Ein Rat im voraus: Ich würde nicht mit "hallo" anfangen, das ist nicht der richtige Ton für eine traurige/feierliche Ansprache.
Mein Vorschlag:
"Dear friends,
Like so many others I am thinking today especially of Jean. It is three years now since his death, but we still remember. I would find it nice if we could think of him intensely today, and maybe light a candle as a small token. It still hurts after three years.
Apart from that: the book will probably be finished by April."
Ich hoffe, das hilft, und ich möchte mein Beileid zum Ausdruck bringen für den Verlust Ihres Freundes.
2006-11-11 03:50:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hier :
Dear friends,
Like so many of you I'm also thinking of Jean. He is gone three years ago but we'll never forget him. It'd be really nice if today you could concentrate on him, maybe light a candle(on his memory). It's three years since then, but it still hurts.
By the way: The book will probably be finished by April.
2006-11-10 23:03:54
answer #2
answered by Kilimanjaro 4
Wollen wir hier nicht einen Übersetzungservice gründen? Ich finde das schon heftig, was hier an Übersetzungs "hilfen" gefragt wird. Und nicht nur, weil ich eine bin.....
2006-11-12 00:51:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
"Hello!Like so many other people,i think espacially of Jean today.3 years have actually passed since his death and he is unforgetable.It would be nice for me if we think intensivly of him today and maybe light a candle as a little symbol.It happened 3 years ago and it still hurts.
By the way:The book will probably be finished in April"
Ist zwar nicht wortwörtlich übersetzt,aber vielleicht hilft es dir weiter!
2006-11-11 23:27:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Hello! like so many others I am thinking specially of Jean. three years ago he dead but he is still in rememberance. It would be nice if we, specially today, could think about him intensive and also maybe lighting an candle as asmall sign.It was three years ago but still it is paining.
by the way: The Book will be probably finished in April.
2006-11-11 06:18:09
answer #5
answered by repentance 2
Hello! As for many other people, today my special memories are dedicated to Jean. It's been three yaers now since his death, but he will never be forgotten. I'd appreciate it if we all would think of him intensively today and maybe light a candle to his memory,as a little sign. It's been three years,and it still hurts.
By the way: the book will probably be finished in April.
2006-11-10 23:08:59
answer #6
answered by skessa 4
das is echt super, hab ich selbst schon oft verwendet!!!
übersetzt zwar keine kompletten texte, is aber perfekt für einzelne wörter und redewendungen, zeigt auch verscheidene bedeutungen von wörtern an!!!
lg und es tut mir echt leid für dich! ich hab auch schon nen menschen verloren, der mir echt nahe stand!!!!!!!
2006-11-10 23:08:58
answer #7
answered by Jule 2
" Hello! As so many others I think especially of Jean today. Now it´s already 3 years ago since he died, but however, he remains unforgotten. I would find it great if we think especially of him today and light maybe a candle, as a small sign of memory. It is 3 years ago and it still hurts.
By the way: The book will be probably ready in April "
Hoffe es ist ok so! Musst dir halt aus allen Antworten das Beste zusammenbasteln!
Tut mir leid für dich, dass ein guter Freund von dir gehen musste. Es ist schön, dass du auch noch nach drei Jahren an ihn denkst! Lass ihn in dir und deinen Gedanken weiterleben!
2006-11-10 23:06:20
answer #8
answered by pekka 4
Ich kann auch nicht genug Englisch, um Dir hierbei behilflich zu sein. Aber vielleicht hilft Dir dieser Link bei der Übersetzung weiter:
Alles Gute.
2006-11-10 23:03:25
answer #9
answered by kalinka1968 4
den ersten text schonnmal nicht nehmen! der wohl bei google übersetzt und völlig falsch.
3 Jahre ist sein Tod nun schon her, doch er bleibt unvergessen =
he died 3 three years ago, but in our mind he's still alive.
bei dem rest kann ich dir leider auch nciht so rect helfen, sorry.
2006-11-10 23:02:46
answer #10
answered by das_apfel_x3 2
Hi there !
Like some of you,I remind Jean especially today. He passed away three years ago,but she is still in our minds.It would be very kind if we spend some loving thougts tody,may light a candle.Just as a little sign..... Tree years run by since it happens,but it still hurts so much.
By the way,the book will be finished probably in April.
2006-11-10 23:50:50
answer #11
answered by Philipp H 2