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不知道自己有沒有拼錯~是在太十(一款遊戲)裡面看到的~想請問cross your finger是什麼意思?為什麼要這樣講呢?或者有沒有什麼典故由來呢?

2005-04-09 11:35:45 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 飄飄 6 in 社會與文化 語言

6 個解答

cross one's fingers,得要有兩隻手指才能交叉起來喔西方習俗,由來是把食指和中指交叉,代表十字架,驅趕惡魔,祝福好運I'm crossing my fingers that I get the job. Keep your fingers crossed that the hurricane goes out to sea. 但是反過來說,如果心中想撒個無傷大雅小謊時,就把手背到背後去交叉成十字,這樣即使說謊也不會被上帝逞罰了I told Mom I didn't eat any cookies but I had my fingers crossed.以上例句在http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=cross%20one%27s%20fingers所抄來的

2005-04-09 11:55:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Cross your fingers 是把你的食指和中指交叉
在外國 人們很喜歡做這種動作來期盼一些事情能成功
可是也有人說謊時 對某人發誓之類 也會做這種動作

2005-04-09 11:46:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Cross The Finger

2016-11-09 23:53:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

cross one's fingers

中文: 用來祈求幸運的手勢

解釋: 幸運永遠不嫌多,cross one's fingers就是用來祈求幸運的手勢。這種歐美常用的肢體語言是把食指和中指勾在一起的動作。據說cross one's fingers過去是基督徒的秘密手勢,后來漸漸被用在表示「祝福自己」的意思。cross當名詞就是十字架。早期虔誠的基督徒為祈求天神不讓他們受異教徒的引誘,私下總會秘密地做此動作而流傳下來。當然這個手勢已成為日常用語,因此說的時候不一定要比出來。

2005-04-09 13:52:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

我廢話話多 反正就是求好運的就是了http://www.goenglish.com/CrossYourFingers.asp
An old superstition says that if you cross your fingers (usually two fingers of the same hand) it will bring good luck. Example: "I don't know what I will get for my birthday, but I am crossing my fingers that it will be a bicycle." You cross your fingers when you try to make something happen by wishing that it will happen. A common saying: "Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best." Example: "Good luck on your test tomorrow. We'll be crossing our fingers for you!" Reply: "Thanks." The meaning of don't cross your fingers changes a bit. It means don't hope too much for what you want to happen, because there is a strong chance that it might not happen. It means that you should not have expectations that are too high. Example: "It would be great if our team won today, but don't cross your fingers." Example: "We are hoping that John will get accepted to medical school, but we are not crossing our fingers." Dear Yahoo!:Why do people cross their fingers for luck?Dear Robin:There are a number of curious gestures and sayings in our modern society that leave us scratching our heads. Apparently, we have superstitious folk in merry old England to thank for the peculiar practice of crossing our fingers for luck. Witches, ghosts, and other supernatural ghouls were very real to people living in the 16th century. Illnesses and bad luck were blamed on these evil forces. Faith in the power of the Christian cross, therefore, was strong. A cough, a sneeze, or even a mention of a cold (thought to be a sign of the plague) was reason enough to cross yourself. The proper way to make the sign of the cross involves four steps -- touch the forehead, heart, left shoulder, then right shoulder with you right hand. When a suspected witch crossed your path, you could make a cross shortcut by crossing your index and second finger or the index fingers of both hands. This would provide protection and ward off the evil influence. Just like in Dracula movies, it was believed the power of the cross or any religious talisman would combat the forces of darkness. People also wore crosses or carried their Bibles in case they happened upon a nefarious being. A clove of garlic worn around the neck was ammunition against werewolves and bad spirits, and both peasants and nobles attached bells known as "bezants" to their garments, hoping the sound would scare away evil spirits. Though many of these beliefs have slowly died, the gestures they inspired have lived on. Let's face it, in today's scary world, we need all the luck we can get. If crossing your fingers, carrying a rabbit's foot, hanging a horseshoe, or rubbing a lucky penny helps you through the day, more power to you! http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20021017.html

2005-04-09 11:52:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cross your fingers 是把你的食指和中指交叉的一個動作。

2005-04-09 11:37:17 · answer #6 · answered by Caveman 6 · 0 0

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