Soy de New York y hablo perfectamente el ingles.
My favorite singer's name is Christina Aguilera. She is a pop music star! She was born on December 18, 1980 in Staten Island, New York. Her father is from Ecuador and her mother is a violinist from Ireland.
Christina is a cheerful girl who doesn't speak Spanish in spite of her Hispanic origin. She has a clean-sounding and powerful voice. I love all of her songs but my favorites are: I Turn to You, Falsas Esperanzas (False Hopes), Pero Me Acuerdo de Ti (But I Remember You) and Contigo en la Distancia (With You in the Distance).
On February 24, 2000, Christina won the Grammy for Best New Artist, giving her great happiness.
Lo siento pero no comprendi lo de Cesar Portillo de la Luz.
2007-01-16 09:10:53
answer #1
answered by bedhead 3
no es she was born??...hay una parte que dice por otro lado this it finishes song their author its is cuban as me.... mejor me suena The author of the last song I mentioned is cuban like me-.... la verdad no estoy segura si en este caso se utiliza like o as...ojala alguien te puda ayudar mejor u_u'
2007-01-16 13:53:45
answer #2
answered by u_u' 4
muchos te han dado una buen arespuesta, asi que no lo hare , solo trata de no usar tanto el "she is", puedes abreviar "she's" y por ultimo, casi siempre que vas a escribir una biografia de alguien puedes poner la fecha de nacimiento entre parentesis para evitar el: ella nacio - ella "murio", o " es originaria de", solo escribe:
My favorite singer is the pop star Christina Aguilera (December 18- 1980)...
y asi, trata de abreviar lo mas que se pueda, porque en Estados Unidos como en Mexico existen los pleonasmos, y si lo dices como lo escribes es una frase muy repetitiva, "ella nacio aqui, ella es cantante, ella es esto, ella es el otro..."
eso es todo, tambien puedes utilizar en 100%, en vez de cien por ciento, por cierto en vez de decir que ella tiene una voz clara, puedes escribir:" she has a beautiful voice" o " she has a very nice voice"
Her last song's author is Cuban as me, he is Cesar... and Im so happy about her interpretation...
... ya me aburri, espero y te sirva...
2007-01-19 12:37:11
answer #3
answered by chocorrol 2
Soy traductora y sin duda Bedhead tiene la traducción correcta. Con respecto a la parte que ella omitió por no entenderla sería como muchos pusieron: the last song was written by Cesar Portillo de la Luz. He is cuban just like me. I love her performance in that song.
Te aconsejo que tengas en cuenta su versión.
2007-01-17 23:24:22
answer #4
answered by Luli 4
My favorite singer's name is Christina Aguilera.She is a pop star. She was born on the 18 of december, 1980 in Staten Island, New York. Her father is from Ecuador and her mother is an Irish violinist .
Christina is a cheerful girl that doesn't speak Spanish perfectly in spite of her Hispanic origin, like style of song of cristina aerie a lot. (No entiendo que quieres decir en la frase anterior). She has a clear, powerful voice.
I love all her songs,but my favorite ones are I Turn To You,Falsas Esperanzas,Pero Me Acuerdo DeTi and Contigo En La Distancia.this it finishes song(tampoco entiendo eso) their author is Cuban like me, his name is CESAR PORTILLO DE LA LUZ.. and I like the way Cristina sings that song a lot!
On February 24 ,2000 she had a great success when she got the Grammy award as the best new artist of theyear.
2007-01-16 13:55:43
answer #5
answered by lluisa62 5
My favorite singer ir Christina Aguilera, she is a music pop star. She was born on december 18, 1980 in Staten Island, New York. Her father is from Ecuador and her mother is an Irish violinist.
.... in spite of her hispanic origin, I like Christina´s style a lot, she has a clean and powerful voice. I love all her songs but my favorites are "I turn to you", "Falsas esperanzas", "Pero me acuerdo de tí", and "Contigo en la distancia", this last song was written by a Cuban - like me - composer named Cesar Portillo de la Luz, and I like a lot Christina´s version of the song.
On February 24, 2000 she obtained a Grammy award as the best new artist, yet the biggest highlight of her career and the happiest moment of her life.
2007-01-16 13:54:41
answer #6
answered by Annie 3
My favorite singer is pop music star Christina Aguilera. She was born December 18, 1980. She was born in Staten(?) Island, New York. Her father is from Ecuador and her mother is from Irland. In spite of her Hispanic origin Christina doesn't speak Spanish at a 100%. She has a clena voice and very powerful. I love all og her songs but my favorites are "I turn to you", "falsas esperanzas", "pero me acuerdo de ti", and "contigo en la distancia". <<<>>>> From this last song I like the interpretation she made on her Spanish CD.
On February 24, 2000 she received her biggest musical award, winning the Grammy for best new artist on that year.
creo que eso es mejor de como estaba escrito anteriormente.
2007-01-19 04:17:00
answer #7
answered by Ymor 3
My favorite singer is Christina Aguilera,she is a pop star music !!! She was born on December 18 in 1980, in Staten Island, New York. Her father is from Ecuador and her mother is a violinist from Irland !!
Christina is a cheerful girl that doesn't speak Spanish to a hundred percent in spite of its Hispanic origin, like style of song of cristina aerie a lot, she has a clean voice and with a lot of power!! I love all hers songs, but my favorite ones are I Turn To You,Falsas Esperanzas,Pero Me Acuerdo DeTi and Contigo En La Distancia and this song was write for CESAR PORTILLO DE LA LUZ.. and I like very much the interpretation that Cristina made of that song
On February 24, 2000 happened her biggest musical event and her biggest happiness obtaining the prize Grammy to the best new artist in this year.
2007-01-16 15:29:42
answer #8
answered by Cler 3
hay cosas que puedes mejorar, espero no te importe que te lo transcriba:
Christina Aguilera is my favourite singer, she es a pop music star. She was born in Staten Island, New York, on december 18 of 1980.Her father is ecuadorian and her mother is an irish violinist.
Despite of her spanish american origin, Christina doesn't speak spanish. I like her style because she has a clean powerful voice. I enjoy listening songs as "I Turn to You", "Falsas Esperanzas", "Pero Me Acuerdo de Tí" and "Contigo en La Distancia", this last song was composed by a cuban songwriter, I love Christina's performance.
On february 24 of 2000 Christina won the Grammy to the best artist of that year.
2007-01-16 14:07:33
answer #9
answered by MarceloMG 3
"She born" (no es correcto), She was born on december18th 1980.
"Christina is a cheerful gir that doesn't speak spanish to a hundred" (no es correcto), She doesn't speak spanish very well.
"She has a clean voice an with a lot of power" Pienso que quedaría mejor así: she has a clean and powerful voice.
"and I like very much the interpretation tha Cristina made of that song" creo que queda mejor así: I loved her interpretation in Contigo en la distancia.
"happened her biggest musical event" in February 24th 2000, It was her biggest musical event and she obtained the Grammy.
salu2 ojalá que t sirva.
2007-01-16 13:58:47
answer #10
answered by OsItA sTrIpPeR y ViCkY 6