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2007-01-03 16:12:58 · 3 respuestas · pregunta de Anonymous en Música y ocio Corazón

3 respuestas

There's a hill we gotta climb
There's a treasure we must find
The two of us as friends ready to take on the world
We'll see who can touch the sky
We'll see who can jump that high
Everyday is an adventure, we're ready to take on the world
And through all the ups and downs
I'll alway be around

You know if nothing goes your way
When nothing goes your way
You know i will
I'll stand between you and your darkest fears
You know i will
I'll be the shoulder
Boy your falling tear
You know i will
I'll be behind you till you're in the clear

When the sunlight shows it's face
You and me we take our place
We're legendary heroes, we're ready to take on the world
So from there the chase begins
If we go, we both will win
When we're having fun
there's no one else in the world
And if you slip and fall off the track
I'll carry you on my back

You know if nothing goes your way
When nothing goes your way
You know i will
I'll stand between you and your darkest fears
You know i will
I'll be the shoulder
Boy your falling tear
You know i will
I'll be behind you till you're in the clear

And through all the ups and downs
I'll alway be around

You know if nothing goes your way
When nothing goes your way
You know i will
I'll stand between you and your darkest fears
You know i will
I'll be the shoulder
Boy your falling tear
You know i will
I'll be behind you till you're in the clear

You know i will
Yeah, yeah
Ooh, ooh

no especificaste si en español o en inglesy aparte solo encontre en ingles

2007-01-03 16:15:14 · answer #1 · answered by leo 4 · 0 0

busca en el planeta de las letras ahi hay de muchas canciones

2007-01-03 16:51:55 · answer #2 · answered by kab 2 · 0 0

Está completa en esta página:


2007-01-03 16:20:56 · answer #3 · answered by pat-pat 4 · 0 0

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