There are really only two other things you can do to make extra money in Millsberry, aside from games and Yard Sale stuff.
First, always check out the coach danner link on the millsberry main page (make sure you are logged in when you do it). It will link you to another millsberry recommended site like and will give you MB just for visiting the site. The current link is not working but if you wait until Thursday it usually changes. Often it's 1000 MB just for visiting the linked site.
If you don't have one already make sure you open a bank account. Put as much money as possible into your account. You will earn interest on your money every day. As you collect the interest your bank account balance will grow and as you deposit more money you get more interest.
Other Tips
To raise your health you have to feed your person a healthy diet consisting of all 5 food groups every day. The 5 groups on Mills are protein, grain, dairy, vegetable and fruit.
I use two different diets to keep up my health and my health on all my accounts is at 100%.
Diet #1:
If your hunger level is grumbly or 'lower' eat the following:
1. Fruit Salad
2. Green Salad
3. Cheeseburger
If you are still not 'completely full' after eating those three items try adding another salad or fruit salad.
Diet #2:
If your hunger level is comfortably full or higher.
1. Lasagna (found on page 2 of the deli section of the grocery store)
2. Fruit Salad
Then if I'm still not "completely full" I supplement with the cereal from Chip's Grabbing machine.
You can also groom to raise your health 1 point per day. Put one of the toiletry items in your house (i.e. a hairbrush) and click on it. On the menu that pops up in the lower left hand corner you will see a 'groom' option. Click that and it will pop up a window that says grooming contributes to good health and it will raise your health 1 point. It can be done only once per day.
If you eat this diet every day you should see your health rise. It will rise more quickly if it is low (in the 20s for example) than it does when it is high (in the 80s for example) but it will eventually reach 100%.
I've done some testing on the idea that drinking water or changing your clothing raises your health level, but I've found that it has no impact whatsoever.
***Money Making
Playing games is by far the best way to make money in Millsberry but there are also some other things you can do to make extra millsbucks.
First, always check out the coach danner link on the millsberry main page (make sure you are logged in when you do it). It will link you to another millsberry recommended site like and will give you MB just for visiting the site. The current link is not working but if you wait until Thursday it usually changes. Often it's 1000 MB just for visiting the linked site.
If you don't have one already make sure you open a bank account. Put as much money as possible into your account. You will earn interest on your money every day. As you collect the interest your bank account balance will grow and as you deposit more money you get more interest.
Yard Sale, Yard Sale, Yard Sale. If you shop at yard sales yourself buy all the bargains that you see (for example if you find someone selling leaf layered skirt for 10 MB buy it!). Then re-sell your bargains for slightly higher prices (like selling your 10 MB skirt for 15). You should be able to sell things fairly quickly if you keep your prices low and even if you're not making huge profits on each item doing a lot of volume sales can get you lots of money quickly. Trophies are another great thing to sell in Yard Sales.
***Finally, here are the locations for the hidden art class canvases:
There are 9 hidden pictures on Millsberry. You need 100% intelligence to unlock some of them so it's best to make sure your intelligence is at 100% before you go searching for the canvases. If you have that this is where they can be located:
1. The shoreline in lakeview. Go to "The City" then click on lakeview, and then click on the lakeshore
2. The Westridge Crater. Again, click on "The City" then click on Westridge, click on the overhead shot of the crater, and click the crater itself.
3. Red Lion Manor. Click on "The City" then click on Ravenwood and click on Red Lion manner. Wait about 60 seconds and you will see a leaf falling across the screen. Click on the leaf and that will unlock a canvas.
4. In front of the community center the bunch of sunflowers closest to the left hand side of the sidewalk.
5. In the cafeteria there is a young man at the back by the windows. Click him and he will unlock a canvas.
6. In the chemistry lab click on the right of the two beakers on the table.
7. In your basement. Click on "My Stuff" then click on Basement. In the picture of the basement that is displayed click on the teddy bear.
8. Sylvie has a canvas. This one can only be received when she is giving out Sylvie Plushies as the day's prize and 100% intelligence is required. Visit Sylvane Lake while Sylvie is out and click on her and you will not only get the plushie but you also get the canvas.
9. There is a canvas hidden in the colehurst tunnels that can be dug up. I personally have not gotten this one because I don't want my health to drop. From what I've heard this is rather random in who gets this canvas. It's received when you dig up the colehurst portrait but I know people who have gone digging numerous times and have not gotten it.
2007-02-15 00:57:55
answer #1
answered by Richter35 6
Here are some art class tips so you can unlock paintings:
In the City, go to Ravenwood click on Red Lion Manor then click on it again then you should see a falling leaf in about 40 seconds. Click on it. In Lakeview, click on the lake. (I don't think you can do this one since the lake is frozen). In Westridge, click on the crater.
In Downtown, click on the Millsberry Academy then click on the cafeteria. Click on one of the boys in the back. Go back to the main hallway then click on the Science Lab. Click on the beakers. At the Community Center, click on the sunflowers. (They're not there, so I don't think you can unlock this canvas). When you spot Sylvie, you can unlock a canvas on her.
When you go dogging and find the Colhurst Portrait, you can unlock that.
To get your black belt, you first get your yellow belt, orange belt, green belt, blue belt, brown belt and black belt. Here are the steps:
YELLOW BELT: Just purchase a gi down at Tricks, Toys, and Games or the clothing store. Don't forget to have your stats at a certain level and your classes complete for all of them.
ORANGE BELT: I believe you need to send Robert J Williams a greeting. Type in the address book: robertjwilliams, just like it's seen here.
GREEN BELT: You need to spot Sylvie at Sylvane Lake. Purchase a camera at the Home Entertainment Superstore. And check Sylvane Lake often.
BLUE BELT: You need to take a quiz. You can find the answers from past Gazette Stories.
BROWN BELT: You need to fish items out of Peabody Park Pond. Purchase the red fishing rod, because it works. (Richter35 helped me on this one by saying purchase a red fishing rod).
BLACK BELT: You need to grow a bonsai tree. If you need help purchase the book at Bookends Bookshop.
As you know, Millsberry has stats for your character. Fitness, Health, Civics, and Intelligence. What I do every day is play games for my character. I always groom her once every day, too, to raise my health.
2007-02-16 11:26:53
answer #2
answered by Breanne M 7
No, there aren't many other ways to make money. THer is the weekly coach danner link on the gazette page, like the person above me mentioned.
You could also keep all the money you have in your bank account and collect the interest daily. If you ever want to make a purchase, collect your interest first, and then take out the amount of money you need.
Yardsaling is the BEST way to make money. Playing games is second. Here are my tips:
Money money money money! Well, millsbucks I guess. Every1 on Mills wants millsbucks! Here are some tips that will get you rich! Y!A Pri ncess’s money making tips:
*dig in the hole more than once in the colhurst tunnels. If a ladder appears, you’ll find something really cool! Keep it or sell it!
*keep stuff that is no longer sold to sell in your yardsale for millsbucks! (If you have Berry Lucky Charm stuff, Halloween stuff, or snowmen, etc. these items are considered RARE)
*sell trophies. Make more than one trophy and sell it. The police game tropy(forgot the name, lol), peanut butter toast crunch, snowboarding, hide and seek, and rare trophies(like the “apple” trophy and Halloween ones) are worth the most. Others are worth about 1-10,000. If it sells for more, than that is good.
*have more than one mills account. Two accounts means more money, trophies, and prizes! But it also means more work. (I have 3 accounts)
*go through the classifieds and try to find cheap rares. Sell those rares for a higher price to make a profit!
*make sure you advertise YOUR yardsale
*****To find yardsales do the following:****
1. Go to Millsberry
2. Click on Classifieds(it is toward the bottom of the gazette page)
3.Pick a neighborhood
4. type an item (like "candy cane chair") into the box
5. Keep clicking "more results" until something shows up.
6. If you have clicked on it more than ten times ten and no1 shows up, that means that no one has that item in their sale in that neighborhood.
7. If you keep clicking "more results" and get the same name twice then stop searching that item because that means you have seen all the sales that contain that item in that neighborhood.
8. If YOU want to get YOUR sale in the classifieds, go to the millsberry gazette(home page). Click on "Advertise your yardsale". You have to pay some money. Start selling items to make more millsbucks! You may reach a million if you do really good!
9. If you are NOT looking for a specific item, click on a street name under the search box. Many usernames wilol show up. Click on anyone to be taken to a yardsale.
*play games that you are good at three times each(you should get 3000 millsbucks)
*solver- write down the answers you come up with so you don’t forget them!
*GDA- Play intermediate. If you beat the other planets, you unlock advance. And DON’T move your paddle if you get a rock stuck between your planet and another one. It will give you more points!
*sink the three- get right in the middle of the blue space to get more points!
*rope race- pull your rope all the way down, then release. Repeat over and over and do it as fast as you can
*Charmed life- on the 3 rd and 2 nd levels, fail on PURPOSE! Instead of ending it after you get all the bowls, run into a kid or elevator. You’ll get more points!
*bumper boats- wait two or three minutes after the game loads. Sylvie should appear! Use her to beat out the competition!
*hide&seek- you just have to have a good memory
*Snowboard Slalom- unlock Kelly by having 100% health and fitness
*Sherman home run derby- try to hit the billboard, swings, pond, or anything else for more points
*Half-Pipe- hold the top arrow key, right arrow key, and space bar each time you leave the ramp. You should be doing a backflip
*editor in chief- pay attention to what the readers want and make sure to add new editors and writers
*black belt karate: try to play this game everyday to reach your black belt faster. Reaching black belt does literally take months though. Keep your stats up and try not to miss any hits
*fishing: it is really just a random game
*peanut butter toast crunch: it's based on luck too!
*hop n drop: before you start moving, imagine the route to the end in your mind. Play the difficulty level for more points.
*sudoku: try getting good at the easy level before you do the intermediate one
*archery challenge: shoot balloons quickly but accurately. Try to get balloons that are high and about to touch the trees
Good luck!
2007-02-15 21:55:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
yard sale. it helped me. get the trophies that you can and then sell them and then get them again for yourself.
2007-02-14 21:12:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous