Because there is no god, and since people are starving, no good christians.
2006-08-05 15:06:47
answer #1
answered by ceprn 6
God is not the author of any of the above. He made this Planet with a plan in mind that would have fed everybody. The problem is that man decided to do it his own way and God said Ok I'll let you take it for a while and prove that you cannot do it without me. This is where we are at today. Before long God is going to snap his fingers and all will return to perfect. It has not gone anyplace and is just a twinkling of an eye away. Remember God wants you to serve Him because serving is part of the equasion. If we were all here serving each other things would be different. If we were all here feeding each other things would be different. If we were all here living in harmony on this big ball the way we are suppose to be, all would be find. It is really all about the mind set that makes it impossible. We must first become like minded in the mind of Christ, like we were intended to be in the first place. If we all thought like Jesus the Planet would be without problems. Study the Gospels of the bible and learn what Jesus believed and what He taught. You will learn where it is going when evil is illiminated from the game. It ain't because there isn't enough, it is because it is being horded by the few. The few will be gone and we will get a chance to live out a period of time on Planet Earth the way it is suppose to be. Fear not about those that have been liberated already. They are now with a just and perfect Spirit, who knows things that you and I could not imagine.
2006-08-05 15:21:52
answer #2
answered by happylife22842 4
God probably wishes that everyone did have food. God probably wishes that the men that run the governments didn't take food from the poor just to fill their pockets. But if God exists, at least a christian god, he created free will. Poor people are usually victims of a bad system. I can't explain the starving children in the poorest countries, but look at mexico. It's the 3rd largest oil producing country in the world. Where does the money go? Look for the answers in our world leaders, and pray that they at least have a sense of morality and worry less about the powers of something you have little control over. If god does or doesn't exist, I worry more about the men that act like gods and behave like selfish cowards.
2006-08-05 15:14:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Your question doesn't deserve a challenge or a debate. It's too stupid. God, in the Old Testament, and as Jesus our Christ in the New Testament, never promised to fix everybody's problems. That's what He put us here for, to fix each others' problems. So, what have you personally done to resolve everyones' poverty or hunger. Most likely nothing but ***** and whine about it, and point fingers at other people. And most likely, even if you have done anything, or even something, you've done way less than God would want you too, but you have your priorities, and your number one priority is you, and you certainly couldn't sacrifice that position on your priority list to help the poor and hungry. It's kinda like all the hollywood multimillionaires who whine and cry about the poor in Africa while they sit in their multimillion dollar homes with their incredibly expensive cars and swimming pools and their vacations to God-knows-where (and He truly does know). If you're so worried about the poor and starving, why did you buy the computer you're using and pay the ISP fees you are, and are living in the airconditioned residence you're living in. Don't go pointing fingers till you've done ALL you can. And then you'll probably feel so sanctified that you won't find any use or satisfaction in pointing fingers and bitching. God Bless you.
2006-08-05 15:14:36
answer #4
answered by ? 7
I am christan, and wish I knew but that's how hitler came to power he would go to the poor and say pray to your god he will give you food each day for weeks then go to the people and say now pray to me and I will give you food. So beware when following any religion because I've never once seen anyone pray to nay god and receive lottery winnings or food; but that's not the point to a religion the point is to follow the teachings as best as you can so you can provide to those who are needing the food or help. God shouldn't have to do it his teaching should place everyone to a point where they at least give their leftover food that is going to go to waste in their fridge in days to come to the homeless or even some who doesn't make as much and it could help their budget to give them a meal and invite them into your home and say without saying I care. I think all religions with few acceptions try and teach this same thing
2006-08-05 15:11:09
answer #5
answered by Cbear 2
There is NO debate needed. Here is your answer:
Did God create Evil? Does God allow people to suffer?
This will make you think for a while.
At a certain college there was a professor with a reputation for being tough on Christians. At the first class, everysemester, he asked if anyone was a Christian and proceeded to degrade
them and to mock their statement of faith.
One semester, he asked the question and a young man raised his hand.
The professor asked, "Did God make everything young man?"
He replied "Yes sir he did!"
The professor responded,! "IF God made everything, then he made evil"
The student didn't have a response and the professor was happy to once again prove the Christian faith to be a myth.
Then another man raised his hand and asked, "May I ask you something,sir?""Yes, you may," responded the professor.
The young man stood up and said, "Sir, is there such a thing as cold?" Of course there is, what kind of a question is that? Haven't you ever
been cold?"
The young man replied, "Actually, sir, cold doesn't exist. What we consider to be cold, is really an absence of heat. Absolute zero is when there is absolutely no heat, but cold does not really exist. We have only created that term to
describe how we feel when heat is not there.
The young man continued, Sir, is there such a thing as dark?" Once again the professor
responded, "Of course there is."And once again, the student replied, "Actually, sir, darkness does not exist. Darkness is really only the
absence of light. Darkness is only a term developed to describe what happens when there is no light present."
Finally, the young man asked, "Sir, is there such a thing as evil?"The professor responded, "Of course, we have rapes, murders and violence everywhere in the world, Those things are evil.
The student replied, "Actually, sir, evil does not exist. Evil is simply the absence of God. Evil is a term developed to describe the absence of God.God did not create evil. It isn't like truth, or love which exist as virtues like heat or light. Evil is simply the state
where God is not present, like cold without heat, or darkness without light."
The professor had nothing to say................
Be full of Christ today, there is no room for anything else . .
GOD BLESS and hugs from Texas.. <><
Jan {:-)
2006-08-05 15:07:14
answer #6
answered by jaantoo1 6
You smart people just want to jump right over sin like it don't exist and blame God for everything being so bad.
You are not going to get those hungry people fed by barking at Christians. Christians feed more people than all the governments in the world. And over 90% of that food and aid comes from Christians in the USA.
2006-08-05 15:10:24
answer #7
answered by Terrence J 3
I cannot say that I have all of the answers, but I do know this, many many Christians, especially in this day and age are walking around with a name it and claim it mentality, they are preaching a gospel of prosperity, but not Godly prosperity, worshipping the almighty dollar. Many are worshipping a God of their own imaginations, pulling out all the scriptures that talk about God's promises and blessings and throwing out God's perfect instruction. If we walk outside of the obedience of God's perfect instruction, then we have no claim on the blessing and we walk outside of the umbrella of His protection.
I am not saying this is the case for everyone, but there are many praying for a job but refusing to get up and look for one, or refusing the jobs that just are not good enough, or getting a job and not being able to keep it because of a lack of self discipline. There are many who are praying for food, but they are not working to get it- there is an attitude of everyone owes me and I won't lift a finger to help myself.
I see people on the streets holding up signs for food or money while there is a mission right around the corner- why are they not there? most of the time it is because they refuse to follow the rules and submit to the wisdom of the authority that runs the place. God has put it in the hearts of many to minister to the poor and hungry, we say give a man a fish and he eats for a day but teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime- well, I see a heck of a lot of the man refusing to learn how to fish, complaining about the work involved in fishing and why can't someone just give him their fish. That is not an attitude that is going to be blessed or prosper in any way.
And on the other side of the coin, Dan's answer is RIGHT ON THE TARGET! enough said!
2006-08-05 16:04:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Who says they don't get it? You? And who the hell are you to say they got food or didn't? God is not pizza hut. God does not deliver because people want something. Christians eat just like you do by earning money for the food. How can YOU say God does not exist? Do you have proof that God does not exist? NO.
2006-08-05 15:10:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This planet would produce enough food to feed everyone.
Who keeps the poor from gettiing the food?
Is it God? No!
It is bad government, selfish people and violence towards others.
War keeps the food from getting there in most cases.
Before the flood of Noah's day he looked down and decided to destroy the earth because it was full of violence.
He wasn't causing the violence. People were.
We have free will. He doesn't make us do the right thing.
2006-08-05 15:08:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
No need to seek debate. The answer to your question is right in your Bible.
2Corinth 4:4; Revelations 12:9. It is not God who is ruling this world right now. And, he is deceiving the whole world--including you.
Chap 1& 2 of the Book of Job. Satan raised 2 important issues: (1) Will every man, woman, and child in this planet serve God if God's protection is not w/ them, or (2) Man serves God only because of selfish end.
These issues require time to be resolved. And these issues are the reasons why God allow wickedness and human sufferings to happen.
But, soon pretty soon, God will settle the issue. He will destroy both Satan and his minions.
The question now to you is: 'whose side are you'?
2006-08-05 15:07:43
answer #11
answered by Anonymous