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I am having communication problem with my wife.
Every time we start a topic, we end up quarreling.

We have been married for 2 years only and our relationship is deteriorating every single day.

I have a hard time convincing her to go for counselling.

I am looking for a solution badly....
I tried the web, there isnt much to teach how we can to communicate peacefully.

I hope there are Techniques where we can sit down peacefully and trash things out.

2006-12-19 14:57:41 · 20 answers · asked by novkhan 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

20 answers

You say you havent spoken in 6 months and everytime an attempt to communicate ends in fighting. Dont fight back..cant argue w/someone if they dont argue back. Let the issues go and start over. Try not to hold onto the past and make peace by having a conversation on a neutral subject. Get her to communicate and start getting her to relax and ease up. Go for a walk and out to dinner. She is being stubborn and you need to get ahold of this situation. I dont understand what started all the fighting or why you fight and that missing information could answer alot of questions. Even if she wont go to counseling you still can go and it can be beneficial to the marriage as well. When I say not to argue I'm not telling you to be a doormat but try to keep the airways open. You can also just watch a movie and sit next to her and put your arm around her or hold her hand w/o saying a word. Look into her eyes and just smile. When you get home you should just give her a quick kiss. Always say goodnight and I love you and a kiss before going to sleep. This just might get her to loosen up and allow you back in. Good luck and best wishes.

2006-12-19 15:32:49 · answer #1 · answered by Ivory_Flame 4 · 0 0

I believe that when two people are in love they can absolutely get through anything. You should never give up if your married, otherwise you did not take the commitment seriously and your vows meant nothing. Only if you put work into it will it ever work! -things dont actually work out on there own.

Communication is key in any relationship. Period. I know from personal experience that if there is an issue at hand women dont just let it go-if its a big deal and has caused some sort of emotional hurt. Is there any issue at hand or any trauma thats happened that maybe she feels your not giving her support with or letting her talk about?

Sit her down at a planned out time..write everything down ahead of time that your feeling. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY "WHEN YOU...ETC...ALWAYS SAY "I FEEL _____...WHEN THIS HAPPENS" ETC...SAYING "YOU" MAKES THE PERSON FEEL ATTACKED!!! and when a person feels as if they are being attacked they become defensive which then causes it to become a fight. One more thing thats almost guarateed to work is take time to write her a letter. Put all of your feelings everything in it. Give it to her and give her time to respond.

I have been through a lot with my husband and we have only been married for about a year. I myself have been through a lot. I highly recommend these two things..even do both. I guarantee it to work..If you try this and have done everything you think humanly possible then i believe that you should just keep trying but also make sure you still have some self-respect and maybe and ultimatum may be at hand.

Please do try these proven methods of communication, that i know personally can help any situation. E-mail me and let me know!!!!

2006-12-19 15:27:04 · answer #2 · answered by smartypants 1 · 0 0

My wife left me 6 months ago and i don't know why?We were getting along good the last 4 months of our relationship we have a beautiful 5 year old boy. When the ressesion came i got hurt at work then when i went back to work i couldn't ? come to find out i have fyibromialgia.So im disabled now Im a licensed plumber and i can do small jobs here and there but my body kills me and this is a girl that was extremely in love with me,jan will be 7 years were married and almost 10 years together.I see my son all the time she lives at her parents and i live at mine. We had a beautiful home but lost it in the ressesion,i haven't really been talking to her but yesterday i texted her a merry christmas and tell my son i love you guys. She comes back with we love you to and i have your ring on???? It's like she doesn't want me but she has my ring on and i asked her if i get divorce papers will you sign them nope right of the bat nope so what is she doing can someone help me i can't figure her out. She hangs out with this guy and his kid but says it just cause my kid likes his. Iv'e asked if she's even kissed this jerk and she swears she hasn't but i don't know?

2016-05-22 23:01:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try doing something romantic. Buy her roses or try to take her out to dinner. Tell her you love her and that you're scared of what's happening. Divorce may be right for certain situations though. If you're relationship is unhealthy maybe you should take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Do you think you two would be happier apart? These are some tough things you're going to have to think about but that's the reality. Good luck with everything.

2006-12-19 15:02:33 · answer #4 · answered by Lisa 2 · 0 0

You need to talk her into counseling. They are so good with helping couples learn how to communicate. My husband and I almost got a divorce once. I talked him into going to counseling. We went for almost 2 years. That was 10 years ago and these last 10 years have been the happiest we have ever been. So don't give up. You really need to have a sense of humor and learn how to laugh at things in a marriage. Well, good luck

2006-12-19 15:18:04 · answer #5 · answered by sunny 7 · 0 0

she needs to get to the root of her mood swings. u sure she is not on any narcotics or alcohol? What about any mental disorders ( seriously) bi-polar? Something is wrong w/ her or you have done something that she is not willing to talk about or something she has experienced recently a death of a loved one, not happy w/ her job, unhappy b/c you may never be home b/c of ur job? IT IS SOMETHING. Try writing her a note and leaving it where she can see it. Explain to her how much you love her and how you want to reach her and whatever it is that is causing her to not communicate with you can be worked out. You are here for her and you want her to get better and the 2 of you to be better.

2006-12-19 18:00:11 · answer #6 · answered by lovelife 2 · 0 0

Sounds like the beginning of the end to me.

You're best solution is for her to go to counseling by herself, and if you feel you need it, you too, but see the same counselor separately.
Over time, maybe the counselor can bring you two together peacefully and she can act as a mediator.

2006-12-19 16:02:38 · answer #7 · answered by WestCoastin4Life 7 · 0 0

If it's really a worthy cause for you, the next time you speak to her, don't argue. Break the cycle. Don't let her get you in to an argument. Just continue to speak normally. Don't place blame. Get it to a point that you two can speak and communicate openly with respect. Try to get to a point that you can both agree to seek help.

2006-12-19 15:19:41 · answer #8 · answered by david80 2 · 0 0

You can start the process by making a mental commitment not to argue.
Arguing is a vicious cycle. A lot of couples wind up doing that rather than interacting in loving ways.
Try answering her with uh huh and repeating what she has said to you as if your trying to understand rather than reacting inside yourself to every point she brings up.
Truly try to bend your mind to try and understand what she is saying and not feel threatened by it. You don't have to agree with her in order to listen patiently and peacefully.
Even if she won't go to counseling, you can and the counselor can help you learn to diffuse things with your spouse.
I strongly suggest you go.

2006-12-19 15:01:54 · answer #9 · answered by yeller 6 · 1 0

I personally believe that you cannot control anyone but yourself. It always takes two to tango, so you can simply take control of yourself and refuse to argue. That doesn't mean you have to stop talking which you have already figured out and don't know how to do.

Choose your words and responses. "I see your point", I understand what your saying" are good disarming words. Trying seeing things from her point even if you believe she is wrong. It's not about wrong or right at this point.

2006-12-19 15:21:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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