Credit cards are good for making purchases when you don't have the money at that time. Another reason for using Credit, is some cards offer protection against defective products or if you are ripped off by a retailer
2006-10-04 11:04:05
answer #1
answered by aliciarox 5
I pay off my credit card completely every month. However, I receive 5% back on purchases at gas stations, grocery stores, and drug stores, and I get 1% back everywhere else. In 3 months that's added up to be $55. I might as well use it.
Also, some of the more idiotic people out there choose to use it to buy things that they can't afford and then whine about the payments.
2006-10-04 18:02:56
answer #2
answered by I am all that is man 2
There are a few reasons that I can think of:
1) people don't actually have any money so they use credit cards instead of going into an overdraft.
2) credit cards help to build up a better credit rating.
3) if people are organised then they can use a credit card to pay for something and then they don't need to pay it off for a few extra weeks giving them that little bit of extra time to get the funds.
2006-10-04 18:05:18
answer #3
answered by SneakyStilo 3
Because credit cards are BORROWED money and debit cards require you actually HAVE the money.
2006-10-04 18:03:35
answer #4
answered by WiserAngel 6
Because most people are BROKE and don't have the money in their account to draw from, ******!
2006-10-04 18:02:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
who wants to use their own money these days
the more you use from the bank
the more you will have in your pocket
2006-10-04 18:04:03
answer #6
answered by annie 5
because you have to if you're renting a hotel or ordering something online or out of a catalogue. Well that's my reason, I dunno about everyone else
2006-10-04 18:04:00
answer #7
answered by crunkchick35 3