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2005-04-10 17:35:04 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 Peter CY 4 in 社會與文化 語言

6 個解答

很多翻法ㄋㄟ沒有固定的  just for your reference~~~~He that travels far knows much. (覺得這個簡潔又有力)You can learn more by travelling a thousand miles than by reading a thousand books.Travel broadens our horizon much better than wide-reading.It is better to travel far than to read voluminously. 

2005-04-10 18:04:59 · answer #1 · answered by Cinderella 7 · 0 0

I love reading 文心雕龍's answers, both creative and appropriate. I will have to remember this one.

2005-04-15 13:51:42 · answer #2 · answered by Enoch 3 · 0 0

我試試看~~僅供參考~~為配合諺語意境~我把萬變成千~~(讀萬卷書不如行萬里路)Rather trek thousand miles than tread thousand tomes.我故意用tread以跟前面的 trek 押韻~tread 其實是行走~但我想中文也有類似的抽象表達法~如 行文~  或網路上用的 爬文 等等

2005-04-15 01:26:28 補充:


1. 踩,踏;在...上面走
2. 踏成,踩出

用 tread 當然就是配合諺語意境囉
有點像中文 行文 爬文 等~~~

2005-04-10 18:12:46 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

It's better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.

2005-04-10 18:00:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


One traveling thousand miles learns more than reading thousand volume books.
One learnes more from travel than from reading.

2005-04-14 22:19:32 補充:
文心雕龍:用trek 和 tread 押韻的確傳神,但是 tread tomes 是踐踏書籍,不就變成斯文掃地了嗎?


2005-04-14 22:19:36 補充:
文心雕龍:用trek 和 tread 押韻的確傳神,但是 tread tomes 是踐踏書籍,不就變成斯文掃地了嗎?


2005-04-14 22:19:37 補充:
文心雕龍:用trek 和 tread 押韻的確傳神,但是 tread tomes 是踐踏書籍,不就變成斯文掃地了嗎?


2005-04-14 22:19:38 補充:
文心雕龍:用trek 和 tread 押韻的確傳神,但是 tread tomes 是踐踏書籍,不就變成斯文掃地了嗎?


2005-04-10 17:54:40 · answer #5 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

read thousands of books and
travel thousands of miles

2005-04-10 17:43:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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