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no, seriously. at first glance the answer to this is supposed to be simple right? but without material things, like a house, or if u live outside of new york, a car. then where are the people?
a guy cant raise a family without a house/apartment right?
in the end, which is it then? some say its the lives we touch. but how? maybe im just feeling down. cause i dont have friends or family now. im just working. ,..sigh.

2006-12-02 07:11:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

15 answers

Im old enought to tell you the truth on this one.
Stuff is just stuff.
Basic needs met, the other stuff is just stuff.
The most important things in life can not be bought or sold, but they can be taken away.
Enjoy the time you can with people you love.If you have no family or friends, make some, life can get pretty lonely.
Enjoy your life.
Its never about the money.

2006-12-02 07:17:49 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Sounds like what you need is a break. Life can get rough, but money and stuff still doesn't equal happiness. If you can touch the life of one person you have made all the difference. Sometimes it;s putting yourself out there over and over again. There are people who will take advantage, and you'll probably meet quite a few. There are also good people who would love a good friend. Keep your spirits up, everything gets better eventually. If you wanna chat feel free to IM me.

2006-12-02 07:15:43 · answer #2 · answered by novelwyrm 3 · 0 0

you ask a very complicated question....you are looking at basic needs (a place to live) and confusing those things with material things...when most people think of material things they think of things beyond those things that we need to live and be well....so things like adult toys...cars, boats, motorcycles......closets full of clothes, vacations jewelry....as long as you have the basics to survive and get to and from work....people are the most important....live your life well no matter what you have...share what you have with someone less fortunate....be happy with simple pleasures ( a smile, a touch, a beautiful sunny day) and people will notice that....try not to focus on what you don't have...but rather be grateful for what you do have...make some friends...put yourself out there and perhaps someday, you will also make yourself a new family....good luck to you....

2006-12-02 07:16:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I see your point. Things do matter so that people can function in society. However, all day long we make choices between, sitting in the cafeteria at work to eat lunch and chat with co-workers, or sit alone and eat in a cubical to get more work done. Buy a new ipod to listen to things all by one's self, or take the kids to Disneyworld and make a memory.

It's good to consider what really matters every day because the things you regret on your death bed have more to do with people than things- same with the words written on your tombstone.
How bogus to read, "He bought lots of Good Stuff in life, may he rest in peace."

2006-12-02 07:20:59 · answer #4 · answered by fuglefun 3 · 0 0

It's not just one thing, its both, they all matter up to a limit, I mean you work but you cant forget about the people you care and familia, but also you can't miss work to be with your gente, that doesn't work, thats what happens mostly in the US, people gets so obsesed with work and all the things you are gonna give to your family with that paycheck that you forget about your family and get more interested in the money, thats why so many people in the US get divorced, and we gotta stop that, people comes first but you also can't foget about the material things.

2006-12-02 07:17:10 · answer #5 · answered by Diaz 4 · 0 0

particular cloth issues be counted like i used to observe my Grandmother wash the cloths for 7 human beings with the aid of hand on a scrubboard in a wash bathtub, such as a African women human beings washing at a river economic company. i'd say a cloths washer is a materialistic element and that concerns yet a 60 ins. wide reveal screen H.G. T.V. Is a textile element that would not meam squat in genuine reality and genuine fee. it is only a toy for spoiled those who opt for to be a collection of showcase's

2016-11-23 12:56:10 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If you lose all your family and friends and only have material things, you will soon feel down and alone.
If you lose all your material things but have family and friends, you still have a network to help you get the material things back!

2006-12-02 07:16:08 · answer #7 · answered by Rosey 2 · 1 0

I say people matter most, and because they matter most, we work to get the material things we need to support them and keep them safe and happy. Do what you need to do FOR the people, not for the things you get for them.

2006-12-02 07:15:14 · answer #8 · answered by dreamer 3 · 0 0

look, first of all you do need to think about your family and how they've brought you up. if they've made you think that material things are what makes up a happy family even if i were to tell you that the family makes up it's self. you wouldn't listen to me. it's all about morals and values. if you value more your family... you will value what you can afford and not what you would like to have, in order to be in style.

2006-12-02 07:14:33 · answer #9 · answered by TiGgEr_LoVeR 2 · 0 0

Material things are important but people matter more. :o)

2006-12-02 07:13:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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