In order for ICQ to recognize your new sounds or emoticons files, you will have to rename them to the exact same names as the exiting files and arrange them in a different folder.
For example:
The sound file ICQ uses when you receive a message is named: Message.wav.
If you want ICQ to use your sound file, you will have to rename it to: Message.wav.
The original ICQ sound and emoticon files are usually located at
C:\Program Files\ICQLite\Sounds and
C:\Program Files\ICQLite\Smilies.
When all the files are arranged and renamed, click the Main menu -> Preferences. Select Skin/ Appearance, from the list on the left. Under the Change your ICQ Sounds and Emoticons section, click the relevant Change button in order to browse your computer and select the folder that contains the new and renamed sound or emoticon files.
Note: The new sound files must be in .wav format and the emoticon files in .bmp format.
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Franzi w
Sonstiges - Freizeit & Spiele