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They listen to our music, they use the word "cool," instead of "toll," they learn English in school, and so much more. Why can't they just make their own music, their own words and their own customs? I don't mean to be rude I was just wondering.

2006-12-06 07:06:00 · 26 antworten · gefragt von Answer Queen 3 in Politik & Verwaltung Politik

26 antworten

well, deep down they just wanna be like die Amis, but don't have the guts to say so.... as for all the post here...Ich kann das ja garnicht glauben den ganzen hass hier!! I cant believe all the hatred here!!!

have you never heard " imitation is a form of flattery"

deep down the germans are ashamed of being associated with the Hitler, and the great third Reich all the time!

2006-12-08 13:09:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 4

Überleg ma von wem die/ihr Amis überhaupt abstammt...na? Genau von überwiegend europäischen, also auch deutschen Einwanderern. Man könnte sagen ihr seid eigentlich nur Kopien oder Weiterentwicklungen in die falsche Richtung. Aber du hast schon Recht, ich kann auch nicht verstehen warum die halbe Welt euren Pseudostyle kopiert.

2006-12-06 07:26:46 · answer #2 · answered by Angelica 2 · 11 10

Weil die amerikanischen Medien alles beeinflussen. Amerikanischer Kulturimperialismus heißt das. Aber glaub mir: Es gibt hier massig deutsche Musik und Filme und auch alles andere - alles urdeutsch. :)

Cause the us-media influences everything. It's called American culture imperalisme. But believe me: There's a lot of german music (not only volksmusik, real german pop music, german r&b and even german rap) and there are also german films and german whatever. believe me :)

Aber was ich mich frage:
Why do Americans drive Japanese and German cars?

2006-12-06 07:15:42 · answer #3 · answered by menschliches.wesen88 6 · 10 11

Tja und warum schreibst du nicht auf Deutsch? Ich weiß das du Deutzsche bist ;-)
Soviel zu us Americans

Deine email Addresse ist leider nicht erreichbar deswegen schicke ich sie dir so:

Ok you can't write in German I am sorry. But the letters are the same and they are latin. and instead of ö you could write oe (ä=ae ü=ue ß=ss)
The answer with the culture imperialism is quite good. But actually I believe it started more likly from England especially with the Music (Beatles...). Back then there was only boring music so teenager adopded the music from England which swaped over to the US. So now it is US music.
Their actually is a big german music scene and it's getting bigger and bigger. But still I don't think we will ever stop to listen to english music, as the words sounds nicer and many kinds like jazz, rap , rock are just basic in english so why change?
We learn English in school as we learn French, Latin, Spanish and other languages as we have a good education. Why don't Americans learn other languages? English is the science language in the world so it's quite usefull to study it.
About the language we have a lot of foreign words in our language as every country has. Right now we adopt a lot of english words but actually their are many people who dislike that b/c there are too many now.
and you definitly can't say that we don't have a own culture. it's true there are a lot american things over here but thats just capitalizm. there are also a lot of european things in the US. Just look to the food - Kraft Nestle...they are all european products.
It is sad but the cultures and the individulizm is loosing importants.
greetings Dr.Seuss

2006-12-06 07:08:54 · answer #4 · answered by Dr.Seuss 5 · 9 11

Kindergarten, Gemütlichkeit,...

Und ohne Wernher von Braun wäret ihr niemals nich aufm Mond gewesen, also immer ruhig mit den jungen Pferden...:-)

Es gibt nicht "den" Amerikaner, es gibt eine in weiten Teilen ungebildete Masse Menschen, die den Nordamerikanischen Kontinent bevölkern!

You sound like a JAP!

Grüße, Andreas!

2006-12-06 07:16:15 · answer #5 · answered by pttler2 5 · 8 11

Well, I am glad that I am not an American and that "Dubya" is not my president, either.
I am glad to live in a free society and in a free country - for me, the U.S. once WAS a free country, but since Bush America no longer is a real "free" nation at all. Fortunately, more and more Americans are now realizing this (but a bit too late, I believe).
I want to stay over here - not in the U.S....Being in the U.S. as a tourist is ok, but I wouldn't like the idea to live in the U.S....

Sometimes, American movies & music are good and ok, but I have realized that too many American movies contains too much violence, hatred, sex, crime, etc. Over here, we also have lots of domestic movies & music as well -- but, do you ever have seen any foreign film on TV over there in America??? America imports all it's movies to other countries, but you hardly ever see any foreign film on domestic television in the United States. Over here, we also can watch movies from other countries (from the UK, Scandinavia, African nations, Japan, China, Cuba, Brazil, Vietnam, Australia) and of course, German movies as well.

That's my opinion.

2006-12-06 07:34:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 10

American to American, YOUR STUPID!!!!! It's americans like you and president Bush who give americans like me a bad name! The next time you are on a german site you better speak german!

Ich haben etwas zu sagen zu dem deutshlanders and ossteriechers wer habt deiser fragen gelessen. Nicht alle amerikaners sind wie dieser fettes kuh!! und ja, President Bush ist ein *********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-06 08:40:08 · answer #7 · answered by ACV 3 · 7 12

wenn die Deutschen sich wie Deutsche benehmen würden hätte die Welt wieder Angst vor uns, deshalb stellen wir uns dumm und machen alles wie die Amerikaner

2006-12-06 07:12:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 10

Ich mag nicht "Deine" Musik, ich mag Jazz & Blues. Diese Musik hat bestimmt nichts mit Dir zu tun.
I don't like "your music" I like Jazz & Blues. This music surely has nothing to do with you.

Es gibt sehr gute deutsche R&B Musik, und wir haben auch unsere eigene Rapper-Szene. Der Ursprung des R&B, Jazz, ist eine AFROamerikanische Mischung.
There is very good German R&B music and we also have our own rapper scene. Jazz, as being the origin of R&B is an AFROamerican mixture.

Deutsche Jugendliche übernehmen gewiß einige Worte, die aus Holywood zu uns gelangen. Wenn Du aber genau zuhörst, stellst Du fest, dass sich hier eigene Bedeutungen der Worte entwickeln.
German juveniles certainly take over a few words which come here from Hollywood, but if you listen more distinctly you will find that the words develop their own meaning over here.

Ich verstehe nicht ganz deine Einstellung, wenn Impulse für andere Länder von meinem Land übernommen werden, dann bin ich doch stolz darauf?
I don't really understand your attitude. If impulses are taken over from my country to another one, wouldn't I be proud of it?

Ausserdem hast Du, wie Dr Suess auch schon erwähnt hat, schon gepostet, dass Du Deutsche bist.
Beside this, as Dr Suess has already mentioned, you have posted before that you are a German.

2006-12-06 07:41:30 · answer #9 · answered by > Beate < 6 · 4 10

hi,hi, genau, die englische sprache hat sich in den usa entwickelt und wurde von dort in der ganzen welt verbreitet...
genau so habe ich das auch gelernt....

fremdsprachenkenntnisse zeigen doch eine gewisse weltoffenheit, ist in den usa ja beides nicht besonders verbreitet.

2006-12-06 07:32:37 · answer #10 · answered by Maake 3 · 5 11

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