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What is the difference between cellular respiration and breathing and how are they related.
P.S ( please give me more details, and be specific) Thank you !!!

2005-05-15 20:51:20 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 珊珊 1 in 科學 生物學

3 個解答

The breathing is the outer respiration  to get O2 in and get CO2 out of the human body. It happens in lung, including ventilation and air exchange.The ventilation means the human inspirate the air into the respiratory tract ( nose, pharynx, bronchus, bronchiole etc ). And then expirate the air with less O2 and more CO2 out of our lung.And the air exchange happens in the alveola ( a small sac in the ending of the bronchiole ). The O2 diffuses through the membrane between the alveola and pulmonary capillary, and then binds with the hemoglobin of the red blood cell. At the same time, the CO2 leaves the blood and diffuses into the alveola.The breathing is controlled by the respiratory center located at the medulla ( one part of our brain stem ). That means that we don't have to remind ourself to breath. It is automatic! However, we can use motor neurous system to regulate the depth and volume of the breathing if we want.The respiration of cells is the inner respiration to use O2 to produce energy and CO2. The most of our energy is from the glucose. The glucose becomes pyruvate after glycolysis. Then the pyruvate becomes acetyl-coenzyme-A after decarboxylation. Then the acetyl-coenzyme-A becomes CO2 after Kreb's cycle.All of the three phases happen in the cells, and what their purpose is produce two high-energy material: NADH ( related to Vitamin B3 ) and FADH2 ( related to Vitamin B2 ). The NADH and FADH2 need O2 ( oxidative phosphorylation ) to release their energy and product ATP ( a more stable chemical formation with high-energy ). What is ATP for? Too many bio-chemical reaction in the human body need ATP as the energy source to produce protein. We have 500 thousand kinds of  protein for different physiological function, and it is one of the most important basis of our life!So, the breathing and the respiration of cells are linked-procedure! We always need energy to keep our life, and our cells need O2 and produce CO2 continuously to produce energy from the glucose. Indeed, the source of O2 and the exit of CO2 is the breathing.Besides, the ventilation is not only related to the O2 demand, but also the acid-base balance of the blood. When the CO2 leave from the cells into the blood, 70% of them would react with H2O and become H2CO3, and then become HCO3- and H+ --- they would decide the pH value of the blood. And stable pH value of the blood is very important to keep normal physiological function. When we are under stress ( like exercise, emotion pressure, pain etc ), we need more energy than usual. Therefore, our cells would release more CO2 into the blood, then the pH value would decrease ( in other word, more acid ). Our medulla will get the message from the sensory receptor in the blood vessels, and then it will order our lung to breath more quickly and/or more deeply ( increased breathing rate and/or tidal volume ). Then more CO2 will be removed in the same duration.

2005-05-22 02:01:27 補充:
Indeed, the breathing is not a chemical reaction. I did make a mistake when I called the breathing and respiration as coupled-reaction. However, it is a problem of my poor English, not physiology! ^_^ I just want to say that they are linked. Sorry!

2005-05-22 02:01:40 補充:
But in the physiology textbook written in Chinese, and when we teach young students, we do call the breathing as "outer respiration" to compare with the real cellular respiration reaction. And it could help the students to understand their relationship.

2005-05-22 02:08:16 補充:
Anyway, the "respiration" in Chinese and English are not the same completely. In Taiwan, to most of common people without professional knowledgee, the "respiration" means the inspiration and expiration, and they don't know what cellular respiration is!

2005-06-24 12:30:12 補充:
In fact, many physiology textbook in English also describe the breathing as "outer respiration". And I don't think someone like gn'r who knows only English but not medicine is qualified to talk about this medical topic.

2005-05-21 01:56:57 · answer #1 · answered by Manstein 7 · 0 0

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2014-09-07 06:21:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

cellular respiration is a process which cells use oxygen to carry out their functions and remove carbon dioxide and other waste materials from them. generally, cellular respiration is human's vital process. cells use oxygen to break down food(such as glucose, luctose, and so on...)to generate ATP(cellular energy, the main energy resource of our body), which is essential for us. carbon dioxide is produced when food particles are broken down into ATP.
breathing is a process that a person takes oxygen into the body in order to let cells function well (cellular respiration), and then breathes the carbon dioxide out of the body which is a waste product of cells during cellular respiration process.

the relationship between them is breathing process provides oxygen for cellular respiration and remove the carbon dioxide.

hope my answers are specific, detailed, and precise enough.

2005-05-23 06:02:23 補充:
You could just use Chinese then, you know.

2005-05-16 07:20:34 · answer #3 · answered by Guns N' Roses 1 · 0 0

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