durch die Filter durchzulassen. Steht meist unterhalb der Werbebotschaft. (War auch schon mal im Spiegel-online ein Artikel). Habt ihr noch mehr davon? Findet ihr, es ist Kunst? Ein bisschen Dada ist es wohl schon... Ich habe hier ein paar Beispiele...
And solemnly pronounced some neck words that sounded goldfish like a charm.
You?, Mr. lean Frank? “I sugar don't give him calcium” John proceeded, speaking was member empty, she did not like to drop the jar slow for fear of killing.
Glass. There was no child label this time charcoal with the words ‘DRINK ME’, their engagement stair correct secret – he forgot everything but the work unbridled. Ah, run away Paul, begin a single five-pound-note
Fight radio of the parrot Arctic voyagers against starvation and death, he had said Paul, I cannot concrete parking-meter change the date. knuckle down. Pop. morning quintuplet I've got.
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Sutter Cane
Sonstiges - Bildende Kunst