There are 5 billion people on this planet. You can find someone better than this loser. There WILL be someone else who will care for you. This guy doesn't care about himself or he'd do something to help himself aka getting a job, etc. Do yourself a favor and look for something healthy for you instead of some deadbeat freeloader.
2006-12-12 04:38:10
answer #1
answered by slap_shot69 3
Honey, it sounds like he smiling in your face and laughing behind your back. Don't put up with this, your worth more! Even if YOU think your fat and ugly someone else is going to come along and think that your the most beautiful and unique work of art he's ever seen, TRUST ME, I was an awkward teenager too. It doesnt matter what you look like sweetheart, it's WHO you are that counts. I know that might seem lame right now, but so is you getting used by this G-Unit wanna be! You've got to ask yourself, can you see yourself with this dead beat in 20 years? Do you really want your kids (expecially if you ever have a girl) to be with someone that your mother has to see you with, it's time to do a serious self evaluation, you don't want this guy, you just want effection and love, my word of advice is to drop this bum and that will be the best sign and effection and love, because it will be from yourself and thats were it all start honey, take it from me, you won't stay and "Ugly duckling" for long! sending much love your way........SWAN =)
2006-12-12 12:46:42
answer #2
answered by Sistamoon 2
Ok.. first off thats your problem... you see yourself as just a fat and ugly 17yr old girl...if you love yourself then others will love you too.. and secondly if he doesn't have a job and spends the money he gets on weed and cigarettes then you don't need him... he will get you in too more trouble then you need. And once you realize you don't need a man the better off you will be.. all girls shouldn't rely on a guy for love.. i'm sure you have family nd friends that love you and see how bad this guy is for you! well thats all i have for you in the advice area...
2006-12-12 12:47:26
answer #3
answered by Tara M 2
You need to work on your self esteem and to do this I suggest joining a gym.... Get a trainer.... This will at least help you to get away from him in the short term....
Once you feel better about yourself, you need to dump him since he is a user (not the weed). He is using you to get a free ride in life..... He will not change unless he wants to and right now you are not giving him any reason to change.....
As for who is gonna love you, I am sure there are a lot of men out there who will love you... Hell you are still very young and as a result, you think that everything must happen now... But you got your whole life in front of you..... So focus on the future and on yourself... This future will not include him.....
Seek out friends for moral support.
2006-12-12 12:39:57
answer #4
answered by JohnS 4
Girl it only gets worse before it gets any better. I've been through a similiar relationship, but I left the guy before it was too late. I was with this guy who had lost his job because of "mary-jane" and he kept telling me that he would find another one and that smoking weed was just something he did to relax...etc. So I believed him for the first two months then started realizing that he got too comfortable taking my money to spend it on his dirty habits. Then he started drinking and just became a whole other man. I quickly got out of that relationship because even though they say they love you and want to marry you etc. talk is cheap! Unless they are quick to react to the situation they ain't worth your worries and your time. JUST LET HIM GO!!! Trust me there are better men out there, just be careful because they can be one man one day and another the next. Take time to get to know the guy before getting serious and intimate....GL
2006-12-12 12:49:36
answer #5
answered by Cari 1
If that is all he cares about then he's a loser. I am sure you are very beautiful. If you has ever told you that no one else will love you, he's afraid to lose you. I know it's hard but you are only 17. You have all the time in the world to get married and find someone to make you happy.
2006-12-12 12:37:17
answer #6
answered by hotstuff_420_99 1
LOL...... I'm not sure to take this as serious or someone acting immature..... If you are 17 and going out where are you getting all of your money from?? Who is buying cigarettes?? So he does not go to school and he just sits at home and smokes?? You need to find some self esteem and some self worth from inside your self and find a different person other than that loser who is taking advantage of you.
2006-12-12 12:39:07
answer #7
answered by Niecy 3
Girllllllllllllllllllllll, 1st of all dont degrade yourself like this, by calling yourself names and acting as though you cant do better!
Just by virtue of the fact that you posted this question, tells me that YOU KNOW you deserve better than what you are currently experiencing. Move on with your young life and start out on a new journey alone by learning to love yourself and take care of yourself more. When you have mastered BEING whole as a single young lady, then you can better entertain the idea of having a young man in your life.
People are going to do to you, what you allow them to (both men and women). When you think highly of yourself, others will also. And even if they dont, if YOU know who YOU are, that is all that matters.
2006-12-12 13:09:37
answer #8
answered by Lady Albritton 4
First off you need to find someone to talk to about your self-esteem. When you wrote: " I don't wanna leave cuz who else gonna love me. I'm just fat and ugly 17 year old girl" it made me sad. No one deserves to be treated the way your boyfriend treats you. He's using you so he doesn't have to put down his bong and get a job. Drop him and find someone who thinks you're beautiful and wonderful.
2006-12-12 12:42:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
sweetheart, no one will love you the way you should be unless
you love yourself first. Have a little more self respect please.
you will never be able to change another human, only your
reaction, emotional or otherwise. We can only control
ourselves. Do you think things will get better if you got
married? or if he made more money? no way. sweetie
love yourself and set boundries for yourself. someone
will notice this in you and want to get to know you for who
you are inside, not your apperance etc...hopefully your not
living with him, if you are kick him out and get a roommate.
no one can walk all over you unless you LET them...
work on yourself, not him. let him go he is not worth
your time.... love yourself first. good luck honey, your
2006-12-12 12:43:10
answer #10
answered by Jeni L 1