shivaísmo la mujer encarna el poder!
En el maithuna el hombre con frecuencia permanece pasivo; evita todo lo que provocaría la eyaculación. Shakti está activa y conserva la iniciativa durante el desarrollo del rito. El hombre está receptivo, Shatki da el tono. Es indiferente que la erección se mantenga o no hasta el final: basta con poder permanecer unidos. En el Tantra es más Shakti que Shiva quien capta y transmite los ritmos cósmicos de la Luna, del Sol y de la Tierra. Para conocer el éxtasis, el hombre debe permanecer mucho tiempo unido a Shakti, impregnarse de su energía magnética, hasta que la «divina vibración» lo invada. Basta para ello con atender distendidamente pero sin fallas a todo lo que pasa en el cuerpo, y a los intercambios que se efectúan.
Esta unión puede -y debería- durar hasta dos horas y más. Shiva debe abandonarse a la percepción sensual de la mujer, sentir latir su sangre, vibrar según su diapasón, respirar a su ritmo (¡muy importante!), entonces surgirá la experiencia extática.
Rita Ashby, una tántrica californiana, dice: «La Shakti tántrica florece literalmente. Su piel brilla con el resplandor de Eros, su mirada abierta e inocente cultiva a todos aquellos a quienes se dirige. El Tantra es una forma de adoración que da a Shakti confianza en sí misma. Cada mujer es la esposa de Shiva. ¡Shakti! ¡Shakta! Incluso el orgasmo de Shakti es una simple eventualidad sin verdadera importancia, pues la mujer no está tan orientada hacia lo genital. Al contrario de la eyaculación en el hombre, el orgasmo femenino atiza el fuego divino del goce, en lugar de extinguirlo».
Y Ted Ashby, su compañero, añade: «Después de haberse amado durante horas, uno está dispuesto a todo: a hacer música, a bailar como un dios, o incluso a hacer Tantra con un grupo de adeptos, en el círculo mágico donde cada uno, tomándose de las manos, percibe las vibraciones y el magnetismo de los otros. El tántrico no intenta imponer su identidad aislada. Está plenamente "aqui" y "ahora", está vivo y se convierte en la Vida. se es uno con la pareja y se está listo para convertirse en uno con todas las maravillas del Ser».
El Tantra libera al hombre del reflejo eyaculatorio, sin dificultades mayores. Por supuesto que una pareja habituada desde hace años al amor «normal» no se descondiciona de un día para otro. El principio el hombre no logrará más que una vez sobre dos o tres evitar la eyaculación, a veces por falta de cooperación de su compañera, ella también acostumbrada a la forma habitual de contacto sexual y que puede, igual que el hombre, encontrar al comienzo que este tipo de unión es menos satisfactoria. Basta simplemente con perseverar para ir de descubrimiento en descubrimiento, pues la Vía del Valle es la vía más fácil de la meditación entre dos.
Haced del sexo una meditación entre dos. No lo cambataís, no os opongáis a él. Sed amistosos frente al sexo. ¡Vosotros sois una parte de la naturaleza! En verdad el acto sexual no es un diálogo -en el peor de los casos un monologo- entre un hombre y una mujer, es un diálogo del hombre con la naturaleza a través de la mujer, y de la mujer con la naturaleza a través del hombre. Durante un instante os insertáis en la corriente cósmica, en la armonía celestial, estáis de acuerdo con el Todo.
2006-08-30 03:58:59
answer #1
answered by LAURA V 5
No, pero lo sabre mañana.
2006-08-29 22:50:15
answer #2
answered by Zafiro 6
No lo sé, y decime: cómo nos lo vas a explicar eh?
2006-08-29 22:49:08
answer #3
answered by Mabel (sin virus ni guerras) 7
Seeing Diti's cowives being blessed with children;Diti too was eager to have a son.So,she had asked Kashyapa for company.Though Kashyapa had acceded to her request,He had asked her to wait for an hour as it was then the time when Shiva and his retinue of ghosts and spirits moved about;which was considered inauspicious and unsuited.However;Diti;shaken by the passion of love and lust, couldn't wait and she seized kashyapa by his garments,which was a sign of immodesty.Since Diti's mind was impure;tainted by lust,she would give birth to two unworthy sons who would violate all the ethics(Dharma) and follow the path of Adharma.When Diti felt sorry,Kashyapa consoled her by saying that they would be slained by Lord Vishnu himself and thus be blessed by the Lord's contact in the end.Also;one of her four grandsons'by her first son,would be a great devotee of Vishnu and also the noblest man(He is Prahlada.).In this way,Jaya and Vijaya were born in this earth to Diti as Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha.
Vijaya (B.C. 543-504) was the first Aryan king of Lanka. According to the Mahavamsa, his grandmother, Suppadevi, was the daughter of the king of Vanga (Bengal) by a princess of Kalinga (Orissa). She ran away from home and in the country of Lala or Lada, the modern Gujarat, mated with a lion (sinha) - hence the names of her children and ultimately the designation of Lanka became known as the Sinhala. At the age of sixteen her son Sinhabahu was elected as the new king of Vanga after killing his own father, but Sinhabahu abandoned Vanga and built the new city of Sinhapura in his native country Lada. His son Prince Vijaya and his companions committed such outrages in his father's capital that the king was compelled by popular clamour to drive them out.
Prince Vijaya set sail and, touching at Supparaka, a famous port on the west coast of India (also known as Sopara, north of Mumbai), ultimately arrived at Tambapanni. Vijaya is made to land at Tambapanni on the very day of Buddha's death. Here they found the country inhabited by Yakkhas, and their queen Kuveni, entrapped Vijaya's followers, but was compelled by the prince to release them. She then became Vijaya's mistress, and assisted him to exterminate her fellow-demons, whose chief seats are given as Sirivatthu and Lankapura. These were identified later with the hills Loggala and Laggala, though it is clear that Sirivatthu was quite close to Vijaya's landing place, as he heard the noise of the wedding festivities, of which he took advantage to attack the Yakkhas. Vijaya now settled at Tambapanni, a port on the south of the river, perhaps the Malwatu Oya, and his followers formed various villages in the neighbouring country - these were Anuradhapura on the banks of the Malwatu Oya; Upatissa, seven or eight miles further north; Uruvela, a seaport to the west of Anuradhapura. His followers now wished Vijaya to assume the crown, and dispatched an embassy in search of a queen to the Pandyan king at Madura. The princess and her retinue landed at Mahatittha (Mantota); she espoused Vijaya and her women his companions, while the discarded Kuveni with her two children wandered to Lankapura, and was slain by her enraged kinsfolk. The children fled to Sri Pada and became the ancestors of the Pulindas (Veddas).
Shortly before his death, Vijaya, who was without an heir, sent a letter to Sinhapura, asking that his brother Sumitta should be sent to succeed him. Sumitta, however, was now king in his father's place, and dispatched his youngest son, Panduvasa, who in due course arrived in Lanka and reigned at Vijitapura.
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2006-08-27 22:07:18
answer #4
answered by ClCl 2
Creo que no tienes correcto el dato,
2006-08-23 15:54:41
answer #5
answered by Just 5
yo no...explicalo porque parece que no lo sabe nadie
2006-08-23 09:40:20
answer #6
answered by Lechuga C 6
2006-08-23 02:12:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
2006-08-23 02:10:39
answer #8
answered by Bienaventurado 3