he just needs to be comforted his young, put him to sleep in your arms then put him down do this for the next couple of weeks till his a bit older
2006-08-06 09:15:47
answer #1
answered by nicky.x 3
Please don't fret.xx It's a totally normal and extremely common thing. Right now you are all that your baby knows and they have an innate sense of comfort when with you, as soon as you take that away for a split second, they let you know about it! It's just your baby's way of letting you know that they love you and love your company xx It shows that your baby is developing fine and is very aware of your actions and reactions towards him.
As hard as it seems, the best thing you can do is leave him to cry, and believe me, I know how distressing that can be for a new mum, because all you wanna do is hold them 24/7, and they know this! Obviously if he becomes extremely distressed then don't leave him for too long, It's how we teach our children to become self-reliant. I've seen it so many times where parents are always picking their children up the second they put them down because they cry, but you are only making a rod for your own back in the long run, trust me, I've a 3 yr old and she still cries to this day when i walk out the room.... because I picked her up every time she cried.
Just hang on in there Hun, he will get better, it just shows you that he's a bright baby and knows what buttons to push to get all his mummy's attention xxx
You'll B fine.
Hope this helped xx
2006-08-06 09:25:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
This is a toughie - unfortunately you have to be brave and leave him to cry. He will soon realise that you aren't going to disappear.
It may take a week of him crying every time you put him down, but persevere, otherwise you make a rod for you own back later on down the road.
My son is 11 months old, and I still have problems now and again, but not as bad as he was.
Try giving him some time during the day on the floor, but play with him ie, show him toys to take his mind off of being on his back. Also, make sure that he is winded properly. This might be why he is crying when you put him down.
Good luck.
2006-08-06 09:18:48
answer #3
answered by The one 4
That is normal. She is telling you she loves youl. Crying alone is *not* good for babies--even "just a little bit". A crying baby produces cortisol (a stress hormone), even after she stops crying. Calories she needs to growth and development will instead be used for stress management--it's like taking food right out of her mouth! It also gives her the message that when she is totally dependent, the people who love her the most won't help her. If she won't let you put her down when she falls asleep, there are two options. Either don't put her down, or put her down *then* get her to sleep. Do you have a baby sling? You can nurse in a sling, then carry her around while you do things and she sleeps. The motion will even help her sleep. This is the best option most of the time for daytime naps; babies need lots of touching in order to develop!! For those occasions when this is *not* possible, try the following instead. Lie down with her. Nurse her to sleep--until she releases the breast. Wait 5-10 minutes until she is in a deeper stage of sleep. Get up very gradually without jarring the bed. Stay in the same room as her for as long as she is asleep. At night, just sleep next to her instead of trying to put her in another bed or another room.
For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDAH0
2016-04-14 01:04:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
When baby was in your tummy he was all tightly packed and warm, he could hear your heart beat and felt safe.
My daughter, my first was the same, I was literally suicidal, I couldn't go to the loo without her screaming. It does stop, I promise.
This is what helped me.
Have some background noise at all time. we had the radio on low all through the night, as it got her used to background noise. Now she will sleep through anything.
Try putting her down somewhere you can sit with her. A safe place on the floor, I used to get into our travel cot and feed her. Once she got used to being in there with me, I'd leave her there just for a few seconds, but keep talking to her, maybe playing peek a boo. After a while I'd extend the time she couldn't see me, until she knew she was safe.
Distraction is a great one. My daughter wouldn't notice I was gone for at least 2.5 minutes if I put the musical mobile on. Sometimes longer. Remember as baby gets older, anything safe is a distraction. My son (who is 7 months,) spent an hour today playing with a plastic beaker.
It sounds weird, but if you are breast feeding, go out of the room. My daughter would not settle if I was there. According to one midwife even from across the room baby could smell the milk, and would want to be held. Definatley helped with the night sleeping.
Only to be used carefully. Sometimes a child just doesn't feel safe outside of the womb, where it was all cosy and warm. One thing you can do is wrap it tightish in a cotton sheet. HOWEVER, you must not let baby get to hot. You must not leave him like this unattended. Remember it is important for babies, even at that age to be able to stretch and wriggle, so use as little as possible.
Spread out the sheet, and fold a corner under it's self. Place baby so his head is at the edge of the fold and he is lying diagonally to the blanket. Decide if you want arms in or out, or one of each. Fold one side of blanket across body of baby firmly. Bring the excess blanket below his feet up, then fold the other side over his body and tuck into the mummy wrap. Again, do not let him get too hot. This will add to the chance of cot death. However I do understand how desperat mothers get. Do you have much chance to hand him to a trusted family member and have a bath in peace, go to the shops for half an hour, catch up with an old friend on the phone uninterupted?
Remember, you need to make sure you have time to. People who offer to help, if you trust them, let them.
2006-08-06 09:32:34
answer #5
answered by Nneave 4
There are many reasons that your baby may be crying when you lay him down.
First check if there are other symptoms as well. Does he spit up alot or does he have alot of gas etc... Also note if there is a certain time of day that this crying goes on and on or if it is just literally all the time.
Make sure you have talked to the baby's pediatrician to rule out any medical issues.
My first child cried constantly unless I held her - turned out she had colic. After about 6 months or so she grew out of it, but it was very frustrating to me as a new mom. I found that if I layed her down and ran the vacuum cleaner she would sleep with the noise of the vacuum. So I recorded the vacuum cleaner on a cassette tape and played it whenever it was time for her to lay down and it usually helped.
My grandson has reflux in which he spits up alot after his feedings. He also has alot of gas at times. There is medication the Doctor can give for the gas. Also we had to add rice cereal to his formula (per the Doctors orders) for the reflux. He is now 6 months old and seems to be growing out of it somewhat.
Another reason may be that your baby just wants to be comforted. Babies respond to touch and soothing sounds.
In addition, if you are frustrated, take a break from baby! Go in another room and sit for a few and let the baby cry in his crib for a bit. It's ok for him to cry. I wouldnt let it go past 10 or 15 minutes. If he continues check diaper, etc again and then when he calms down put him back down in the crib or try a baby swing. Sometimes the rocking of the swing may help (depends on the baby).
2006-08-08 05:08:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
How long has this been going on? If it just started happening, he could have an ear infection. The pain gets worse when they are laying down. I believe that you cannot spoil newborn babies by holding them too much. They need that body contact to feel secure in their new world. When they get to be 3 months, they need more belly playtime to strengthen their backs and arms. You may also try swaddling him snuggly in a receiving blanket. But I am not sure crying like that is normal just from being laid down. I would talk to your pediatrician.
2006-08-06 09:18:58
answer #7
answered by peach 4
Get a sling or pouch to carry him around with you. That will help relax him.
If you really, really need to put him down, swaddle him in a light blanket all nice and snuggy. I bought a Miracle Blanket for my youngest. Worked like a charm. She rarely cried when she was swaddled.
He's 9 weeks old. He doesn't realize he has arms and legs yet. He can't manipulate you. He can't be spoiled. Your instict is to hold him and comfort him, right? So, hold him and comfort him.
2006-08-06 12:56:32
answer #8
answered by CCTCC 3
Nine weeks is quite young, he doesn't yet realise that you exist when he can't see/feel/smell you. It's a big scary world for such a little person. Believe me, they do sleep eventually!
I always slept with my babies in bed with me, however I realise this is now not advised as there are risks associated with it, but it did mean both me and the baby got some sleep. We tried lots of things, rocking him, singing to him, rattles. Sometimes 'white noise' helps, this would be something like a washing machine or vaccuum cleaner. However I would discuss any concerns you have with your health visitor.
2006-08-06 09:20:23
answer #9
answered by Jude 7
Does he have a burp stuck? My 8 week old really squirms and grunts when he's uncomfortable. Just don't get in the habit of rocking him to sleep all the time; babies need to learn to fall asleep on their own. And I hate to say this, but sometimes it is okay to let them cry. As long as you know he's been fed & burped, dry diaper, and is comfortable & safe, a little crying isn't going to hurt him.
2006-08-06 11:17:32
answer #10
answered by funrdhdpeach 4
I had hemorrhoids problems for different years. I was basically simply excessively embarrassed to go to a doctor or to the pharmacy to request a hemorrhoid treatment. At last I went to a doctor that tried to do everything in her power to help me, yet unfortunately the prescription didn't work. Surgery was impossible! By then, I was powerless, embarrassed and with just about no social life, so I've chosen to try something else. Then I discovered this method: http://treathemorrhoid.kyma.info I purchased this book on the most proficient method to dispose of hemorrhoids naturally notice it helped me a great deal! I don't feel torment anymore! I wish I had it years before. I can't accept how rapidly I got relief (just about overnight!) they've never returned and I don't worry about it anymore in light of the fact that on the off chance that they do, I know precisely what to do. After reading the book and making a move in 48 hours the ache, irritation, tingling and draining was gone. To my surprise I could permanently cure my hemorrhoids 100% naturally. Hemorrhoids are fundamentally engorged veins. The veins return the blood to the heart and those from the lower parts of the body work against gravity to push blood again to the heart. At the point when the blood becomes thicker because of one's absence of water admission, the blood gets pooled in the veins in light of the fact that blood is more hard to stream. This makes them get engorged and become bigger. On the off chance that this happens in the rectal area, it becomes hemorrhoids. I can assure you that I tackled my hemorroids problems with this system: http://treathemorrhoid.kyma.info It's definitly the most ideal approach to effectively dispose of hemorreoids.
2014-09-29 20:21:30
answer #11
answered by Anonymous