In heaven they will have no illness, sickness, or disease, they will have unmarred personality which will be able to grow and develop throughout eternity while exploring and discovering the glory of God and others in perfection.
2006-08-05 07:09:04
answer #1
answered by po3try 2
Illness does not define who you are no more than the act of killing yourself defines who you are. You can be the most loving and kind person and still act out because of an illness and even kill someone during that time. Does that mean you are a killer because your illness caused you to lash out and kill? Not hardly. We are told that to enter Heaven we need to be like little children so Little Timmy as you call him, has the right credentials to enter as he is childlike with that child trust and forgiveness that we should have. He may get the wit and charm as you call it but don't you think he already has the charm even if he does not have the wit? The wit can be learned in Heaven but we go with the character we develop on this planet. You don't have to have great intelligence to get to Heaven, only a humble heart that forgives and trusts as a child that God will do as He promised. Those that have the mental illness here now and the down's syndrome are really in a better position than we are with all our faculties as they don't know when they are doing wrong so are innocent but what about us that do the wrong knowing it is wrong and are too proud to ask forgiveness? They will be made perfect that enter into the Kingdom of God. That is a promise you can truly bank on.
2006-08-05 14:17:26
answer #2
answered by ramall1to 5
First off I don't know where Jinx gets that.....There's going to be a new heaven and a new earth ( Revelation-Chapter 21).....we will also receive new bodies.....why? Everything is new.....I'm not betting on remembering sin when I'm there.....and why wouldn't God renew his children with the newnest like all of his children....think a moment....if you really believe in God and the Resurrection, wouldn't you think that he would bless the handicapped also and give the blessing of that new life also.....if do you think he may be powerless to correct Dow Syndrome.....and last but not least....these children can't reach the age of accountability with there mental I believe that all of these special children or adults belong to the almighty savior. My son died at 9 and I believe he went to heaven.....never was an adult....only a child....I hope this is a good and satisfactory awnser for you.
2006-08-05 14:23:53
answer #3
answered by SouthernLiberty 2
All imperfections (and we all have them) are the result of what became an imperfect genetic make-up because of sin. Before sin entered the world - man was perfect and there was no death or dying. According to Scripture, in the new heaven and earth that is no longer true and we will have perfect bodies that are made to endure eternally. An excellent read on this is Hank Hanagraaff's RESURECTION available at (apologetics site) and probably at amazon. God bless. ~Nisa
P.S. Don't buy into Sylvia Brown anything as someone else suggested - she's a false teacher.
2006-08-05 14:11:47
answer #4
answered by newfsdrool 3
Mark 12:24-26
2006-08-05 14:09:08
answer #5
answered by Elisa 2
I believe that a person's intelligence has nothing to do with their soul. there are many many people with GLORIOUS souls TRAPPED behind limited intelligence. In the afterlife, all of that will be made right, balanced out.
Even the most kindly. loving person would scream and flail against living their whole life in straight jacket coated with wasabi thumb tacks.
i wish I could explain myself more eloquently, but I do the best I can.
2006-08-05 16:22:19
answer #6
answered by turtle girl 7
in heaven there is no suffering and everyone has a "perfect" understanding of God and themselves. I believe that any disablitily (mental or physical) will be greatly rewarded by God in the afterlife> most of us will have to "pay" in the spiritual world before we may enter heaven, those handicapped people are "paying" right now, I believe that their disablities are far less harsh than a normals person will have to endure in the next life> peace.
2006-08-05 14:09:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If onw is so limited in mental ability that they are incapable of understanding the Salvation Message... then that one will indeed be granted Salvation and be made whole in Heaven...
however one who has had a life of mental competence and at some point, after reaching the age of accountability, which only God knows, suffers brain damage that renders them incompetent... that one has lost his or her chance at Salvation
2006-08-05 14:11:11
answer #8
answered by IdahoMike 5
Answering the ?....They are equal & perfect in "Heaven" to all the rest of us...we are actually all the same in essence, outside of the physical realm we are in the midst of here on Earth.
Please do not be judging of the perfection of their life here, is our perception of "normal" that creates their world of "challenged"...If you have never experienced the knowing of a human with physical & mental "disabilities", you have yet to know someone who can daily remind you of the ease of your own life here...Again I stress..."I send you nothing but angels." And although some can get very frustrated in their own circumstances, there are few ways to see this fact than in the face of a giggling child that we perceive as severely handicapped, but loves with all their hearts, every day they can be with us.
2006-08-05 14:20:13
answer #9
answered by msE758 3
as a spiritualist we are told that in spirit we are whole again .. whether we have physical challenges or mental challenges .. we are perfect
what i really do believe though is that our whole life is a spiritual lesson and what we learn here determines the realm we are placed in spirit
now if we think about the lessons that people with disabilities have endured .. its quite easy to believe that spirit they may very well be more progressed than the average person !
2006-08-05 14:10:47
answer #10
answered by Peace 7