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One of the most common operations in the food industry is the moving of liquids and solids from one location or processing step to another by pumping. There are many kinds of pumps and the choice depends on the character of the food to be moved. One common type is a rotary gear pump (see external gear pump in Fig. 5.4). The inner gears rotate, sucking food into the pump housing and subsequently squeezing food out of the pump housing. For reasons of mechanical efficiency, with this type of pump, close clearances between the gears and housing are essential. Although such a pump would be effective for moving liquids and pastes, it would chew up chunk-type foods, reducing them to purees. Actually, pumps sometimes are used to do just this, but, generally, disintegration is a change that can best be controlled with specialized equipment other than pumps, and pumps should be chosen primarily for their pumping efficiency. A single screw pump is best for moving food with large pieces without disintegration. Such pumps are also called progressing cavity pumps and can be selected for large clearances of the cavities between the turning center rotor and the housing. The food is gently propelled from large clearance to large clearance by the screwlike action of the turning rotor. Food pieces such as com kernels, grapes, and even small shrimp can be pumped without physical damage. In the gear-type pump these would be ground up.
An essential feature for all food pumps is ease of disassembly for thorough cleaning.
Today’s sanitary stainless steel pumps in many cases can be disassembled in minutes
With a single tool.

2005-05-18 18:14:42 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 暱稱 5 in 社會與文化 語言


2005-05-18 18:15:49 · update #1


2005-05-18 18:30:00 · update #2

2 個解答



在市面上有許多種幫浦可供選擇,這完全取決於要處理的食物的特性. 最常見的就是旋轉式齒輪幫浦 (見在附圖 Fig 5.4 中的外部齒輪幫浦),它靠著裡面齒輪的旋轉將食物吸入內部的內箱,再將食物由內箱推出幫浦,這類型的幫浦為使機械的有效率增加,在內箱與齒輪的之間的空隙必須非常的小,但雖然這種幫浦在處理液狀及膏狀食物的時候非常有效率,它卻會把塊狀的食物攪成糊狀,雖然實際上有時候幫浦是拿來做絞碎的工作,可是一般來說絞碎這種工作最好還是要由其它特殊的裝備來做會比較好,而不是直接利用幫浦,而且選擇幫浦主要還是要利用它有效的推進功能.

單螺旋式幫浦是拿來輸送塊狀食物最好的一種幫浦,它不會攪爛破壞食物,這種幫浦又叫做progressing cavity幫浦,在需要旋轉馬達與內箱之間要有很大空隙的時後,我們可以選用這種幫浦,食物會被選轉馬達螺旋式的動作輕輕的由一個大空隙推進到另一個大空隙,一個一個的食物像是核果,葡萄甚至於小蝦子都不會有外表損傷,如果是用齒輪式的幫浦,這些食物早就被攪爛了.


2005-05-19 06:13:54 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

食品工業中的非常普通的操作抽(壓)之一從一個位置或者處理的步(步驟)是透過抽(壓)把液體和固體移動到另一個位置。 有許多種類的(水)泵並且選擇取決於(相信)運動(感動)的食品的特性(字符)。 一種共有(通常)類型是旋轉齒輪(水)泵 (看出(看到)外部齒輪用圖 5.4 表示抽(壓)) 。 (這些)內部齒輪轉動, 吸到(水)泵房子裡的食品和其後榨取食品(水)泵房子。 由於機械效率的原因, 用這種類型的(水)泵, (這些)齒輪和房子之間的緊密清除十分重要。 雖然這樣的(水)泵為使液體和膏移動是有效的, 但是它(這)咬碎(消耗)大部分類型食品, 把他們減少到純的。 實際上, 有時用(水)泵來剛剛(僅僅)做它, 但是, 通常, 分裂是能夠用除了(水)泵以外的列舉的設備最好控制的變化, 並且應該為他們的抽(壓)效率主要選擇(水)泵。 單一螺絲(水)泵對於使食品移動此時有大條(塊)沒有分裂有益。 這樣的(水)泵也叫作進展洞(水)泵和能夠為轉動(轉身)中心轉子和這間房子之間洞的大清除選擇。 由轉動(轉身)轉子的 screwlike 行動從大清除到大清除和緩地推進這份食品。 例如 COM 核心, 葡萄, 和更小的 小蝦 的食品條(塊)能夠沒有物質(身體)的損害被抽(吸)。 在齒輪類型(水)泵中磨削這些。所有食品(水)泵的一個十分重要特性(特點)為十分地乾淨是拆卸的自在。
今天分鐘後能夠用單一工具拆卸許多情況(箱子)中的ˇS 清潔衛生不鏽鋼(水)泵。

2005-05-18 18:24:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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