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17 answers

I didn't know that Woodraw Wilson was a republican (WWI)

I didn't know that FD Roosevelt was a republican (WWII)

I didnt' know that Truman was a republican (Korea)

I didn't know that Johnson was a republican (Vietnam)

2007-03-22 09:32:49 · answer #1 · answered by dsl67 4 · 0 0

Ok, let me get this straight Reps are cowards, so what does that make Dems? Was it not two Dems trying to bring back the draft, just before the last election and the Dems party shut them down. So they could blame the attempt on the Reps. I've spent 10 years in the military and most of the soldiers I've met and /or trained. End up not having a party affiliation, because you get to see just how self serving they are. And how Americans take what we have for granted. Laziness runs ramped in our country. Our countryman(and woman) are easily diverted and obsessive over the dumbest crap you can think of. They put more stock in the words of someone who makes movies for a living or is part of a talk show. Than someone who has been over there fighting and who is looked upon (no longer as a soldier),but just another government stooge. I say that both parties had a hand in getting us where we are today. If you can see that, then either, you are lying to yourself or your blind as a bat with out radar. Open your eyes and get out of this ''one party is right and one is wrong'' crap. Because in the long run they were all wrong and just as guilty!

2007-03-21 23:20:26 · answer #2 · answered by Gunny 3 · 0 0

The military is not in a draft. These people signed up voluntarily. I am sure when we were not at war, they were not complaining about getting a check! You join the military for education and to protect this great country! The cowards are the service men and women who come up with excuses not to go.

2007-03-21 22:02:44 · answer #3 · answered by rucrazy5150 4 · 2 0

Your question reveals your ignorance. My Husband and son are BOTH serving in the Middle East while you sit in the safety of your home making stupid remarks on your computer. The military is VOLUNTARY and I would venture a guess that all the liberals got out when war was immenent and they realized that they were going to actually have to SERVE instead of ride the G.I. Bill like a welfare check.

2007-03-21 22:02:35 · answer #4 · answered by Terrie 3 · 1 0

I don't believe you. I am an independent, and I know for a fact, most of our soldiers are Republican. They are kind of brainwashed into it, but they are. They are not cowards. The cowards you speak of currently run the US, and they should be ashamed by diverting attention from our real strife.

2007-03-21 22:01:40 · answer #5 · answered by apple juice 6 · 1 0

Due to all the attacks you are getting, I will come out in your defense.

First, some critical Big Picture information:

The US:
1) Is the biggest government military spender in the world, at $400+ billion annually. This is 8X China, and 40X that of all potential enemy states COMBINED (Iran, Syria, NKorea, etc.)
2) currently operates a mind-boggling 700+ overseas military bases in 130 countries worldwide, and growing
3) Has the largest military-industrial complex in the world, with 65% global market share in Arms. The top 3 "defense" companies (all American of course), have a combined $100+ billion in annual revenues.

With all that spending on the military, it's no good if equipment sits around untested and rusts, or soldiers lie around for years and get no actual combat experience. Hell, if it were me spending billions of dollars every year on soldiers and new hi-tech toys, I'd find an opportunity to use them & test them out, work out the kinks, refine strategies & tactics. Plus, there's the added benefit of gaining more World Power & Profits when you succeed in conquest and make deals for land, resource, and base rights. Just like one big game of World Monopoly.

The rich Republican politicans and generals are the Deciders & Main Players, while the less rich ones are the Enforcers & Minor Pawns. (Notice that their terrorist counterparts are the same: the rich ones do the leading and financing, while the poor ones do the fighting, dying, and suicide missions. What a "coincidence" that is.)

All that expensive military in 700 overseas bases is no good just lying around and doing nothing. Which is why since the end of WW2, the US has engaged in over 30 military "interventions", and 1 major war every single decade, on average. Mostly all in the name of Freedom or National Security... despite the fact that we are the biggest military spenders & arms dealers, and we have the most powerful military the world, with 7,000 active nukes to back it up.

And now our leaders are telling us we have to be afraid of Iran or NKorea getting 1 or 2 nukes?? And to believe China is the next military threat with its 20 nukes? So much so that we have to spend more billions to research & build Space-based Weapons & Theater Missile Defense?

How cowardly, insecure, & insane is that??????

The US military is overwhelmingly Republican (60-80%), and they (so do the serving Democrats, I might add) actually believe all that propagandistic crap about "Freedom", "Democracy", "National Security," and "Evil."

That's why they always say, "We're fighting for your freedom & way of life." What a f*cking joke.

The American Revolution on American soil was fighting for freedom from British Tyranny, and so was WW2 when Nazi Germany was intent on World Domination. Those wars were more about freedom & justice.

But Vietnam? Iraq? Grenada? Korea? Oh sure, our Freedoms & National Security were really threatened in all those countries. None of those countries or its citizens ever attacked the US, and none of them were bent on World Domination, or even Regional Supremacy. We weren't fighting for Freedom or National Security.... if anything, when we were fighting, we were TAKING AWAY THEIR FREEDOM & NATIONAL SECURITY.

How come when we fight on our own soil, we're patriots.... but when other people fight on their soil, they aren't patriots, but terrorists, guerillas, barbarians, savages, or fundamentalists??? Are Americans the only patriots in the world???? Are Americans the only people in the world who love freedom and want to live their own way of life?

The whole point of freedom is to let other people live as they wish to live - not point gun barrels or missiles at them and tell them how to live. That's not Democracy - that's Fascism. The Nazis were war-mongering nationalistic patriots, too, by the way, who couldn't stand any criticism of the Fatherland, and would label critics "unpatriotic, traitors". What a coincidence that many Republicans are so similar.

Most Republicans are too uninformed, stubborn, or voluntarily close-minded (or too stupid, which is perhaps the same thing) to see the hypocrisy & contradictions here.

Unfortunately, it also makes them the most dangerous bloc of people in the entire Free World when they support the right-wing leadership that has built up this humongous American War Machine & hijacked the entire country into multiple wars.
They are the greatest threat to world peace today, which is probably a view shared by billions of people around the world who are opposed to endless American military intervention over the past 60+ years since WW2.

And the irony is, they'll probably label me and dismiss me as just another un-American wacko, commie liberal, traitorous, terrorist sympathizer. What an extremely deep, rational assessment.

DSL: WW1 & 2 were not started by the Americans.
Truman was a war-monger. Johnson had the full support of the Republicans. Many Democrats, while not as trigger-happy as Republicans, are still guilty of engaging in & initially supporting unnecessary wars (just like Iraq now). However, they tend to wake up a bit earlier from their propaganda-induced coma, especially when it comes to the longer wars.

2007-03-22 00:23:21 · answer #6 · answered by sky2evan 3 · 1 0

This is one republican that fought himself and unlike You understands standing up for America is not wrong. It does not take much understanding to know liberals lack the power to give credit for positive things done by Republicans.

2007-03-21 23:01:13 · answer #7 · answered by mr conservative 5 · 0 0

Republicans are not cowards! They dont send other people's kids off to war, its not like they literally say: Hey, you Democrat, who is your child? Billy? Ok, Billy go to war.

I personally know soldiers who died bravely for america, and your freedom

2007-03-21 21:56:58 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 3 1

The point of the question is that the majority of the military are people from lower middle and lower class. People in power are from the upper class, therefore they aren't sending their children.

2007-03-21 23:20:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Let's be fair. I'm no fan of the war, but these kids chose to be in the military.

2007-03-21 22:00:20 · answer #10 · answered by CC 6 · 3 0

That's simply not true. I would guess more Republicans have children serving than do Democrats. It's irrelevant. Those who serve deserve our respect and admiration.

2007-03-21 21:55:09 · answer #11 · answered by Matt 5 · 2 0

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