Not to sound sycophantic, but I'm sort of with Monitorhead on this one - ranking important thing is tricky because there are no real hard and fast lines between them, and my friends are sort of like a "family of friends" deal - they're my CHOSEN family...nevertheless, let's have a go at this...
1. D, my wife. She's above friends, above familiy, she's my star, my comfort, my home.
2. Friends/family - My mother's first words to her daughter-in-law to be were "Oh don't mind us, love, we're just like the Mafia!" This should tell you something about our family relationship - we bicker, we fight, but all that is within the family. To the world, we are one unit, and if I get the call to be among them, usually I respond like Pavlov's dogs. My friends on the other hand (and yes, this includes my net-friends), I would run to in a heartbeat out of genuine concern, rather than any rule-system. I like to try and be there when my friends need something I can give, and it's important to me to be the best friend I can be.
3. Job. (shrugs) I've had a few. It's now important to me to try and make a genuine positive difference in the world, which is why I took a job at a trade union, and a children's charity. My current job doesn't give me that, it gives me experience I will later be able to put to use to help people, and I only took it because I had run out of time at the place where I was. It's a stepping stone. But generally, the idea of doing a job that makes a difference is quite important to me.
4. God. I don't believe in a single God per se, but I am fascinated by spiritual questions, and tend to call myself a Wiccan if asked about my faith. But in the scheme of things, if it came down to a showdown between "Save a friend" and "Serve a God", have to tell you, the deity would be chilling down at the turnpike waiting for me to turn up...
Guess that about sums it up ;o)
2006-09-28 01:10:38
answer #1
answered by mdfalco71 6
God, Family, Job, Friends
2006-09-27 11:16:41
answer #2
answered by etngapech 4
There's what I've always been taught and there's what I myself live by. I was taught that God is most important and should be the number one priority but I can't help but feel sometimes that God is going to be just fine. He's a big boy- what's He need me to focus on Him so much for when there are so many others who really do need my attention. So consequently, he ends up being pushed back sometimes. (I hope I don't go to Hell for that!)
That being said- I've always felt that my family is number one and do strongly believe that's my true calling in life. I cannot just go out and get another son, or daughter, or love of my life for that matter. A relationship with a really good friend would be hard if not impossible to replace but would have to be a distant second. And, even though I can't take care of my family without my job, it is so very replaceable- as my family and friends cannot be. I hope this answers your question.
2006-09-27 21:50:14
answer #3
answered by Antny 5
2006-09-27 11:56:01
answer #4
answered by LaBrat 3
Ugh. I just don't like to rank things that are so important. Hope you don't mind if I give that a miss. And here's why...Family & Friends...well to me, they are the same thing. My family are my friends, and my friends are my family. Simple as that. My Job? Pfffft. I do not define myself by it, it's something I do as a means to an end, and while I take a certain pride and satisfaction in it, I'd trade it all for what's behind door #2. God? The jury is so out on that it defies ranking.
2006-09-27 11:51:51
answer #5
answered by gotalife 7
I would rank mine by God, Family, Friends and Job. You can easily replace the last two, however, the first two are there for the long run.
2006-09-27 11:00:28
answer #6
answered by glorymomof3 6
God, family, friends, job
2006-09-27 22:04:04
answer #7
answered by Anne Teak 6
Without God, there wouldnt be anything else , so...
1. God
2. Family
3. Friends
4. Job...People are more important, you can always get another job.
2006-09-27 11:01:46
answer #8
answered by belinda f 3
family job friends god
2006-09-27 11:02:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Jeez, lemme think... that's a toughie. Does my wife count as a friend or as family? Let's assumse she counts as family.
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Music
4. Movies
5. Booze
6. Cigarettes
7. Animals
8. Belly lint
9. Yawning
10. That plastic bit on the end of shoelaces
11. Job
12. God (I don't think s/he needs the help really)
2006-09-28 07:26:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous