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I have noticed many times that everytime relgion is begin discussed and islamic topic comes along for some reason alot of the non muslims here start beign disrespectfull to our religion?

Like when people start saying we force women to cover up or like in the quran it says to kill people... (astukfurallah) Why do you guys say this stuff when you know nothing... so open up all your hatered to islam here and end it ask us before you guys blaber stuff. i havent seen a muslim make fun of you guys.. or your relgion this is because our faiths a re strong, we are told to respect others peoples religion and you guys go ahead and stay stuff you dont even know. so ask your questiona about islam and learn.

2006-08-05 07:00:50 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thank you for the comments below...

i want you to know i am not pointing any fingers and dont blame anyone the world today has made peopel think a certian way. it just the way humans are, but i just think if we all ahs a little more knoledge about each other we would better understand one another.

And to the person below with the covering question please go here and read this http://www.islamfortoday.com/hijabcanada4.htm

2006-08-05 07:12:40 · update #1

Umm the one above me i think your confused on what jihad is. There are 2 jihad, The Greater Jihad and The Lesser jihad.


means to strive. This can be any kind of striving in the way of God which involves either spiritual or personal effort, material resources, or arms.

The Greater Jihad is told to be the most important and should be done first. What is the Greater Jihad It is the Stuggle with your self.
The Prophet Muhammed (saws) said:

"The best jihad is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allah, The Mighty and Majestic" [3]

In the Qur'an, Allah also says:

"So obey not the disbelievers, but make a great jihad (effort) against them (by preaching) with it (the Qur'an)"
(Surah Al-Furqan 25:52)

2006-08-05 09:36:20 · update #2

Then The Lesser Jihad is a "Holly War" War agiasnt thoes who wages war agianst you, War To Defend your land/Property To defend Your Family ect.

"And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you. But do not transgress the limits. Truly Allah loves not the transgressors"
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:190)

"Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion, nor drove you out of your homes. Indeed, Allah loves those who deal with equity"
(Surah Al-Mumtahinah 60:8)

Most of you always forget to explain this, in the Quran it has been said that if you enemy no longer wages war agianst you you shall not wage war agisnt them!


"He who kills himself with anything, Allah will torment him with that in the fire of Hell" [8]

Please if you have read the Quran you wouldnt have made thoese statments above.

2006-08-05 09:37:18 · update #3

dying in the name if god is not the only way enter heaven, God is all merciful and even people who don belive in the Prohet (PBUH) but Belive in 1 god, Allah will forgive them.

Some are under the misconception that by killing oneself for an Islamic cause, one commits an act which deserves Paradise. Once when a man killed himself, the Prophet (saws) said: "He is a dweller of the Fire". When the people were surprised at this, the Prophet (saws) said:

"A person performs the deeds which to the people appears to be the deeds befitting the dweller of Paradise, but he is in fact one of the dwellers of the Fire" [9]

The taking of ones life which Allah has given as a trust to the human, is a great sin. Likewise the taking of other lives (which is so often the case with suicide bombing) is also forbidden, as human life is indeed precious:

2006-08-05 09:38:09 · update #4

"...If anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind. And (likewise) if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind"
(Surah Al-Maaida 5:32)

2006-08-05 09:38:23 · update #5

27 answers

no.. never noticed

2006-08-05 07:04:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It comes from ignorance. People don't take the time to really study other religions or even talk with people that belong to a different faith. It's a shame because I've had friends from ALL faiths and I can honestly say it's made me a better person for it. I've learned so much and it's opened my mind beyond what we absorb in the daily media or what hatred is spewed by those who don't know what they're talking about. I'm not a religious person but I have Muslim friends who are some of the greatest people I know. Don't listen to the negativity but keep trying to convince people to learn before they speak. It's the only way it's going to change things..............Asalaam Alaikum

2006-08-05 14:10:47 · answer #2 · answered by carpediem 5 · 0 0

I have never met a Muslim who has made fun of me or my beliefs. But I have met a few people who would probably prefered that happen. Last year I went to Indonesia to stay with some missionary friends of mine. They had about 20 or so Indonesians working with them - all but one is a refugee. Of these people, most of them had been physically attacked and had friends/relatives killed by muslims. Why? Because they are Christians and wouldn't convert to Islam. When this sort of stuff happens, how would you expect people to react?

One problem with Islam (and other eastern religions) is that you cannot question or critisise them. If you do you are called intolerant or a bigot, yet Christianity has be ridiculed and put up to critisism from its beginning.

I don't believe I have been told to resepect other religions. Should a Christian respect Satanism? We are to love one another as God first loved us. Not thier religions. So I will continue to disrespect any religion I believe is deceiving people, but I will not disrespect the person following that religion.

Those are some of the reasons people disrespect your religion.

2006-08-05 14:25:13 · answer #3 · answered by Jimmytheballs 2 · 0 0

Okay. Well, I'm not one to bash Islam. I'm actually a Satanist, so I bash everyone equally. :)

When the Ayatollah Khomeini made Iran an "Islamic Republic", he was first a religious leader. When he took over the government, the women were forced back into veils, the legal age for marriage was dropped from 18 to 9 (that's right- NINE years old) and adultery by women was punished by public STONING. This is in 1979.


And you are surprised that americans have poor opinions of the Islamic faith? How can you blame them? I don't. The modern muslim world is one bad example after another.

2006-08-05 14:20:02 · answer #4 · answered by B SIDE 6 · 0 0

I understand what you are saying, but in all fairness, there is a lot of anger going around due to extremist views. I don't care what religion someone is, it is important to realize that one person's freedom starts wherever someone else's stops. Too often, we are blinded by our own beliefs and religious dogma, and that leads to problems. Also, it has been my experience that religion splits people up because there is an obvious lack of spirituality that is found in many people's lives, who believe that going to a place of worship suffices. Such is not the case. I agree with you that some people are just plain ignorant, but no one is perfect. Christians aren't and there are some Muslim's that aren't. Fanatics are dangerous, no matter what the religion. Overall, I think that religion has come to make people uncomfortable when faced with a different thought.Sad, but true!

2006-08-05 14:08:47 · answer #5 · answered by fabmaster6 3 · 0 0

People disrespect it out of ignorance. I don't really have a religion, but I have my beliefs and morals. Sometimes I get the same thing for saying that I don't believe in anything, but it's not true. I just haven't labeled my beliefs. I belief that everyone is entitled to their religion and/or beliefs, even though I may not agree with it, I still respect it. My stance on religion is: out of all the different cultures and religions, how can we believe that our way is the only way? If I were to pick a religion, it definitely wouldn't be Christian like most of my family and friends, probably something more like Buddhism or Hinduism. But like I said, everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe.

2006-08-05 14:15:32 · answer #6 · answered by Elaina 2 · 0 0

We don't see many people bashing Buddhism. Why? Because the main problem in the Middle East is Islamic fundamentalism -- in all its degrees. On one end, we have those who use it to support terrorist actions. In lesser degrees, we see theocracies that significantly reduce women's rights (can't drive in some countries, need male escorts, need to cover up in some countries, can't vote in some countries). If these things were resolved and the Muslim community united against every single act of terrorism that was committed in their religion's name (coming out forcefully and protesting in the streets), people would think of Islam in a very different way. Note that similiar things are done to Christianity -- given that Christianity gets a bad name from the fundamentalists who use it to restrict rights for gays and other things, many react strongly to christian posts. If both religions dropped their ego versions of god (judgmental, rewarding, punishing) and promoted Unconditional Love and acceptance of everyone, we'd all have a different perspective.

2006-08-05 14:08:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yup. but don't feel bad. the xtians get bashed and are bashing the atheists. just keep pointing out the truth. The haters really do not have a clue what they are talking about, If you are strong in your faith maybe you would be willing to educate them and the rest of us while you are at it.

Edit: you got 5 out of 13 that were just either disrespectful or ignorant. That is only 38.46%, not to bad, that means you have some sympathy from about 61.54%. A decent start even before you have begun.

2006-08-05 14:08:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As far as I've read into Islam it actually seems like one of the most reasonable theistic religions I've ever heard of. However the nut job extremists get all the attention and society loves to generalize and stereotype. Bottom line is extremists from almost all religions suck where as any religion can offer a little good.

2006-08-05 14:06:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just a note to the guy talking about anis shorrosh. Anis shorrosh knows very little about islam, he has trouble reading arabic and has not studied islam at all. Your point about him being a muslim so 'he should know' is fine if he knew anything about islam. I have seen him speak and read something of his work and he is shockingly ignorant. Don't rely on others to make up your mind. Do the research yourself.

2006-08-05 14:28:10 · answer #10 · answered by Aissa 3 · 0 0

Obviously bashing people isn't right. No one should curse anyone because of their religion. I have a lot of points that I want to make about Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, in this context so I hope everyone will take the time to read what I write and not judge too quickly when they see a point that they agree or disagree with.

It seems to me from your comments, like most Muslims I speak to, that you have not analyzed the Koran. Most Muslims and non-Muslims speak of Islam and have never even read it. Well, I have studied the Koran throroughly and I think the major problem as far as the present world is concerned is with its ambiguity to its followers. In one Surah (chapter), it will say you shouldn't kill under any circumstance, in another it says you must kill in the name of Allah when a Jihad is envoked - and it takes very little to justify envoking a Jihad.

The Koran says even if you are righteous and do all that is asked of you, it's not guaranteed that you will go to heaven - and God may choose to take whom he wishes even if their path was not righteous. The only guaranteed way to go to heaven is by dying in the name of Islam. Hence suicide bombers.

In one Surah, the "people of the book" (Christians and Jews) are supposed to be the best friends that Muslims can find, in the next, they are infidels. There is a flawed system in the Koran that is hurting its followers because you have people who are naturally pacifist following the peaceful aspects of Islam, and you have people who are agressive and violent who will follow the sayings that are more conducive to violent behavior. It's like two religions in one and that's the main problem. Followers of Islam can always choose an excerpt from the Koran to support whatever it is they are saying. Just the same, people who argue against Islam will quote things from the Koran that will support their argument. The Koran is a book of contradictions and everyone is paying the price for it.

Of course every "holy" book is flawed. The problem with the Koran is that it is alleged to be an "exact duplicate" of the book in heaven and therefore CAN NOT be questioned. With every other religion, you have the right to question what is written. In the New Testament, you're actually encouraged to question it. This is the essential failure of the Koran with the passage of time, no one has the right to question it. However, anything that can not be questioned is inherently flawed because it has something to hide.

As far as women covering up. This isn't an Islamic thing. It was done by Jews, Christians, and many other religions long before Islam. However, unlike the other religions that don't make it a requirement within their holy book, in the Koran it is outlined as the way that women (and men) should be dressed. Therefore when 100 years ago, Jews, Christians, and others stopped covering up, Muslims could not easily do the same in most parts of the world because of fear from their neghbors and fear of the rise in fundamentalists. In more open societies like Lebanon (which had a Muslim minority before 1975), Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, parts of Syria, it was almost abandoned completely before the rise of Islamic revolutions, many of which (like Iran and Afghanistan) forced it on its female population.

True some people here may say things against Islam or Muslims that are inappropriate and downright wrong - many of those people are closed minded and ignorant. But just the same, many of us here know a lot about the religion and its society and what we see is that Muslims are battling it within themselves and within their communities. Unfortunately, those who follow strict interpretations force those that are more liberal to succumb to their way of thinking or be branded and infidel, or worse, an agent of Israel or the U.S...

In the end, I feel bad for Muslims because they are usually not treated justly. Everyone is history had a point when they were severely mistreated, but in Islam, the answer has been an immediate reaction as opposed to a well thought out movement. Many Muslims have to understand that anger from the west comes from the actions and deeds of those Muslims who choose to ignore the peaceful side of Islam and stress the violent just to meet their own needs. Muslims are stuck between an extremist Islam and a peaceful Islam. The problem is that the west makes the peaceful Muslims pay the price for the extremist Muslims. It doesn't genuinely and evenhandedly treat Arabs and Muslims for the good, especially America whose interests lie with Israel, another extreme state with people that also suffer from ambiguity in their direction - there are the peaceful Jews of the world and the extremist Jews (who call peaceful Jews "self-hating Jews". Christianity has the same problem with some sects who are so determined to see Jesus in their lifetime that they will support any means that may bring about Armageddon to allow for that to happen. In the end, you have disrespect from all sides. Be a Muslim, but for the sake of everyone in the world. Be Jew, but for the sake of everyone in the world. Be a Christian, but for the sake of everyone in the world. The same applies to Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, atheists, etc.

2006-08-05 15:17:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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