My eternal soul, worshiping a god-man is Idolatry
2006-07-28 04:32:34
answer #1
answered by Quantrill 7
Simple, as a scientist, I could not be honest to myself if I had to accept the biblical account of creation, or the global flood at face value, since all the information I work with does not agree with it. So, I had to resolve a number of issues first. I cannot go forward on anything on blind faith, because, God made me that way.
Guess what, science pursues the truth, and God it truth. God is not a deciever, thus, if science says the earth is 6 Billion years old, then it is. God would not manipulate things to make them look old, and then say they were only 6,000 years old. My God is not deceitful.
Read this account of creation in the bible, different than the genesis account and much more scientific:
“The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His works of old. I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning, before there was even an earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I was brought forth; while as yet He had not made the earth or the fields, or the primal dust of the world.
When He prepared the heavens, I was there, when He drew a circle on the face of the deep, when He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the fountains of the deep, when he assigned the sea its limit, so that the waters would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside Him as a Master Craftsman.” -- Proverbs 8:22-30
Sounds like a lot of work and thought went into creation. How long did it take for the "mountains to settle" or to figure out the physics of water so that life would work?
Just be aware that people are different and they do not all think like you do.
Take care,
2006-07-28 04:15:16
answer #2
answered by Cogito Sum 4
There is something to lose -- freedom and friendships. If Christianity demands that you must be a Christian to enter heaven, then I don't agree with that -- I think that there have been many great wonderful people deserving of the after-life, who were not Christians. If god loves us all, I can't believe that he/she would be so petty as to turn aside someone who thought that Buddhism was the way.
If Christianity does NOT require you to be a Christian to enter heaven -- in other words, if deeds are enough -- then why would I bother to convert? I want peace of mind, and to make my own decisions about divinity. Proselytizing pushes me away from a religion.
I'd like for my religion to have a realistic understanding of mankind. And if you call premarital sex a sin, that is unrealistic. If you say everyone has to agree with you in matters of faith, that is unrealistic too.
2006-07-28 04:12:55
answer #3
answered by fishdan 2
What do you mean you have nothing to lose? I think when you become Christian you lose a lot of things. Your ability to judge your own actions, your ability to make your own decisions without relying on the consent of God. You have to physically go to church, which means you're losing time away from your home where you could be doing chores, or, time away from work, when you can make time and a half pay on Sundays.
I think that people can be just as good a person as any Christian, without all the church-going and Bible-thumping. I'm a nice person, a respectful person, and a considerate person, and I don't owe that to Jesus, or God, I owe it to my parents.
2006-07-28 04:06:34
answer #4
answered by Tessa ♥ 4
Please. If God loves us so much why does he let all the bs go on in this world? I don't accept Jesus because I can't accept a god who says he created us and says that he loves us and then sits around and watches young children suffer. Watches little babies get thrown against the wall, and be raped by a grown man with a 11 inch penis. No thanks. I think god is vain. People often use the analogy that God is our father, well, I'm a mother and NEVER would I allow my children to suffer, I would DO ALL within my power to help them and take them away from the suffering. This whole Christainity thing is the dumbest thing I've heard.
2006-07-28 04:11:32
answer #5
answered by Try You 2
Is this really how you bring people to Christ? Hey you have nothing better going on so why not be a Christian! I doubt this is a good argument that would help anyone. I will never be a Christian but I love Jesus. I don't worship him or anyone. God loves everyone no matter what religious group they claim or don't claim. Spread love and light up the world.
Love & Light
One Planet = One People
2006-07-28 04:10:41
answer #6
answered by skippingsunday 4
You just cannot expect to brainwash everyone the way u were brainwashed with the "Jesus Loves Us" theme...
one cannot get carried away by emotions coz that would lead to blind faith which i believe thousands n thousands of christians falling for this age old trick...
u must reason first... ARE U FOLLOWING what JESUS actually asked us to? - ur source? - some roadside preacher?
or a phoney multi millionaire preacher? - words and logical matter the most!!!
Check into the Bible - IS IT AUTHENTIC? - to me it isnt, reason - it has lost its originality - its not the WORD of God anymore, far too many man made additions, and eliminations. which the WORD OF GOD can never have!
im a muslim - and i love and respect jesus more than any christian - I challenge u on this! - its not just the lip-service that matters - for me to follow his guidance is enough!
- the Quran .
2006-07-28 04:16:48
answer #7
answered by lamine_3926 2
Nothing to lose? Sure there is... one's rational mind. Just take a look at these 'beliefs':
* a universe in which all that exists are the earth and heaven
* solid 'firmmament' structure (the sky) seperating the earth from heaven (terrarium earth)
* talking snakes (with legs) and donkeys
* shepherd staff turning into an asp
* demons chased out of people and into pigs
* friendly spirits
* evil spirits
* walking on water
* multiplying loaves and fishes
* food falling from the sky
* conception by a ghost
* people raising from the dead
* the sun stopping in its tracks
* parting seas
* people being bodily sucked up into heaven (which, by the way, lies on the 'other side' of the sky)
* world-wide flood that drowned the earth to a depth of 40 feet above the tallest mountain
* creating people from dust bunnies and ribs
* magical tree of knowledge
* god speaking from a burning bush
* ritual cannibalism, by eating god in the form of a cracker
It is quite evident that in a sane world, if someone were to go around asserting that ANY of those things represented an innate 'truth' pertaining to the nature of existence and reality, that person would end up being locked up in the 'State Farm for the Funny'. Oddly, though, MASS insanity seems to convey some sort of automatic immunity along with it, since hundreds of millions of people assert ALL of these things to be true, and nobody thinks anything of it (well... SOME of us do). Not only are these people NOT locked up, but it is considered to be bad manners... politically incorrect... 'intolerant'... to even call attention to the obvious insanity of these ideas. Yet approximately 62% of the adult population of the USA is INFECTED by what seems to be some sort of insidious brain virus, that is transmitted in the form of information.
How can this NOT be seen as a major problem... considering that this insane belief system has been DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for such historical aberrations as the Dark Ages and such atrocities as the Inquisition, the Salem Witch trials, the Crusades...? (the list goes on, and on, and on.)
So, how is it that the myths, superstitions, fairy tales and fantastical delusions of an ignorant bunch of Bronze Age fishermen and wandering goat herders have come to represent some kind of cosmic 'TRUTH'... without the least bit of credible evidence?
Sorry, but rational people have the moral duty and ethical responsibility to intervene to protect vulnerable minds from being contaminated by Bronze Age myths and wilful ignorance, for the sake of our nation, the world and humanity.
2006-07-28 04:09:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If Christians have chosen the wrong god then you could end up being tortured and roasted to a crisp for all eternity in someone else's hell, whereas we atheists will go to this other god's heaven because, whilst we didn't actually believe in him, we didn't believe in the wrong god either, which is infinitely more offensive to him.
If you really believe in such childish notions as gods and goddesses, you should be very worried indeed...
2006-07-28 04:08:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Preach it sister! I have accepted Jesus into my heart and He is very much alive and real!
Yes, you may lose some 'things', but it's for our own good. You have rules for your children, right? You don't let your children play out by a busy highway do you? You are protecting your children and so is God!
And there are only two places to go after you die. One is heaven and the other is hell. Heaven is beautiful and hell is hot. You can't get to heaven unless you believe! in Jesus and asked Him into your heart, for real.
2006-07-28 04:06:37
answer #10
answered by ~~Catbird Woman~~ 4
Thanks For Your Question :)
Well as a Muslim I love Jesus Christ allot I adore him actually just reading about him in The Quraan makes me love him more the only difference is that I believe that he is the messenger and the prophet of God ..not God himself
and it make sense because when I read the Bible I didn't find a single statement that Jesus said conflicting with my belief in fact he always says "My Father is greater than me " My Father is the one who sent me " and allot more statements like that... that's why I'm still a Muslim :)
2006-07-28 04:12:56
answer #11
answered by abouterachess 4