the kid needs some boundaries....sounds like he may have some loose ones. He must know where the "line" is and that there are consequences for crossing that line. Be firm and consistent with your rules and don't make threats that you won't keep...he'll know you're not serious. Be patient, but not permissive. As for the biting ....I bit my kid right back and it never happened again. Kids don't know anything they are not one does. Just try to get them to understand what it feels like to be the person who is getting hurt....pretty much the "do unto others" Golden Rule.
2006-08-20 20:45:08
answer #1
answered by Bev 1
You can tackle each behavior separately with discipline but I would first look at what is going on in the child's life and see what is behind the behavior. All of these behaviors are seen in children who are seeking attention and children who feel impotent (which is most children).
Make sure that the child knows that each behavior is unacceptable each time it appears (I'm sure the child knows this but it never hurts to repeat). You know your child and know what will be most effective. Timeouts work really well for a lot of children but one of mine doesn't care, he just hangs until I come get him. For him, I have to make the lesson hit home by selecting very creative discipline. For whining, I tell him I can't understand whining and then ignore him until he speaks clearly. For hitting, or any other physical acting out (he really doesn't hit that often) he must treat the injury of the person he hit (I make him get ice and a bandaid etc). This really helps him to understand how his actions effect others (it works on his brother too, even though he is still really little). As for not listening, that is my biggest pet peeve. I never repeat myself unless someone asks me to. If I know that they have heard me, I simply say, you heard me and interrupt whatever they are doing until they acknowledge and comply.
I hope some of these help.
2006-08-21 02:08:19
answer #2
answered by Huggles-the-wise 5
This is what has worked for me: Whining: tell him you can't hear him if he whines, and don't even pay any attention til he talks to you right.
Hitting: Time out for 4 min. (1 min per year of age) When he is done with time out, you take away a toy. Prefferably one of his favorites at the time, and you put it away. Make a good deed chart and every time he puts his own clothes on, or shares with his sister, or eats all his veggies, give him a good deed. 5 good deeds gets a toy back. In the beginning he won't have any toys! :) But he'll get the point.
Take away movies, park trips, going to see Grandma and Grandpa, etc until he starts to mind his business. Show him who is boss but in a calm and mild manner. He'll get the point eventually. And remember, this too shall pass!!
2006-08-21 00:27:57
answer #3
answered by the_proms 4
I'm sorry if you don't speak in a nice voice, I can't hear/understand you. Make the child repeat what they are saying until they use a tone you approve and then thank them for it.
Hitting - time out. 1 minute for every year the child is old. 4 minutes at a time.
Not listening - ask your child to repeat back to you what you just said. Gently take their chin in your hand and make eye contact when you speak.
2006-08-21 00:24:26
answer #4
answered by pamspraises 4
I have a nephew that is the same. The parents of my nephew just gives him a timeout.
Give the child a timeout in the corner and he/she will stop doing whatever. The child may cry, but will soon stop after 5 minutes in the corner.
2006-08-21 00:27:56
answer #5
answered by |Soldier| 3
time out's, consistant with punishment.make sure when the child hit's it is addressed right away,and when they start whining make them go to bed,no matter what time of the day it is.take toys away..ask the child why they are acting that may get some answers
2006-08-21 00:24:35
answer #6
answered by summer 2
4 yr olds whine...But hitting? You can explain that hitting hurts and tell them to stop. If they don't then give the child a swat or two.
Be consistant and when they whine tell them to stop or get mad at them
2006-08-21 00:25:12
answer #7
answered by Who me? 3
dont give up keep your word no is no
create a proud chart the child does what you said they get a sticker or helps around the house after so many stickers reward them with an extra snack or extra play time or whatever works for you
explain to your child why its wrong and why its not accepted in YOUR house
2006-08-21 00:25:30
answer #8
answered by elmo 2
heres a effective punishment,,,,make him stand close to the wall extend his hands and touch the his forehead on the wall and his hands then behind his back untill his tempertrantum subsides or for 10 minutes
be diligent in this every time he hits whines or dosent listen put him there
its not mean dosent hurt much but his pride if its done in front of his friends or other siblings
2006-08-21 00:26:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Discipline when needed and also praise when the child does something good. If they are always being punished and never being rewarded, they figure negative attention is better then none.
2006-08-21 00:21:51
answer #10
answered by ruskstr8 1