I suppose it all comes down to trust, do you trust him? If yes, give him another chance, if not forget him, its not going to work anyway if there is no trust.
2006-09-27 07:08:18
answer #1
answered by Tina 3
hi there, if you are prepared to accept what he did and forgive AND forget then yes if thats what you want to do. At the end of the day everyone will probably come on here and say no ditch the creep etc, but everyones circumstances and level of involvement are different. I believe very firmly in taking responsibility for your actions...including decision making. If you go on the answers you get on here, somewhere in the back of your mind your brain will always remind you that its not your fault that you made this choice as others helped you make it...its a psychological cop out so that if anything goes wrong(i hope not) you dont blame yourself. I would suggest you go somewhere you love away from people or distractions and really think about how much this relationship means to you and whether you can truly forgive and forget because it will never work if you cant. That way the decision is yours,you own it and you can trust yourself above all else...good luck with it all, ;0)
2006-09-27 07:13:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why not?
There are many reasons people 'cheat' only you can decide if he did it for reasonable reasons (maybe your relationship wasn't in the best place at the time?). He may have learnt his lesson and be truly sorry. I don't buy this 'once a cheater always a cheater' line but I do believe that there are reasons people cheat and that they can be overcome.
Do you feel you have sorted out the problems that led to him cheating? He may be sorry for what he has done and be willing to 'give you everything you want' for the moment but how long will his remorse last? These are important questions you need to sort out between you before making this decision.
2006-09-27 06:59:29
answer #3
answered by Leapling 4
Maybe. How can he possibly "give you everything you want?" Cheaters cheat. Is your boyfriend a cheater, or did he succumb to a random act of lust? Did he cheat over time or was this a one night stand? Will he cheat again? Does he believe it is okay to cheat?
Only he and God can answer those questions. My question to you is, "Can you live with the uncertainty?" Sure you can. There is no way to "know" if a person will cheat, has cheated or is cheating just by asking.
I would suggest getting closer to God. He will not cheat on you and He has a tendency to protect His children. Be focused on you and your relationship with God. Only God can "fix" what has been broken.
Peace and may the Hand of God be upon you.
2006-09-27 07:02:36
answer #4
answered by Jack B 2
Ugh this just happened to me about a week ago...and he is givin me EVERYTHING i want...I mean this is a hard situation to deal with..because on one side you really want to be with him..but then you know that you will never have trust for him...Everytime he doesnt answer his cell phone ur gunna b trippen and when he tells u that he was somewhere then you wont belive him cuz he got home 15 mins later then he usually does..But its wrong to take advantage of someone like this...He shouldnt have to feel like he needs to give u everything you want just to make you forgive him..because regardless of what he gives you..ur either gunna trust him again or not...So really you can only answer this question..if you feel that ur relationship is good enough to where u can get over the trust thing then yeh forgive him
2006-09-27 06:58:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know from experience that no matter how much a guy loves you he can never fully change. At first, he may make you feel like a princess but then things get into their normal groove again, and so will he. If you have good genuine love to give you should give it to someone who can give it back 100%, not someone that couldn't get it right the first time. Forgive him and move on.
2006-09-27 07:11:25
answer #6
answered by Mommy24/7 1
I think that the real question is if you can really forgive him and forget it. If you are not so sure, just let it go because you will definitely have problems in the future-in a relation you have to trust the other. On the other hand, if he is important for you, give him another chance- everyone deserves a second chance. First however be sure that he surely regretted his action and he is not just feel lonely.
2006-09-27 07:06:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No way. If he cheated once he will more than likely cheat again. I know you probably want to get back with him, but you deserve much better. Well that's my opinion the only person that can 'really' tell you the right answer is you.
2006-09-27 06:59:46
answer #8
answered by Sexy-byotch 1
it's good to forgive because when you do, a burden is lifted, you somehow feel free (at least I do hehe), but forgetting is another thing. It takes alot to forgive someone for cheating and the ball is in your court. But the question is, has he changed? Has he learned from his mistakes? Is he a different person? It's hard for a person to learn unless they've fallen hard. Make sure he learns what it means to be faithful or you'll be subject to unneeded pain.
2006-09-27 06:59:14
answer #9
answered by thedaybear 3
most of the time when a man cheats its because he wanted something from his woman that she either REFUSED or WOULD NOT do. in most cases the signs are there early and she has this stupid idea that cuz he loves me he wont cheat and i can deny him to suit my needs. YES u should forgive, stop making him pay for a debt that u help create emotionally, get help and fix it
2006-09-27 07:05:18
answer #10
answered by keithy 3
Honesty is the best policy, seek what your heart tells you. A relationship is unique to the 2 individuals involved. From the perspective off others it can be seen as defeating the object. It is only you that can honestly answer this question as you are the one who has too live with this guy. Make your own judgement otherwise you are living in someone else's footsteps.
2006-09-27 08:28:37
answer #11
answered by June 2