Islamic terrorism is inspired by Islamic teachings. We can never get rid of Islamic terrorism unless we defeat the ideology behind it and that is Islam itself. Islam induces hate backed by lies. Muhammad was a terrorist by his own admission. All Muslims, to the extent that they follow him, are terrorists. Those Muslims who are not terrorists are ignorant of Islam and are not good Muslims. Fortunately they are the majority. We need to rescue them. If you are a good human being, you are not a Muslim. Read this site and if you can't prove me wrong, which you certainly can't, leave this deceitful cult of hate and terror and join mankind. Don't be part of the Umma. Umma is fascism. It is divisive. It induces the hatred of others. Be part of humanity instead. Your ignorance is not an excuse. Pull your head out of the sand and face the truth, like we did.
Faith Freedom International is a grassroots worldwide movement of ex-Muslims and all those who are concerned about the rise of the Islamic threat. We want to bring humanity together, not by introducing yet another doctrine, which always ends up dividing mankind more, but by eliminating the doctrines that divide us. We want to abolish this evil 'Muslim vs. Kafir" dichotomy. Mankind is one family. Don't let narcissist men like Hitler and Muhammad sunder us with their big lies. Don't become the victim of the "divide and rule" policy of a psychopath.
Faith Freedom stands for freedom of faith. We are against Hate, not Faith. We revere human rights not human beliefs. We endeavor to be factually correct, not politically correct.
Do your part! Let this message out. Let us eradicate Islam and bring mankind together - the way God intended. Islam is the cancer of humanity. We can get rid of it. There is nothing we humans can't do. Mountains move aside to make way for those who are determined.
2006-07-25 03:52:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My grandparents are strong believers is Allah and they follow all the rules carefully. My parents raised my siblings and I to just have faith in Allah but not be fanatic about it all. There are some very good beliefs like not to charge interest, take showers five times a day, be generous, and things like that which I really like. But I do not a book to tell me that. I am not an atheist, but I refuse to believe that everything that is in the Bible and the Quran (I have read both) is true. There is so much pain and suffering that was caused to innocent people because of those two stupid books that are all made up anyways....
I have developed my own religion which is to be kind to everything that God created and help out others. I do not need to go to church every Sunday to learn that. Besides, there are so many people who commit horrible things, and then go to church and they say some prayers thinking that they are sinless once again. That just sounds ridiculous. No offense if you are that type of person; I just think that religion has been misunderstood for many centuries. It stands for love and peace. Not pain and suffering and of course CONTROL!
2006-07-24 08:10:49
answer #2
answered by italian_princess 2
Could you please support your opionin with facts. You said "quran says to kill all disbelievers! don't believe me? read your "glorious quran". " but without any proof how can you tell me that it tells to kill. As a matter of fact I have read the Holy Quran many times but never came across those verses which you are talking about. Well if you are talking about taking verses out of context then you may be right or else you are 100% wrong. I am open for an open minded discussion were we can clear things out, e-mail me
2006-07-24 08:19:44
answer #3
answered by askmuslims1 4
What it says is a command to the muslims that they can fight back against the people who were attacking them? So they were told to fight back in a war. Seems reasonable. As for the moongod part, christian arabs use Allah, and jesus used the same word in aramaic. Too much anis shorrosh for you i think. Islam is purely monotheistic, the same religion as the prophets and messengers Noah, Abraham, Moses. You can see the Bible for what Moses says about God being one, later repeated by Jesus as the most important commandment. If you think trinity is the same then good luck to you, and you certainly won't find trinity in the bible
2006-07-24 08:09:28
answer #4
answered by Aissa 3
i can't explain your question correctly but let me make this clear to u that Allah is not a moon god because like in Hinduism or any other religion Islam does not have gods such as sun gods, moon gods or any type of gods for a particular thing but it only has one god that is Allah u know and he is a god for every thing and not for any one or two things. so , i'm not trying to argue with u but instead i'm just trying to correct your mistake. I hope u understand me.
2014-06-11 00:58:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Christianity and Islam are the same religion who worship the same GOD.. This question should be asked to both religions and a whole lot more as well.
2006-07-24 08:05:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Read the bible. It tells you to kill non believers too.
Muslims don't believe in a moon god. They worship the same god Christians and Jews do. Get your facts straight.
2006-07-24 08:04:11
answer #7
answered by Girl Wonder 5
I'm not muslim, but I know better than that. All religious texts can be used by extremists to justify killing. That doesnt mean that is the correct interpretation. You ask for "real sources", yet you do not state your source. Maybe you should practice what you preach.
2006-07-24 08:07:54
answer #8
answered by Sara B 4
You are illeterate ignorant who talk in arrogance and filled with pride. The truth is Qur'an teaches equality peace tolerance love and teaches us not to attack other religions. I am Muslim peaceful tolerant educated. You are acting like cyber terrorist who has learn to hate and nothing more in life.
2006-07-24 08:11:05
answer #9
answered by A K 5
well....i wont give you a rude comment but i think (my opinion...freedom of speech) that you are a very ignorant person. if YOU actually read the'd know what it really says. so dont judge before you know the facts.
2006-07-24 08:04:25
answer #10
answered by amdirien 4