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So there are only two ways to exist...incarnate (earthly form) or spirit....right? So then what is God the father if he isn't incarnate and he isn't a spirit? A ball of fire? What is he?

And please don't say "We won't know until we see him", because it says in your bible that if you look upon him, you'll die. So that leads to another question.

If you're already dead, and you look at the face of God, what happens?

Just wondering.

2006-08-05 13:49:13 · 33 answers · asked by D. A 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

The "God in three persons" thing does not work for me either. I think someone read the scrolls wrong.


2006-08-05 13:55:42 · answer #1 · answered by diogenese19348 6 · 1 4

Hello friend,
You ask an interesting question.
The first part is easy enough. If you accept God's Word, God is Spirit. You'll find that in John 4:24.

The next part may be a bit more difficult.
You may be referring to Ex.33:20.
The Hebrew language is a much deeper language than the English.
They used idioms the same as we do. This "see My face and live" idiom is not the same as what you read in Ex.33:11 for example. Compare the two. You might be surprised.

God's Presence is Holy, and a man would surely die if in this life he actually saw God. We could not stand up before God and live anymore than we could look directly and intently into direct brilliant sunlight without damage.

But you asked about when a person was dead and saw God.
Now that's altogether different. When you die, you will see God face to face. You still won't be able to stand in His presence.
Look at how the sight of Jesus affected John in Rev. 1:12-17.
And this was the same Jesus that John knew and walked with for three years!

Dear friend, if your heart is right before God when you die, you'll see your loving Heavenly Father welcoming you Home.

And if it is not right before Him, you'll see the One who hung on a tree so you could stay out of Hell, stepping aside so as not to prevent your path there any longer. He is the "Door" according to John 10:9. And the same Door that lets you into Heaven will keep you out if you've not accepted Him in this lifetime.

Don't let it be that way friend. His arms are wide open for you.
God bless you,
2 Tim 2:7

2006-08-05 14:50:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God the father could be either or both haven't seen Him Yet
God the Son is Human
God the holy spirit is His spirit within us

But tecnically he is everything!

I used to think" God in three persons"
okay that means
33.333% Father
33.333% Son
33.333% Holy Spirit

He is 100% Father. 100% Son (human), and 100% spirit

Just as I am a sister, mother, wife and best friend.
I am not a "percentage", I am wholely everything all in one.
I was hung up for a long time about that.
He is God and takes on three forms all equal in power.
God is the same God and can do the same things no matter what form He is in.

I hope this helps you!

He can reveal himself visually to you if He chooses and you will not die.

I think the statement you refer too means the power of His glory in Heaven could blind you if you were not in Heaven and you were in a position to "seek a peek". Just to give people an idea how powerful just the sight of Him is.

I pray for you to find peace in your quest.

2006-08-05 14:07:34 · answer #3 · answered by mom of 3 3 · 0 0

God is not an energy form.
God is the spirit of life. God is the unseen
forces that interface with quarks to make

People are a mixture of genetic frequencies
girded by energy.
We are a constant.
It's the time and space that comes and goes.

We can't die and meet God.
We are as close to God right now, as we will
ever get.

Looking into the face of God is the same as
seeing tomorrow. And that of course would
negate life. If everything was predestined, what
would be the point?

We live in a place where we wake to a day that
we have never seen before.

That's as good as it gets.

2006-08-05 14:02:32 · answer #4 · answered by kyle.keyes 6 · 0 0

Jesus said God is a spirit that should be worshiped in spirit. To stand before God in his true form would end our existence. Those that are his are promised new bodies, spiritual bodies as well as the damned. Death of the spirit is separation from God. This is the second death.

We will all stand before Elohim, It is appointed for man once to die and then the judgment

2006-08-05 14:02:37 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

LOL. I like your question. It reminds me of my past. But seriously, God IS spirit. Now, you will get alot of ideas about the trinity but I will give you one more. I don't believe God is three persons in the way some would say. Jesus said if we saw Him we saw God, but I believ He was talking about being an example of how God was like. The Spirit is another matter.God said He would give us His Spirit to be able to do things we could not normally do. Have you ever heard some use the phrase" in the spirit of the times" or such? I think God meant spirit in that context. But who am I? I will still wonder about that question till I see Him and can ask Him which is right.

2006-08-05 13:59:36 · answer #6 · answered by child_of_the_lion 3 · 0 0

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have, from eternity, existed as co-equal persons consisting of what we humans understand to be pure spirit.

Three distinct persons in one, true God ... the Holy Trinity.

The 2nd person of the Trinity is the the only begotten son of the Father, who took on flesh and became the divine man and savior, whom we know as Jesus.

Thanks to the resurrection, Jesus now exists in both spirit and a glorified physical form.

The Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

Normal human flesh and the true nature of God are considered to be incompatible. That's probably why Jesus was resurrected in a glorified (God compatible) body, just as all humans will be, on the last day.

If you're already dead and you look at the face of God, you'll likely experience one of three possible outcomes:

1) If judged to heaven, all your questions will be answered, and you will experience God exactly as he is.

2) If judged to purgatory, you'll probably experience Jesus much as the apostles did, shortly after he was resurrected. After you've completed your stay in purgatory, you will be admitted to heaven and you will see God as he is.

3) If judged to hell, you'll probably experience Jesus, much as the apostles did after the resurrection. Then, you will never see God, in any form, ever again.

We arrived at these understandings from what God has revealed to us directly through his son and the Holy Spirit, and through his scriptures, his apostles, and his church.

Any real human understanding of these infinite concepts is problematic, so the precise details of how all this actually works must remain a mystery, for now.

2006-08-05 15:03:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Isn't it ironic that all the preachers in the world preach such a loving God but if you look at him it will kill you, now I know you look at the face of God every day by all those you come in contact with and I don't hear of to many of you dying out there yet. this is Just another part of fear mongering that the church uses to control the flock, and that's the only reason that book was ever written for in the first place and I don't believe God had a hand in it, and I don't know of any one alive or dead that has had a live interview with him either. Do I believe in him yes I do, do I believe it would kill me to look at him, I do not believe so.

2006-08-05 14:32:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not quite it is more complex and simple than that.
The Creator of All Things(GOD)(the SELF CREATED ONE )Threw off sparks of its own body that became the souls of all things that was and will be. After that God made the physical universe and all that dwell in it. They had no souls until God let the souls go and see what was created .some came and looked around and went back to
god and became the Angels. Others entered into the bodies of the Earth,sea and sky and whatever lived on them and became so entranced with the experience that they forgot not only how to leave but where they came from. That is our goal to remember where we came from.
So your soul is a facet of God and can look upon its/your face and not be consumed. It is the physial body that can not handle the presence of that much energy and survive.

2006-08-05 14:11:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who says there are only 2 ways to exist? How do we know there isn't more out there than we currently know?

As far as looking at God or being in his presence, we are incompatible with him at the moment. The Bible says that we have to be changed, and then there won't be a problem seeing him.

2006-08-05 13:55:57 · answer #10 · answered by jewel_flower 4 · 0 0

The Father Is the Holy Spirit.

After you die & you see God, you are with Him forever in Heaven.

2006-08-05 13:57:18 · answer #11 · answered by clusium1971 7 · 0 0

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