once your belly starts to get uncomfortable to sleep on your back you can start sleeping on your left side. baby will prefer it that way. after a while you'll start leaning left a lot. something about the internal organs and how their arranged. most baby books will support that.
2006-06-17 16:17:36
answer #1
answered by Informer 5
All i know is that when i was pregnant with my daughter sleeping on my side was more compfortable. Twoards the very end i couldnt stay asleep cuz i had to keep switching sides...and well my sides started to hurt so i slept on my back some. But i strongly recommend not to. And even that was uncompfortable. Enjoy the sleeping in a position while you can. Cuz once you get twoards the end comfort is not something that happens.
2006-06-17 23:51:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Avoid sleeping on your back. This will probably be painful anyway, but if it's not, it puts unnecessay pressure on your spine, and its best to avoid it.
Sleeping on the left side is best for you and baby, but the right side is okay too. Remember, pillows are your friends! As you get bigger, you will want more and more of them. By the time I was full term, I used one at my head, one between my knees, and a thin one that I slipped under my belly to hold it up and keep it comfy.
The joys!
2006-06-17 23:16:18
answer #3
answered by Melissa N 4
Every book I've read says to sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back could cut off oxygen to the baby. Do not lay on your back for longer than five minutes at a time.
2006-06-17 23:27:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
left side is best. Get the pregnancy pillow for support or comfort. I used a body pillow. It was a huge help. So try your best to only sleep on your left side.
2006-06-17 23:20:45
answer #5
answered by rachelnsocal 2
your suppose to sleep on ur left side because the pressure of the baby hit blood vessels ect, but i have a really bad back and ribs and i can only get to sleep on my back if you do sleep on ur back u must prop urself up with pillows because the weight of the baby presses against ur lungs and may make it hard for u to breathe. but how eva u sleep, sleep how u are most comfy
2006-06-17 23:28:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am pretty sure your sopoused to sleep on your left side, it gives best circulation of nutrients and things to the baby, I read it in almost every baby book
2006-06-17 23:18:51
answer #7
answered by Heather H 3
you can sleep on your side either one the one that you are most comfroable with and you can sleep on your back
2006-06-17 23:20:53
answer #8
answered by smartypants 2
If you can get comfortable do it. If I could have slept on my belly til the end I would have.
2006-06-17 23:18:12
answer #9
answered by KAT 2