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29 answers

Well, the Dover, PA school board decision equated ID with creationism in disguise, and establishes a legal precedent. I guess that could be considered as making it 'effectively' illegal... at least in that particular Federal Court District. Typical judical practice would make it very likely that the Dover precedent would be cited in other jurisdictions... the judge certainly drafted his opinion with that in mind.

"First, God created idiots; this, he did for practice. Then he created school boards." ~ Mark Twain

2006-08-05 15:21:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The word science means "to know".

Is Creationism a science? Can you have Creationism without a God? In other words, using the scientific method (facts to theories) can we come up with creationism? The answer is no.

First, Creationism is a belief. There are no facts that can be observed that would get you to Creationism. So where did Creationism come from? The biblical account for Creation. But the bible is not a scientific book; it is much more.

For the believer the bible is God's words as spoken by the prophets. It is a tool for the believer; not a conversion manual for the unbeliever. In the bible there is no proof for God's existences; it is assumed. Believe it or not, the proof of God's existence is beyond science, The only way to God is through faith.

God reveals, man observes. Science is man's observation. Creationism requires more than man observation; it requires faith.

There is no law regarding Creationism, but Creationism is not a science. And if you teach one faith, you have to teach them all.

2006-08-05 15:09:24 · answer #2 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

It's not illegal to teach Creationism per se, but the problem is trying to teach it without teaching religion which is considered unconstitional as a violation of the establishment clause.

Time after time it's been shown that the people who are trying to introduce Creationist curricula are motivated by their religious beliefs. The courts don't tell us that Creationism is wrong, they tell us that the people who are trying to introduce Creationism are wrong because they are using it as a vehicle to preach to children in public schools.

If we are all to have the freedom to worship as we see fit, then our government (and that includes our public schools) must avoid any appearance of teaching religion. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has a different faith and try to imagine how included you would feel in a nation that teaches your children from another religion's book.

If there were a solid non-religious basis for teaching Creationism as science then we would be remiss to not teach that science to our children. But Creation science disagrees with the current understanding of too many scientific fields. Creationism must provide explanations that are as good or better than current scientific knowledge if it is to gain a foothold.

Many Creationists also start from the position that the biblical accounts of creation are true and any evidence against it must be misinterpreted. No amount of evidence can falsify that position and so the position should be discounted until the Creationists are willing to accept the truth of the evidence even over the truth of the bible.

2006-08-08 12:34:09 · answer #3 · answered by Vardis DeGrave 2 · 0 0

l hope so can you in the usa honestly think in this 21st century that god just one day thought
" Oh dear l am bored l think l will just pop off and make a new planet and a whole bunch of imbeciles to run it.
This God was so tired from this earth shattering experience that he had to go home where ever home is and rest
God is God he has always been here he did not come down and just create Adam and Eve
You guys really need to do some research perhaps looking in the spirtual world for what it really is a learning curve

Perhaps you have to look no further than the wars going all around the world who believe in this fairy story....
Do you really think that the earth and the heavens just appeared in 7 days ?? Where were they before ..
ahhh perhaps the big bang
Can you please advise my goverment that all our space technology and while you are at it you had better tell NASA
Perhaps they could save the millions of dollars they piled into space exploration and teach the american schooling system that it l am sorry but it really does suck
You have a leader with a " C" minor who has bought his way into political power and now you want the rest of the world to think the way you do
We dont want that sort of teaching look at the trouble the usa and Israel is in because of ignorance
Ignorance begets Ignorance
and l am a very spiritual person but please do not insult my intellligence by asking me to believe that God just came and drop adam and eve off
please excuse if l have offended you but l am offended by your ignorence

2006-08-05 15:07:18 · answer #4 · answered by greeneyedaussie22 2 · 0 0

How would anyone apply the scientific method to teach Creationism?

What lesson plan would anyone use for a class of 30+ students from diverse backgrounds?

2006-08-05 15:20:15 · answer #5 · answered by My Big Bear Ron 6 · 0 0

I see by the answers that people are all over the board as to what you are asking as usual.
No it is not illegal , just to call it that. as it deals with what came before evolution. you are still free to read between the lines and see that there is not much difference between the two theories.
The main point of contention is that religion says what came before the Creation and the order in which things were created.
logically something has to be created before it can evolve to fit its surroundings.

2006-08-05 15:07:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, according to the Supreme court it is perfectly legal.
It is illegal to force a school to teach creation or evolution. It is up to the school to decide what they teach.

2006-08-05 14:54:12 · answer #7 · answered by Terrence J 3 · 0 0

I don't know, did any of those cases ever make it to the Supreme Court?

I know that every court that has heard the issue has ruled "creationism" is not science, but only the Supreme Court can make it effective nationwide.

2006-08-05 14:51:55 · answer #8 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

creation by christian god should be taught in comparitive religion
creation by evolution should be taught in science since there is some empirical data
creation by zeus and the titans! world literature

with all these confusing ideas in the different classes oh my! whats a child to do inbetween running from their myspace blog to their daddys prius to get to the ball and must be home before midnight or they turn into a pumpkin

2006-08-05 15:18:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

- Your good judgment is named "begging the question", the place you help your premise with a presumption that the tip is genuine. The clue is each and all of the "if"s on your premise. not something says the ontological arguments are valid, not something ability that a god could desire to be "eternal, previous time", not something ability that a none-eternal god "does not exist". not something validates that the universe has a reason from "outdoors time or previous it". and regardless of if all of those fallacies are set aside, not something confirms that certainly one of those being created the universe. There are could extra useful motives than a god for the universe. and that i don't want evidence to understand that a wrong argument is invalid. Nor do I definitely have a burden of evidence against an invalid argument, the fallacies talk for themselves.

2016-11-03 23:30:34 · answer #10 · answered by derival 4 · 0 0

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