Journalistic test: “The immigrants” of Vargas Llosa By Alfredo Elejalde F. Lima (in process). (17-07-2003) URL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. - Introduction (1) The test the immigrants of Mario Vargas Llosa received the Prize Mariano de Cavia, granted by the ABC newspaper of Madrid, in October of 1996. This test was published by the newspaper the Country, also of Madrid, which indicates clearly its massmediática nature to us. The version that we commented here was taken from the Peruvian magazine Masks Not 1470. We must notice that the qualification of massmediático speech can easily take to the error to think a priori that it is an informative or simply banalizador speech; nevertheless, the analysis of their argumentativa organization and the observation of their rhetorical peculiarities will show us that it is not thus, that the massmediática determination of the article does not produce only a simple text but, in addition, a text whose complexity derives from the brevity of the space available and the quality of the used arguments and whose simplicity responds to the ephemeral nature of journalistic means and to the average type of reader to whom it goes. This combination of complexity and simplicity allows to at least give to the test two different readings: it can be ***reflxed mng fast and more or less acríticamente, as usually one ***reflxes mng any journalistic text, or, given the recognition of the author, it can be ***reflxed mng critically with the certainty to be before a quality argumentation. If this combination of simplicity and complexity already make of the text an interesting piece, its ideological and noticeably controversial character will clarify the interpretation in the measurement that the specific readers add always their own political points of view. And in the recent political history of Peru that is not not much. In short, it is that you share or not trasfondo ideological of the speech, I hope that it is in agreement with that this one has to last beyond the ephemeral step of the daily edition. 2. - Structure of the argumentation: arguments and sequences 2.1. - Sequence introductoria: This first sequence includes three paragraphs that fulfill several intentions: in the first place, they introduce to the reader in the problem of the immigrants from two examples that, by means of the presentation of tactical missions, approach the alongside human reader of immigration. This way, the test generates affection towards the immigrants in the readers of the developed countries. Secondly, the use of the examples corresponds with the inductive reasoning, in other words, is created the impression that the examination of specific cases of the reality is the origin of propose theses in the rest of the test. This sequence finishes with the enunciation of a general argument of ethical character: the Natural Right of the search of the well-being, in as much universal, is more important that the Legal Norm of the specific countries. We see then, that from the observation of the cases the enunciation of a ethical-legal argument is derived. PARAGRAPH FUNCTION DEVISES MAIN SECONDARY IDEAS 1 Example (induction) a pair of Lambayeque in Spain. Eventful journeys of a pair of immigrants. 2 Example (induction) a pair of Peruvian in New York. Eventful journeys of a pair of immigrants. 3 Argument of the Natural Right Right to a better life (economically and politically). Violation of the legal norm is justified by the survival and the huída one of Barbarian governments. 3 Argument of the inevitable thing is no way to stop immigration. 2.2. - Sequence of development: This second sequence corresponds to the traditional section of the development. Here two moments notice: first it examines the problematic one of immigration, always from the optics of the developed countries, whereas the second examines three possible solutions to finish with immigration. 2.2.1. - Subsequence of the pros and cons of immigration. These paragraphs consider that the immigration is inevitable and that the antiinmigracionista policy is not only expensive but also totalitarian. Paragraph 6 returns to the idea already exposed in the sequence 1 of which the immigrant looks for better conditions of life and of which he is able to overcome any obstacle that is crossed to him in the way. This subsequence finishes of analogous way to the sequence first: with a presented/displayed general argument of axiomatic way. This is, a Law of the Immigration is enunciated that affirms that immigration generates wealth and nonpoverty. In spite of the axiomatic character that confers the name to him of “law”, this principle is sustained by means of the reference to the theory of Taylor and to the proposals of Forbes and Kemp. That is to say, one mentions the opinions of specialists in history and one relates the proposals of politicians of the developed countries. This is, in good account, the argument by the authority. Although this type of argumentation usually is classified in the manuals of argumentativa rhetoric like deceit, we must indicate that the brevity of the space available, determined by journalistic means, prevents to the author the retail explanation of the proposals of the mentioned authorities. If in academic means east argument, as it is presented/displayed, probably would be rejected, in journalistic means simply it is adapted. PARAGRAPH FUNCTION DEVISES MAIN SECONDARY IDEAS 4 Argument on inevitable the attempt to stop the indetenible migration elevates the public cost and fails. Great cost in infrastructure against immigration in the USA. 4 Enlace with the following paragraph the immigrant is blamed of the evils. 5 antitotalitarian Argument the authoritarian antiinmigracionista policy undermines the democracy and legitimizes the xenophobia. The National Front of Le Pen and the police in Spain act xenofóbicamente. The beginning of the persecution. 6 Argument of the work the immigrant goes where there is work, not where there is no it. They make works that the premises scorn and contribute to the economy of the destiny and the origin. The Spanish emigrants of 60s. 7 Argument of the Law of Immigration the immigrant creates work, does not clear it. It is progress factor. P. Taylor explains the economic takeoff by immigration (UK, the USA, Argentina, Canada, Venezuela). Steve Forbes, Jack Kemp. 2.2.2. - Subsequence of the solutions of the problem of immigration. This second subsequence of sequence 2 examines three possible solutions to the problem of immigration. First of her she is absurd: it is necessary to kill to the poor men of the third-world countries by means of atomic pumps. The laughter by the irrealidad of the hyperbolic proposal and the horror by their inhumanidad exempts to the ensayista of the necessity to prove that he is better to discard a policy so and, rather, emotionally prearrange to the reader to reject the antiinmigracionistas policies. After reiterating the argument of which the immigrant goes to where there is work, and to give examples of it, paragraph 8 enunciates the idea that the development of the poor countries could stop immigration to the rich countries. Under this principle the paragraph 9 is opened that, nevertheless, rejects the idea that the international aid to the poor governments is the solution because the inefficiency and corruption of these takes to them to squander those resources. Like in the first sequence and subsequence 1 of sequence 2, the last paragraph of this subsequence presents/displays a theoretical statement that, in this case, is in addition a political and economic proposal. This tenth paragraph is the place in which the test undoes the knot of the argumentation: immigration can be stopped if the poor countries generate wealth and use and, to obtain this objective, the rich countries must open their commercial borders to the imports from the third world and must encourage the democratization of their political apparatuses. PARAGRAPH FUNCTION DEVISES MAIN SECONDARY IDEAS 8 Exposition of the problem Can be stopped the migration? . 8 the absurd solution the extermination of the poor men. There is no only a case of antiinmigracionista success. 8 Argument of the work the migration will stop when the destiny is not attractive and when in the origin there is work. The migrations of the Gallegos, Murcian and the Irish in the **. 9 the solution of the international aid economic Aid to the governments aggravates the problem. Governments gansters in 3er world: Mobutu (Zaire), satrapía Nigerian military man. The aid must create job, develop resources and stay to the margin of the State. 10 the solution of the commercial opening. Opening of commercial borders to poor countries and incentives and sanctions for the democratization of the poor countries yes is alternative viable. Modern democratic countries must open to their commercial borders when 3er world and sanction the political totalitarianism in Africa and Latin America. 2.3. - Sequence of conclusions: Although paragraph 10, in the measurement that presents/displays a concrete proposal to solve the problems of immigration, has the characteristics of a conclusion, not it incluímos in this last sequence because he is strongly tie to paragraphs 8 and 9. However, paragraph 11, the only one which we have considered for the final sequence, is an independent statement of the immediately previous paragraphs and has the advantage to synthesize the different proposals sustained throughout the test. Notice that the life, energy and culture that the immigrants inject to the countries that receive them are positive qualities: it is not said that immigration does not clear work, but that injects life and energy, is not said either that they destroy the local culture, but that enrich it. PARAGRAPH FUNCTION DEVISES MAIN SECONDARY IDEAS 11 Conclusion immigration injects life, energy and culture. The article seems pessimistic if this belief does not share. 3. - The style and the construction of the meaning The structure of the argumentation arrives reviewed must be complemented with the examination of some characteristics of the style, that is to say, of particular the linguistic uses of the text. For example, the conversational character that both restores the tone of the text in first paragraphs creates the familiarity effect. The ensayista “speaks” with the reader using the singular pronoun of first person, it tells episodes him of his private life and uses a reasonable language so that, when already that familiarity has been created, it is easier to him to introduce theoretical arguments without boring to his reader. This necessity to fight against the boredom of the reader is key to understand the continuous transits of theoretical statements to specific cases, and vice versa. These specific cases usually are small narrations put in between the arguments, and its abundant and colorful adjectival use not only is used like mechanism to condense the text but also like tool to value the conduct of men and governments. In this way, an examination of the uses of the predicates, specifically of the adjectives, must give lights on the ideology that values and hierarchizes the actors of the drama of the immigrants. 3.1. - The migration and the migrantes Mario Vargas Llosa begins the test with the story of two histories of Peruvian emigrants in who she defines the migration by means of the nouns eventful journey, odyssey and calvario, that include the shortages and sacrifices that suppose to cross the borders of the developed countries. If both first terms allude clearly to the long and arduous days involved in the migration, the third, of raigambre Christian one, can metafóricamente be interpreted because the migration is the pain that takes to the enjoyment of the glory. On the other hand, the qualification of the migration with the illegal adjective gives to understand, on the one hand, that the illegal immigrant to transfer the borders of these countries is albur, since they can be stopped or dead in the attempt;. on the other hand, it marks the unstable situation on a map that the illegal emigrant lives abroad, because she how long does not know will remain in that country without she is stopped and deported to his country of origin by the police of immigrations; finally, if we observed the third paragraph of the text, the illegal term indicates to the opposition between the positive norm and the natural right, as we indicated when commenting the sequence introductoria. The Calvario migration Odyssey Migration Eventful journey Illegal 3.2. - Causes of the migration in the origin of the migrantes The text describes the causes that as much originate the migration in the country of origin as in the destiny country. It presents/displays an opposition that leaves in clear the reason for the disturbed increase of the migration in our days. The five first nouns that it uses let see a situation of hopelessness and suffering of the citizens of the well-being and Third World Countries that is totally opposite to the freedom situation that exists in the developed countries. Vargas Llosa also uses the words despotism and authoritarianism to talk about to the governments of the underdeveloped countries, as well as she speaks of a state gangrene that previously attributes the existence of the miserable situation and mentioned oppression to the governmental policies of the poor countries. On the other hand the nouns that it uses to explain the causes of the migration in the destiny countries reflect an ideal quality of life that would be attainable by means of the migration.
Causes of the migration in the origin country Hunger Unemployment Misery Violence Oppression Authoritarianism Despotism state Gangrene 3.3. - Causes of the migration in the destiny of the migrantes Note that the values associated with the countries that live immigration refer to the possibility of material progress and the search of peace and freedom, that is to say, the quality of life is not reduced to the mere material well-being, but that includes the personal dimension of the migrante. The reference to the freedom is coherent with the totality of the intellectual and political activity of the author. Causes of the migration in the destiny country Prosperity Opportunities Future Work Peace Freedom 3.4. - The governments in the countries of origin of the migrantes Next the author also talks about to the policy applied by the country of origin and the country of destiny. To first he describes it as infernal, Barbarian, corrupt, authoritarian and despotic, a species of ganster and tyrant who assaults and presses his citizens. Government of the Country of origin Barbarian Infernal Corrupt Enquistado Despotism Ganster Authoritarianism state Gangrene 3.5. - The governments in the countries of destiny of the migrantes On the other hand the destiny government is presented/displayed like an afraid country of the incessant ones swelling of immigrants who deceive their different and expensive antiinmigracionistas programs. The governments who receive the immigrants do his even though and this one rejection must to a fear-panic. This neologism is made up of two nouns whose unusual combination breaks the morfosintácticas structures of the Castilian and believes in the reader a malaise sensation. The violation of the linguistic norms of morfosintaxis of the language is because a rhetorical resource that must cause the rejection of the meaning of the neologism, that is to say, the rejection to that fear that guides the antiimigracionsitas policies of the developed countries. Government of the Country of Antiinmigracionista destiny Fear-panic Soon mentions the legal aspects to favor and against the migration. He makes reference to inherent the natural rights to the human being that are the right to the life, the freedom and the equality between all the men. All man is free and must right to look for one better quality of life, on the other hand the legal norm that is of local character unlike the natural right that is of universal character, very insistently tries to restrict the rights previously mentioned. Also he describes to the antiinmigracionista policy applied by the countries developed with the adjectives of useless and expensive, with respect to this comments the efforts that the most powerful Earth country makes, the United States, to eradicate the migration without getting to obtain encouraging results that they justify the enormous budget that this represents. Also he uses the legitimadora phrase “of the xenophobia and racism” because this urges the inhabitants of the country that applies it, to hate and to marginalize the emigrant, thanks to the erroneous image that the developed countries have given of him their citizens.
2006-12-30 16:59:50
answer #1
answered by canciondeamore 4