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I want you to answer this question without knowing all the details of my case. From what I read on all of the other sex offender questions, you probably think I should live on an iceberg away from civilization or in prison for the rest of my natural life. I am not going to say exactly what I did because I know most of you just don’t care – most people want to lump all sex offenders into one category of being monsters. I will say this – my crime had no victims (as reported from my PSI – pre sentence investigation). I did not touch a child in an inappropriate manner or coerce a child. I didn’t rape anybody or anything like that either. Remember, my crime had no victims. I am not saying what I did was right. I did what I did and I paid the legal price.

If anybody was to touch my child inappropriately, I would walk into that courtroom with my head held high on murder charges.

2006-09-28 14:53:58 · 14 answers · asked by Joshua C 1 in News & Events Current Events

14 answers

Member since: June 20, 2006
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Total points: 164 (Level 1) Is downloading child porn a felony or a misdemeanor?
I hear a lot of people getting a felony record for downloading child porn, but when I was watching a story on John Mark Karr, they said it was only a misdemeanor for him downloading child porn????

It can't be a state thing because downloading child porn is a federal thing (internet crimes are always federal).

You downloaded child porn, let me tell you, if people know you are a sex offender, when your child is of school age, your daughter is going to be secluded, No body will let their kids go to your house, regardless of what you have done, Kiddy Porn is illegal and i would not trust a child with you if you have been getting off over child porn,
You should just stay out of your daughters life. You will ruin it for her.

2006-09-28 16:06:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a son with a man who was charged as a minor for something similar and and is a sex offender and I didn't find out until after I got pregnant. Then about 2yrs ago he was accused of touching a little girl and there was a lot lost statements and a bunch of controversy over this case he still went to jail and I don't have an opinion on his guilt or innocence. My only concern is for my son, I believe he does have a right to know of all the mistakes we've made, once he's old enough to understand. I'm not worried about his safety but to prevent him making any mistakes of that nature I believe he should know. I don't doubt that you love you daughter just don't hide too much from her for too long because trust is a big deal in a parent child relationship you don't want to lose that with her. If you are not forbidden to be in contact with children than why not raise your daughter. But if you are than you don't want to risk a chance of being able to appeal and get your rights to see you child at some point because that will happen. You definitely shouldn't be worried about what people on this site think of you or your situation because if they've never been in a situation like this they shouldn't have an opinion on it.

2006-09-28 15:17:55 · answer #2 · answered by EriksSweetheart 3 · 1 0

A> How long ago did the offense happen? This is very important in predicting the probability of rehabilitation.
B> Have you sought counseling? Anger management classes? Parenting classes? These are all CRITICAL to any high stress situation and you can be sure that IF you are allowed to raise this child, as a registered sex offender, it will be a VERY stressful situation.
C> Have you got a good support network in place that you can turn to for help not only with any child related issues but also with any issues that may arise from the previous deviant (and to be registered it had to be a deviation of acceptable practice) sexual behaviour?
D> Do you have access to an appropriate female role model as this is a female child?
E> Can you commit fully and unconditionally to maintaining all of the above very long term, say for the next 18-20 years minimum because that's how long you would have the greatest influence on this child.

If you can HONESTLY give affirmative answers to ALL of the above questions then I would say yes on a TRIAL basis (yeah I know, not fair putting that qualifier in but hey, you asked what I think and as a mother of a daughter who had to be put up for adoption due to her conception by rape when I was 13 years old I am ALWAYS most concerned with the needs of the CHILD and you have admitedly had problems in the past which MIGHT make it impossible for you to be able to raise her) converting to a full unhindered right to raise her AFTER you had proved to both yourself AND society that not only were you capable of raising her but also of raising her to be a secure, stable, well adjusted young woman.

2006-09-28 15:10:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you should be allowed to raise your child or at least hold joint custody with the mother. I also think that when your daughter is old enough (like in 10 years), you should tell her about it. Not describe it all, but just tell her what crime was committed and that you are a registered sex offender.
And if someone touches your child inappropriately, feel free to ask me for an alibi.

2006-09-28 15:05:28 · answer #4 · answered by Suraya 3 · 2 0

Ok you are a registered sex offender. At first I had a problem with your question even atter reading all of your info provided. It took a couple of reading and my friend and I talking over how you could be a registered sex offender and there be no victim. We came up with a couple of answers that make sense to me and I feel it should have no bearing on you raising your daughter.
You have paid your debt to society and life goes on for you. Which to me means yes you should be able to raise your daughter. You may have a problem with child social services because of your status but hopefully they will work you so you can raise your daughter.
Good luck.

2006-09-28 15:17:46 · answer #5 · answered by pj_gal 5 · 2 0

If you committed a sexual offense once before, chances are you may be prone to do it again. And it may manifest itself in other forms that could be more harmful than the last time.

Ooookay, how can you even consider raising your daughter??!!
Listen you sound like you love her and want what's best for her. Whether you would actually harm her is not the question, it's a matter of whether being in her life is best for her. I think it is not.
If you found child porn arousing once, then you may do so again and doubtless there may come a time you may entertain funny thoughts in your head. i would not trust you with my kid and no one else should. it's not that you are neccesarily a bad person. But responsible people just don't do that. You have proved yourself irresponsible and no, you should not be able to raise your daughter. It's not a healthy environment for a child.

2006-09-28 23:26:00 · answer #6 · answered by stj 4 · 0 1

Since you didn't say what your crime was, but you're known as a registered sex offender, with no victims? How does that happen? Did you expose yourself to someone in a park?

No one can really say whether you should raise a child. How do you get the title if you have no victim?

2006-09-29 03:58:51 · answer #7 · answered by Big Bear 7 · 0 1

there is something funny here. You say you didn't touch anyone, that your crime had no victims.
1. EVERY crime has a victim somewhere. that's why it is a Crime.
2. In the first sentence you say you are a resistered sex offender but then you go on to say you didn't do anything.
Something doens't add up right.

2006-09-28 15:11:51 · answer #8 · answered by helpme1 5 · 0 1

Don't see why not....people are put on sex offenders for a variety of reasons..and some are stupid and don't even warrant it...

By the way see when you said there were no victims did the fuzz catch you ham shanking in public

2006-09-28 15:06:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I need more facts. But if you have prayed for, forgiveness, and in your heart know you will never do this again I See no reason why not.

2006-09-28 15:18:33 · answer #10 · answered by wolf in sheep cloths 2 · 1 0

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