在英文裡用「開始」和「畢業典禮」都是 “ commencement “ 。所以在西方人的眼中「畢業」是另一段人生的開始。

[關鍵詞] full-fledged:形容詞 — 羽翼豐滿的fledge 是指「生出羽毛」的意思。

2005-06-03 19:01:04 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0


2010-11-17 17:27:58 · answer #2 · answered by 臨玥 2 · 0 0

菜英文同學嗯的好厲害耶 英文真好

2005-06-04 19:56:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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